
  • 网络New military revolution;rma
  1. 而新军事革命所产生的各种技术和理论,使美国能以相对较小的代价、较少的附带损伤和较大的战略灵活性取得达到其战略意图。

    All kinds of technology and theories from RMA make America get its strategic purpose by less cost , less accessional lesion and more strategic lightness .

  2. 辅助性要素的变革指的是训练与国防工业的变革,它是新军事革命顺利进行的保障。

    Assistant factors refer to the revolution of training and military industry which assures the prosperous march of RMA .

  3. 介绍了联合作战的概念,着重分析了C4I在联合作战中的地位和作用、新军事革命对C4I的影响,并提出了几点看法。

    This paper discusses the concept of joint operation , with the emphasis on the analyses of the roles and position of C 4I in joint operation , the effect of the New Military Revolution on C 4I . In the end , some views are suggested .

  4. 迎接世界新军事革命调整国防工业产业组织结构

    On adjusting the organization structure of national defense industry and enterprises

  5. 新军事革命与跨世纪我军后勤发展

    The new military revolution and pla 's cross-century Logistic Development

  6. C~4I系统在新军事革命中的应用

    Applications of C ~ 4I System in New Military Revolution

  7. 新军事革命与战场信息可视化

    New Military Revolution and Battlefield Information Visualization

  8. 新军事革命的若干理论问题&记博士生导师梁必骎少将与博士生们的一次对话

    Some Theoretical Issues of New Military Revolution

  9. 新军事革命对我国国防的影响及前瞻性思考

    The Influence of New Military Revolution on China National Defense , and Prospects for It

  10. 新军事革命与C~4I系统

    New Military Revolution & C 4I

  11. 信息素养成为这场新军事革命的核心,在信息化战争中起着决定性的作用。

    Information Literacy become the core of the new military revolution , plays a decisive role in the information war .

  12. 本文阐述了在新军事革命的条件下,外军质量建设的发展趋势的问题。

    This article elucidates the development tendency of the quality construction of foreign forces under circumstances of the new military revolution .

  13. 强大的国防必须有一个面向新军事革命需求、领军世界科技前沿、瞄准国防和军队现代化趋势的国防科技创新组织系统。

    Research on Present Situation and Countermeasures of Innovative System of Science and Technology for National Scientific and Technological Innovation Trial-City of Hefei ;

  14. 指出信息化战争是新军事革命的产物,重视和发展战场信息可视化技术是打赢信息化战争的关键。

    The result of new military revolution is information warfare and the key of winning information warfare is battlefield information visualization are pointed out .

  15. 深入研究全球信息栅格技术对于提高我军信息化建设水平,推进以信息技术革命为主体的新军事革命,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to make a profound study of the GIG so that our army 's new military revolution can be propelled .

  16. 随着新军事革命进一步深化,世界各国为寻求军事制高点,大力推进军队信息化建设。

    With the further deepening of the new military revolution , the countries in the world to seek military high ground , energetically promote IT development .

  17. 遵循新军事革命的发展趋势,我军确立了建设信息化军队、打赢未来信息化战争的军队建设目标。

    Keep to the trend of new military revolution , our army has established the goal of constructing the information technology military and winning the information warfare .

  18. 这次新军事革命深刻地改变着军事斗争的旧有面貌,导致整个军事领域一系列革命性的质的重大变化。

    This new military transformation is greatly changing the old features of military struggles , thus resulting in a series of tremendous revolutionary and qualitative changes throughout the military field .

  19. 军队正处于世界新军事革命的前沿,信息战成为现代战争的主要样式。

    The army is being placed in the foreland of new military revolution in the world , and the information war is becoming the main style of the modern war .

  20. 从其与安全环境的关系来看,对全球安全环境及其蕴藏的对美国利益的威胁的解释和表述支撑和制约着美国的新军事革命;

    From the relationship between it and security environment , the explanation and description on the whole globe 's security environment the threat of American benefits support and limit American RMA ;

  21. 从不对称原理出发,就如何应对以信息技术为核心的新军事革命的挑战,提出了发展信息技术装备的若干观点。

    Also some proposals to upgrade Chinese military IT are made in terms of asymmetry principle in the paper , so as to cope with the challenge of the new military revolution .

  22. 当前的一场新军事革命引发了全球性的军事技术、武器装备、作战平台、战争样式和战略思想等全领域的彻底变革。

    An entirely global change triggered by the current revolution of military affairs occurs in all fields from military technology to weapon equipment , from campaign flat to battle mode and stratagem idea .

  23. 在世界面临新军事革命的重要时期,认真研究美国军队21世纪的领导观,具有重要的借鉴意义。

    In the period when the world is faced with a new military revolution , it is of important significance to study the leadership outlook of the 21st century American army for our reference .

  24. 通过分析军医大学军事医学教育现状,结合新军事革命新形式,从四个方面讨论了军事医学教育改革问题。

    By analyzing the present situation of military medical education at military medical universities and integrating the new form of new military revolution , we discussed the innovations of military medical education from four aspects .

  25. 伴随19世纪70年代世界新军事革命的兴起,信息化战争成为继冷兵器战争、热兵器战争和机械化战争之后的又一新的战争形态。

    Accompanied by the new worldwide military revolution which initiated in nineteen-seventies , information war became a new form of the war after the cold weapon war , hot weapon war and the machinery war .

  26. 第三部分阐述信息战给美国国家安全带来的三个影响:领导新军事革命,改变国家安全观念,捍卫国家安全的新思路。

    Part three explain three influence that the information war brings to American national security : Lead the new military revolution , change the national security idea , the new thought of safeguarding the national security .

  27. 新军事革命是军事领域一次全而的变革,它不仅包括高技术武器系统、信息化作战平台、全方位后勤保障,还包括系统化的兵员管理。

    The new military revolution is a full-scale change in the military field , which includes not only high-tech weapons systems , information warfare platform and full-range logistical support but also the systematic management of the troops .

  28. 武警部队的院校诞生于世界新军事革命和我国军事战略转移的关键时期,形成和发展于改革开放和社会主义市场经济的新形势下。

    The college of armed police forces emerged at the crucial time of new military revolution and military strategy transfer in China . And it formed and developed under the new situation of reform and socialism market economy .

  29. 以信息技术为核心的新军事革命正在引起军事领域的深刻变革,这场变革的实质是工业社会的机械化军事形态向信息社会的信息化军事形态转变。

    The new military revolution taking information technology as the core is causing the deep change of the military field , the essence of this change is the mechanized military shape of the industrial society is transformed into informational military shape of the information society .

  30. 新军事技术革命与国防科技体系调整的原则

    The new military revolution and the principles for defense scientific and technological system readjustment