
  • 网络FREY WILLE;The Sphinx
  1. 这只狮子是个丑怪的斯芬克斯,跟他们一样迷失在这黑暗的深渊里。

    The lion was a monster Sphinx which was astray like them in that Gulf of darkness .

  2. 有可能梅里安使用了放大镜来捕捉画中所描绘的斯芬克斯飞蛾的裂舌细节。

    It 's possible Merian used a magnifying glass to capture the detail of the split tongues of sphinx moths depicted in the painting .

  3. 登上大沙丘之巅,终于目睹了雄伟的吉萨大金字塔(theGreatPyramid),两座护卫在侧的小金字塔,当然还有神话中恶贯满盈的斯芬克斯石像。

    As you summit a massive sand dune , you catch the first glimpse of the Great Pyramid , flanked by two smaller pyramids and the infamous stone-faced sphinx . Now , the reality .

  4. 毋庸置疑,最具埃及风格的是大金字塔和吉萨的斯芬克斯(Sphinx,带翼的狮身女怪)。

    Of course the site that is most synonymous with the image of Egypt is the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at Giza .

  5. 这个雄性的斯芬克斯是神的代理人。

    The anorosphinx is a proxy , an agent of that power .

  6. 根据希腊传说,斯芬克斯是个无所不知的妖怪。

    According to Greek legend , the Sphinx was an omniscient creature .

  7. 你是否亲眼目睹法老任命斯芬克斯?

    Were you there when the pharaohs commissioned the Sphinx ?

  8. 发现在斯芬克斯后面有条密道。

    There 's a secret passageway behind the sphinx .

  9. 实际上,女人的需要就是一道连斯芬克斯夜解不开的谜。

    Actually what women want is a riddle that would stump the Sphinx .

  10. 有时景观还会被改进--比如斯芬克斯(狮身人面像)竟然隆鼻了。

    Sometimes improvements were made -- even the Sphinx got a nose job .

  11. 古希腊底比斯城长着双翼的斯芬克斯也许是希腊神话中最知名的怪物。

    The winged Sphinx of Thebes was probably the best-known monster in Greek mythology .

  12. 即使是今天,还流传着“斯芬克斯的智慧”这样的谚语。

    And even today " the wisdom of the Sphinx " is still proverbial .

  13. 人的本质问题是古今中外的思想家、哲学家求之不解的斯芬克斯之谜。

    The essence of human beings is an unsolved sphinx riddle haunting the thinkers and philosophers throughout the history of mankind .

  14. 酒店里面有一个类似古埃及斯芬克斯的巨大雕像,和一个类似图坦卡门国王墓葬的建筑。

    There is a huge statue like an ancient Egyptian sphinx , and a burial place like that of King Tutankhamen .

  15. 你可以看到一些小一些的金字塔和斯芬克斯,这是一座巨大的狮身人面石头雕像。

    You can see the smaller pyramids and the Sphinx , the great stone statue of the lion with a human head .

  16. 斯芬克斯(也称狮身人面像)是一些巨石雕像,它们有着倾斜的狮身和人的头像。

    Sphinxes are massive stone statues that depict the body of a reclining lion with the head and face of a human .

  17. 我觉得,如果我滔滔不绝地讲起来,人们就会把贝弗里奇参议员称作沃巴什的伟大的小斯芬克斯石像。

    I feel like if I once turned loose people would begin to call Senator Beveridge the Grand Young Sphinx of the Wabash .

  18. 长期以来,她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜,人们视作者为英国文学中的斯芬克斯。

    For a long time , people considered the author as a " Sphinx " in British literature because her work has age-old riddles .

  19. 伊利里欧指出了旁边那个曾经屹立着第二座斯芬克斯像的而长满了苔藓和开花藤蔓的光滑石台。

    Illyrio pointed out the smooth stone plinth on which the second sphinx once stood , now grown over with moss and flowering vines .

  20. 现在躺在我们面前这个黑棺材里的斯芬克斯所能讲的也不外乎活人在两天前所写下的这段话:

    here too on the black coffin the sphynx gave us no answer to what he who lay within had written two days before :

  21. (希腊神话)旋风之一;百头巨怪和厄喀德那之子;刻尔柏洛斯、客迈拉和斯芬克斯之父。

    ( Greek mythology ) one of the whirlwinds ; son of Typhoeus and Echidna ; father of Cerberus and the Chimera and the Sphinx .

  22. 马克思把按劳分配规定为资产阶级权利,这是《哥达纲领批判》中的一个斯芬克斯之谜。

    Marx defined distribution according to work as " the right of capitalist class ", which is a Sphinx riddle in Critique On Guiding Principle of Gotha .

  23. 斯芬克斯在古代希腊神话中是一个带翼的狮身女面怪物,专杀那些猜不出其谜语的人。

    Sphinx is a winged creature in the Greek mythology , having the head of a woman and the body of a lion , noted for killing those who could not answer its riddle .

  24. 斯芬克斯只说过一次话。斯芬克斯说:“一粒沙子就是一片沙漠,一片沙漠就是一粒沙子;现在再让我们沉默下去吧。”

    The Sphinx spoke only once , and the Sphinx said ," A grain of sand is a desert , and a desert is a grain of sand ; and now let us all be silent again . "

  25. 奥狄普斯因为解答斯芬克斯之谜的过分聪明,所以应该陷入纷乱的罪恶旋涡。狄尔斐之神阿波罗是这样的解释希腊古史的。

    it was because of his extravagant wisdom which succeeded in solving the riddle of the Sphinx that Oedipus had to be cast into a whirlpool of crime : in this fashion does the Delphic god interpret the Greek past .

  26. 提起埃及文明,我们首先浮现在脑海中的,可能是巍峨的金字塔、神秘的斯芬克斯像,当然还会有美艳的奈菲尔提提王后头像。

    When we mentioned ancient Egyptian civilization , perhaps it is the majestic Great Pyramid , the silent sphinx in the yellow sand which will come into our brain . Of course , there will be glamorous head sculpture of queen Nefertiti .

  27. 同时也希望通过展示希斯克利夫的创作过程,使我们对艾米莉勃朗特有更深、更透彻的理解,为这个英国文学史上的“斯芬克斯”之谜增添新的注释,赋予它以新的灵魂。

    It tries at the same time to help the reader get a deeper understanding of Emily bronte , the Sphinx in English literature and give her a new interpretation and spirit through the revealing of the process of the creation of heathcliff .

  28. 真正解答了哲学史上关于自由问题的斯芬克斯之谜&人在本性上是自由的,自由是人的存在方式,自由是人的类生命的实现和发展。

    It explains the freedom issue " riddle of the Sphinx " in the philosophy history - human in the natural disposition is free truly , free is human 's existence way , free is the human " a kind of life " realization and development .