
  1. 但转向劳动密集型增长模式,将确保单位gdp增长带来更多的就业,或者让你手中的人民币产生更大的回报。

    But this switch to a capital-intensive growth model would ensure higher employment per unit of GDP growth or more bang for your Renminbi .

  2. 乡镇企业资本密集型增长及其对农民收入的影响分析

    CTEs ' Capital-Intensive Growth and Its Influence to Farmers ' Income

  3. 因此,更大规模的永久性城镇化能够刺激城镇地区的服务业发展和劳动密集型增长。

    Thus , more and permanent urbanization stimulates service sector development and labor intensive growth in urban areas .

  4. 第三,这种资金密集型增长,已导致能源需求迅速增加及就业的缓慢增长。

    Third , this capital-intensive growth has generated rapid increases in the demand for energy and low growth in employment .

  5. 更多的劳动密集型增长也将增加收入和消费,因此也能帮助减缓面对大量贸易盈余的尴尬。

    More labour-intensive growth would also boost incomes and consumption and so help to reduce China 's embarrassingly large trade surplus .

  6. 最后,资源密集型增长模式已触及极限,尤其是水资源,这种资源不是可直接交易的大宗商品。

    Finally , the resource-intensive growth pattern is hitting limits , notably of water , which is not a directly tradeable commodity .

  7. 乡镇企业是农民工资性收入的重要来源,是农业剩余劳动力转移的重要途径,然而乡镇企业资本密集型增长方式却导致吸纳劳动力能力下降。

    CTEs are vital source of farmers ' income and important places to transfer rural surplus labors , but their capital-intensive growth mode leads to decrease of their absorbing labor force ability .

  8. 在短期内,这场投资繁荣将刺激通货膨胀,这是源自于其高度资源密集型的增长特点。

    In the short run , the investment boom will fuel inflation , owing to the highly resource-intensive character of growth .

  9. 或者,中国也可能靠纠正存在的经济扭曲现象而从继续前行,尤其是纠正以出口密集型的增长战略转变为扩大自身内需的经济增长战略。

    Or it can surge ahead by correcting existing economic distortions , especially by moving away from an export intensive growth strategy toward one that develops demand at home .

  10. 这种转变的结果将导致更加劳动密集型的增长,创造更多的城市就业,并由劳动力需求上升对工资产生上行压力。

    Such a shift would result in more labor-intensive growth , with more urban job creation as well as more upward pressure on wages from the higher demand for labor .

  11. 随着知识经济来临,经济增长方式逐步由劳动力密集型经济增长转向资本密集、知识密集型增长方式。

    Approaches along with the knowledge economy , The economical growth way gradually changes the capital by the labor force crowded economy growth to be crowded , the knowledge-intensive growth transformation .

  12. 中国经济的迅速增长及其资源高度密集型的增长方式,是最重要的因素。预计今年中国经济增速仍将达到10%,2009年也将在9%以上。

    China 's rapid and highly resource-intensive growth is the most important factor : growth there is still expected to be 10 per cent this year and more than 9 per cent in 2009 .

  13. 直到不久前,中国的大部分海外投资还集中在亚洲、拉美和非洲,因为中国希望获得自然资源,用于驱动其大宗商品密集型的增长引擎。

    Until recently , most overseas Chinese investments have been in Asia , Latin America and Africa , as the state seeks to secure the natural resources needed to fuel its commodity-intensive growth engine .

  14. 随着基于集群系统的I/O密集型应用日益增长,要求集群系统具有高性能的I/O系统。

    With the increasing of I / O-intensive applications on cluster system has come on demand for high performance I / O system .

  15. 前四个月,知识密集型服务贸易持续增长,突破7300亿元。

    Trade of knowledge-intensive services has been rising in the first four months , exceeding 730 billion yuan .

  16. 虽然我国拥有廉价劳动力的优势,劳动密集型产品出口迅速增长,但是出口产品的技术含量不高,技术资本密集型产品对外贸易竞争力不强;

    China has the competitive advantage of the low-cost labor force , but technology elements of its exports is not high ;

  17. 轻工业部门和劳动密集型产业的较快增长,不仅提高了中国工业的总体效率,而且为缓解目前日益严峻的失业问题发挥了重要作用。

    The faster growth of light industries and labor-intensive industries not only improves the overall efficiency of China 's manufacturing industry , but also contributes to alleviating unemployment issues .

  18. 转向劳动密集型的城市经济增长还有助于减少农业中的富余劳动力,从而提高农村人均收入,进而扩大农村消费能力。

    More labor-intensive urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well , thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside .

  19. 但是,中国的经济增长,是建立在能源密集型产业投资大幅增长和煤炭使用量增长近一倍的基础上的,同时还伴随着普遍的空气和水污染,这令公众越来越愤怒。

    But the growth has been built on a surge in investment in energy-intensive industries and a near-doubling in coal use , and accompanied by widespread air and water pollution that has drawn growing public anger .

  20. 在十五前四年,技术进步贡献率有很大提高,我国汽车工业由资金密集型转为技术密集型,经济增长方式实现了由粗放型向集约型的转变。

    During the first four years of " tenth five years plan ", the contribute rate of technology investment was increasing a lot . Our automotive industry turned from fund-intensive to technology intensive . Extensive economic growth turned into intensive economic growth .

  21. 结果表明中国服务贸易出口结构变动缓慢,劳动密集型和资源依赖型的服务贸易出口仍然占有绝对优势,尽管技术与资本密集型服务贸易出口增长迅速,但比重不高;

    As a result , it shows that the export change is very slow , traditional labor-intensive and resource-dependent service trade is still taking up the dominant advantage , but the technology-intensive and capital-intensive service trade is developing very quickly .