
  • 网络swarthmore college;Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA
  1. 斯沃斯莫尔学院语言学副教授K•大卫•哈里森说,失去语言意味着失去知识。

    Losing languages means losing knowledge , says K.David Harrison , an assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College .

  2. 从上个申请季到目前的这个申请季,以学术严谨闻名全美的斯沃斯莫尔学院(SwarthmoreCollege)改变了对需要通过竞争才能就读该校的申请者的要求。

    BETWEEN the last application season and the current one , Swarthmore College , a school nationally renowned for its academic rigor , changed the requirements for students vying to be admitted into its next freshman class .

  3. 吉姆·博克(JimBock)是斯沃斯莫尔学院的招生负责人,他说,该校为申请人减轻入学文书的负担,目的不是增加申请人数,而是确保有突出优点的学生不会错过斯沃斯莫尔,反之亦然。

    JIM BOCK , Swarthmore 's dean of admissions , said that by lightening the essay load for its current applicants , the college was less concerned about boosting its overall number of applicants than about making sure candidates of great merit didn 't miss out on Swarthmore and vice versa .

  4. 艾米巴格,斯沃斯莫尔学院的一名物理学家,曾调查了这个偏见问题。

    Amy Bug , a physicist at Swarthmore University , examined the bias question .

  5. 并非只有斯沃斯莫尔学院想要为申请者消除一些障碍。

    Swarthmore is hardly alone in its desire to eliminate impediments to a bounty of applicants .

  6. 斯沃斯莫尔学院要求的申请材料比之前要求的还多了一点,也超出了许多录取十分严苛的学校。

    This was slightly more material than Swarthmore had previously requested , and it was more than many other highly selective schools demanded .

  7. 同时,威廉姆斯学院连续第14年被列为最佳文理学院,阿默斯特学院、韦尔斯利学院、斯沃斯莫尔学院位列2-4位。

    Meanwhile , Willams College was ranked the top liberal arts college for the 14th consecutive year , followed by Amherst , Wellesley and Swarthmore .

  8. 但斯沃斯莫尔学院今年的申请人,会充分考虑它是否适合自己,去那里读书是否去对了地方吗?

    But will Swarthmore 's applicants this year give quite as much thought to its suitability for them , to whether it 's the right home ?

  9. 比起别的学校,他说,斯沃斯莫尔学院较为抗拒这种趋势——那里没有水上公园——但并未完全免疫。

    Swarthmore , he said , has resisted the trend more than other colleges - no water park there - but has not been immune to it .

  10. 然后我就去了斯沃斯莫尔,当了副院长和主任,负责斯沃斯莫尔学院的教学辅助工作。

    And I went to Swarthmore as an associate dean and director of supportive services at Swarthmore Colleges .