
  • 网络Neo-Austrian School;School of Neo-Austrian;New-Australian School
  1. 新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

    Neo-Austrian School : Action School of Industrial Organization

  2. 哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。

    Harvard school , Chicago school , Neo-Austrian school , etc. employed dynamic methods to study competition .

  3. 新馆运行前期准备工作的组织与实施新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

    The organization and practice of the preparation for a new action library Neo-Austrian School : Action School of Industrial Organization

  4. 第二章,介绍了规模经济问题的理论观点。综述了马克思的有关理论观点,介绍了哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派有关钢铁产业规模经济的观点。

    The second chapter introduces theoretic views of steel industry scale economy including Marxism 、 Harvard School 、 Chicago School and Neo-Austrian school .

  5. 新奥地利学派的奠基者哈耶克的一些思想对今天西方经济思想的发展和经济政策主张的变化都有着重要而又深远的影响。

    Hayek , who is the founder of Neo-Austrian school , has great and deep impact to current development of western economic thoughts and economy cycle theory .

  6. 同时,产业组织理论的新奥地利学派也一直坚持市场竞争的动态性,他们的研究中含有大量的演化思想。

    At the same time , new Austria School always insist the dynamic of the market competition in the industrial organization theory , and contain large number thought of evolution .

  7. 芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。本文对这些理论进行全面而系统的阐述和分析。

    This paper makes an all-round and systematic analysis on modern theories of competition , such as the Chicago School of Economics and the Neo-Austrian School of Economics that analyze competition from a dynamic angle .