
  1. 最大的隐患是新供给的井喷。

    The biggest worry of all is the rush of new supply .

  2. 然而,由于新供给制度的路径受初始制度安排的影响,制度变迁显示出强烈的路径依赖特征。

    However , the institution transition shows strong characteristics of path dependence because of the effects of the initial institution .

  3. 对于许多大宗商品来说,尤其是能源和金属,新供给需要5至10年的较长时间才能交货。

    For many commodities , particularly energy and metals , new supply requires long lead times of five to 10 years .

  4. 尽管待售公寓数量增加一定程度上是因为新供给的加入,但最近的增加大部分都与现存的合作房产已连续闲置数月相关。

    While some of the rise results from new developments coming on line , much of the latest increase has to do with existing co-operative properties sitting around for months on end .

  5. 基于VEC模型的中国新能源供给市场特征分析

    The Market Characteristics of New Energy Supply in China Based on the VEC Model

  6. 为新员工供给充实的培训。

    Provide adequate training to new hires .

  7. 又或者人类是否拥有能够更有效利用现有原材料,并发现新材料供给源的智慧?

    Or will human ingenuity lead to the more efficient use of existing raw materials and the discovery of new sources of supply ?

  8. 进一步的,本文总结出企业家不但是制度需求者,且能够间接提供新制度供给。

    Furthermore , the entrepreneur innovation activity has 3 paths , in which entrepreneur is not only the institution-demander but also the indirect new institution-supplier .

  9. 我们的发现与住宅理论模型是一致的,那就是对新住宅供给的限制降低了低价位住宅的供给。

    We find that , consistent with theoretical models of housing , restrictions on the supply of new units lower the supply of affordable units .

  10. 受到价格上涨刺激但因为人员设备短缺而推迟的正在开发的新石油供给有多少?

    How large will be the flow of new oil supplies that have been stimulated by the rising prices and have been under development but were delayed by shortages of people and equipment ?

  11. 在这场制度变迁过程中,农村养老保险存在旧制度功能弱化、新制度供给与农民需求的失衡以及新制度对农民的歧视等问题。

    But during the change , there still exists the function weakness of the old system , and the unbalance between new system providing and peasants requirement and discrimination of new system against peasants .

  12. 要实现农民潜在的养老需求,即制度变迁的潜在收益,需要进行制度创新,增加新制度供给。

    To implement the pension demands of the peasants ' potential , the potential benefits of institutional change , it is needed to carry the institutional innovation to increase the supply of the new system .

  13. 新的石油供给可以减少欧盟对俄罗斯的能源依赖。

    The new fuel supplies will reduce the EU 's energy dependence on Russia .

  14. 新经济的供给与需求

    Supply & Demand in New Economy

  15. 通常只有在制度变迁的预期收益大于预期成本时,政府提供新的制度供给才有可能。

    Generally , government may supply institution only if anticipating profits of institutional change exceeds anticipating costs .

  16. 对于第三产业比重为什么会增加,现有的解释主要是新古典经济学供给&需求的分析范式。

    The answers available to this question have stemmed from the Demand-Supply Model of the Neo-classic economics .

  17. 面对美国的压力,日本和韩国也正物色新的石油供给来源。

    In the face of the US pressure , Japan and South Korea are also looking for new oil suppliers .

  18. 接下来是对俄罗斯税收制度的分析,特别是利用新自由主义供给经济学的拉弗曲线分析了俄罗斯税率与税收收入之间的关系。

    Then , after analyzing Russian budget system , it probes into the relationship between the tax rate and tax income .

  19. 一部分新资金将供给迪拜世界,确保其履行即将到期的若干债务。

    Some of the new money will now go to Dubai world to make sure it meets some of its forthcoming obligations .

  20. 任何自主的经济主体,应该积极主动地寻找和创造新的有效供给,使社会分工得到扩展,从而引导和培育新的需求。

    Any independent economic subject should initiatively seek for and produce new effective supply to expand social division of labor , to guide and develop new demand .

  21. 2011年海啸引发核危机之后日本就关闭了核电站,从那以后资源贫乏的日本就一直在奋力寻求新的能源供给来源。

    The move comes as resource-poor Japan has struck out in search of new energy supplies after it shut down its stable of nuclear reactors in the wake of 2011 's tsunami-sparked nuclear crisis .

  22. 机器人运用他们所学到的关于人类的知识,找到了一种新的能源供给:从人类的身体上,提取生物能,热能以及动能。

    Applying what they had learned about their enemy , the machines turned to an alternate and readily available power supply : the bioelectric , thermal , and kinetic energies of the human body .

  23. 环境中的振动能量无处不在,将环境中流失的振动能收集起来,转换成电能并采集利用,将会为人类社会带来新的能源供给方式,以缓解社会对能源的需求。

    If the losses of the vibration energy in the environment can be collected and converted to electrical energy , it will bring new energy supply mode for human society and relieve the energy crisis .

  24. 为中低收入家庭建立住房保障制度,构建新公共住房供给模式是解决中低收入家庭住房问题的有效举措,具有极其重要的意义。

    The establishment of the housing security system and the new pattern of public housing supply for the middle-income and low-income families are the effective measures to solve their housing problems , it has an extremely important meaning .

  25. 中国和印度经济的快速发展使两国对进口石油的依赖程度不断上升,两国在世界各地寻求新的石油供给来源的过程中形成相互竞争的态势。

    Both China and India emerge increasingly more and more demands on the import oil as their rapid economic growth rises . Due to this fact , the two countries seek new oil supply source all over the world , gradually forming a mutually competitive tendency .

  26. 解决我国公立大学中的委托&代理问题,需要重新构建合理的委托代理关系,这方面有赖于大学治理结构的突破,也有赖于政府新的制度供给。

    In order to solve the principal-agent problems existing in Chinese public universities , some new reasonable relationship between the principal party and the agent should be constructed . This will rely on the breakthrough of university adminstration structure , as well as the government 's new system supply .

  27. 新农村公共服务供给:问题与对策

    New Public Service Supply in Rural Areas : Problems and Countermeasures

  28. 公私部门伙伴关系模式:新农村基础设施供给的新选择

    Public Private Partnership Model : The New Choice of New Countryside Infrastructure Supply

  29. 改革传统的管理与服务方式,建立新的公共物品供给体系,满足社区不断增长的需求,已成为城市社区建设的中心任务。

    It is essential for building up urban communities to reform traditional administration and service methods , to set up the new supply system of public goods so as to meet the increasing demand of community .

  30. 然后按照双燃料发动机开发改造项目要求对原柴油机燃料供给系统进行改造设计,增加了一套新的天然气供给系统,并对这套供给系统进行了介绍。

    Then , the original diesel engine fuel supply system was reformed and designed according to requirements of the dual fuel engine development and design project . A set of natural gas supply system was added and introduced in papers .