
  1. 以LED大屏幕为代表的户外电子媒介是一种既激进挑战了传统的电视概念、又将人们以全新途径聚集的新传播技术的文化景观。

    As represented by open space electronic media , LED big screen is a radical challenge to the traditional concept of TV . It also turns to the cultural landscape of the new communication technologies by a new way .

  2. 新传播技术的发展促进了媒介形态的演变。

    The development of new communication technologies promotes the evolution of media forms .

  3. 新传播技术的出现创造了新的作品形式,提供了新的作品使用手段,并引发诸多新的问题,对版权法传统概念、传统规则形成了巨大冲击。

    The new communication technology creates new forms of works , provides new means to make use of works , produces many new problems as well as exerts new great impact on the traditional theories of copyright law .

  4. 每一种新的传播技术的诞生都会给社会带来或大或小的变化。

    Every invention of new communication technology will bring large or small changes to the society .

  5. 随着新媒体传播技术的发展,人际传播进入了一个全新时代。

    With the development of new media technology , the interpersonal communication has entered a new era .

  6. 新生代农民工对新媒体传播技术的主动采纳和广泛使用,在一定程度上模糊了他们对自我身份的认同。

    The initiative acceptation and extensive usage of new media technologies , has obscured their own identity to a certain degree .

  7. 本文论证了在新的传播技术下,传统合理使用规则应受到必要的限制,版权所涉及的权利亟待重新配置。

    As new spread technology existed , traditional rule of reasonable employment should be limited and rights concerned needed to be re-collocated .

  8. 随着媒介竞争的日趋激烈,新的传播技术广泛应用与大众传播中,大众传播越来越呈现出分众化的趋势。

    With the fierce competition of media and the widely application of new communication technologies , the mass media present a trend of audience segmentation .

  9. 在网络和新的传播技术的领域里,志同道合的团体会彼此进行沟通讨论,到最后他们的想法和原先一样,只是形式上变得更极端了。

    In the areas of internet and newly communication technology , the original radical point of view will stay the same but more adventurous in form .

  10. 随着新的传播技术的发展,越来越多的人成为信息产品的生产者,有了更多发布信息的机会。

    With the new spread of technology development , more and more people become producers of information products , and information producers have more chance of release information .

  11. 总之,在全球化背景下,国内外营销策略的比较以及新的传播技术等都成为中国影视纪录片国际市场营销策略研究重点关注的对象。

    In short , in the context of globalization , domestic and international marketing strategy as well as the comparison of new communication technologies have become the focus of Chinese film documentary study on international marketing strategy .

  12. 作者认为,作为一项新的传播技术,手机无疑在连通各种社会关系方面具有积极的意义,但是,我们也不能因此而忽略了这样一种新的传播手段所隐含的负面效果。

    The author finds that mobile phones , as a new technology of communication , are playing an active role in connecting various roles in the society . However , we should never ignore the negative effects of the new communication technology .

  13. 视听教学是一个新的教育传播技术。

    Audiovisual instruction is a new Technology for Educational Communications .

  14. 由此可见,流媒体的发展同媒介融合是一个相互作用的过程,在媒介融合的过程中,新的信息传播技术发挥着重要作用。

    This shows that the development of streaming and media convergence is a process of interaction .

  15. 创新、灵活和社会交流,作为新的信息与传播技术的核心要素,有助于我们实现这些目标。

    The innovation , flexibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of new information and communication technologies can support these goals .

  16. 由于网络传播等新技术和新型传播技术的出现,技术手段开始审慎的在表达自由的保护与约束中小心翼翼但却越来越多地发挥更大的作用。

    Due to the emergence of Internet communication and new transmission technology , technological means have been applied prudently but substantially in the protection and regulation of expression freedom .