
  • 网络new wall materials
  1. 新型墙体材料的发展与应用优势

    Development and Using Superiority of New Wall Materials

  2. 新型墙体材料围护结构热工性能测试与分析方法研究

    Test and Analysis Methods of Thermal Performance Envelope Structure Prepared by New Wall Materials

  3. 附录部分还着重介绍了一种由本人牵头研制的,并已取得国家专利的新型墙体材料KGC复合轻质隔墙板,详细说明了该产品成型工艺,施工作法,安装构造、工程应用。

    It has been gotten the national patent . The molding arts , construction technique , install constitution and engineering application of this wallboard are demonstrated in detail .

  4. 山东省掺工业废渣新型墙体材料天然放射性水平调查

    Survey of naturally radioactive level of some new type wall materials

  5. 新型墙体材料&瓦斯泥粉煤灰砖

    A new material for wall-gas silt and pulverized fuel ash brick

  6. 蒸压粉煤灰砖是一种新型墙体材料。

    Autoclaved Flyash-lime brick is a new type material of wall .

  7. 新型墙体材料裂缝分析及治理

    Analysis and treatment of the cracks of new-type wall materials

  8. 造纸废渣和污泥的综合利用&生产新型墙体材料

    The utilization of residue and sludge of papermaking producing novel wall material

  9. 通过期望成本分析新型墙体材料的使用

    Analysing the Using of New-Type Wall Materials Through Expection Cost

  10. 煤矸石烧结多孔砖新型墙体材料施工技术

    Coal waste rock agglomerated lacunaris bricks-constructing skills of a new wall material

  11. 新型墙体材料工业节能环保型隧道窑的设计

    Design of energy-saving and environment protective tunnel kiln in wall material industrial

  12. 新型墙体材料综合评价体系的应用

    Application of comprehensive evaluation system of new wall material

  13. 聚苯乙烯泡沫球在新型墙体材料中的应用研究

    The applied research of PS bead use in new type of wall materials

  14. 利用地方资源,开发设计建筑节能新型墙体材料

    Develop New-type Straw Fiber Walling Material with Local Supplies

  15. 承重新型墙体材料&混凝土小型空心砌块的应用

    Appliance of new type bearing wall material , the minitype concrete building block

  16. 重庆市新型墙体材料发展对策及应用技术研究

    The Study on Development Strategy and Application Technology of New Wall Materials in Chongqing

  17. 新型墙体材料发展状况;

    Development situation of new wall materials ;

  18. 利用引黄工程淤泥生产新型墙体材料的研究与应用

    Using directs the yellow project silt production new wall material the research and the application

  19. 我省新型墙体材料的发展和改革

    Development and reformation of Anhui wall materials

  20. 并对进一步发展新型墙体材料提出了3点建议。

    Finally it puts forward three proposals of further development of the new pattern walling materials .

  21. 新型墙体材料的广泛使用使得传统普通砂浆的局限性凸现。

    The deficiency of traditional cement mortar is exposed when the new walling materials were used broadly .

  22. 装饰混凝土砌块乃集结构、功能、装饰于一体的新型墙体材料。

    Decorative concrete block , a new kind of wall material , integrates structure with function and decoration .

  23. 加气混凝土砌块作为新型墙体材料,已广泛应用于建筑市场。

    As a new material for wall , aerated concrete blocks have been widely used in building market .

  24. 指出混凝土小型空心砌块是一种节能型的新型墙体材料。

    It points out that the small-sized concrete hollow block is a news type of energy saving wall material .

  25. 该墙板的有限元分析为这种新型墙体材料结构构造的进一步优化提供了理论依据。

    The finite element analysis provides a scientific theory guide for the further optimization of the composite wall slab .

  26. 为了配合新型墙体材料&轻质高强复合墙板的研制、开发和生产,本课题对该墙板生产所需的普通硅酸盐水泥复合速凝早强剂进行了试验研究和初步应用研究。

    This paper was carried on experiment research and preliminary application for A New Rapid-setting and high early strength cement .

  27. 原材料中粉煤灰和炉渣中天然放射性水平较高,是新型墙体材料放射性的主要来源。

    Fly-ash and slag contain higher NORM , which contributes the major part of the radioactivity in new wall materials .

  28. 多孔砖砌体是一种新型墙体材料,有不同于普通实心砖砌体的受力影响因素。

    Perforated brick masonry is a new wall materials , it has the different affect factors to ordinary brick masonry .

  29. 尽管新型墙体材料有许多优点,但是普通实心粘土砖仍有广大市场。

    Although new-type wall materials have many advantages , common solid bricks still occupy large proportion of the wall material market .

  30. 结果表明,研究形成的新型墙体材料综合评价体系合理可行,具有很好的实用性和准确性。

    The result shows that comprehensive evaluation system of new wall material is reasonable and feasible and also good in practicability and veracity .