
  • 网络Patch distribution;patchiness;Patchy distribution;patchiess
  1. 红树林斑块分布对鸟类影响比较复杂,一方面斑块生境异质性高,可以吸引不同类型鸟类,另一方面又导致了红树林生境的破碎化,减少了鸟类的活动空间,从而导致鸟类种类和数量的减少。

    The effect of patchy-distribution of mangrove on birds was complexity .

  2. 放牧和围封条件下羊草碱化草地中斑块分布格局研究

    Patch dynamics of alkaline Leymus chinensis grassland under grazed and ungrazed conditions

  3. 聚类结果表明,每个居群均可被聚为两类,但仅有虹口居群聚类结果与样品地理分布对应。表明大百合在区域内的分布存在斑块分布和随机混杂分布两种情况。

    UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the distribution of Cardiocrinum giganteum has two kinds of situations , mottling distribution and stochastic combination .

  4. 景观破碎化程度相对较高,分离度指数相对较低,斑块分布较为集中;

    The landscape dominance and fragmentation were relatively high , the Isolation indices were relatively low , and the distribution of patches was relatively centralized ;

  5. 白桦林、樟子松、云杉、山杨等以较分散的小斑块分布于森林景观斑块中形成异质森林景观格局。

    The Birch , pine , spruce , aspen and so on . in a more scattered distribution of small patches of forest landscape form heterogeneous patches of forest landscape pattern .

  6. 格局分析表明,河漫滩林地在景观中呈小斑块分布,其斑块最大周长、最大面积及平均面积均小于其它植被类型。

    The patch maximal perimeter , patch maximal area and mean area indices of riparian forest were lower than the other vegetation types , implying that the riparian forest distributed in smaller patches in the whole landscape .

  7. 结论颈动脉分叉入口速度剖面的不对称性对颈动脉窦内分离区的影响不可忽视,提示入口峰值速度偏离值是影响颈动脉窦粥样斑块分布的重要因素。

    Conclusion Effects of asymmetrical entry velocity profile on the flow separation in carotid sinus are so significant that the deviation of the peak of entry velocity profile becomes an important factor influencing the distribution of atherosclerotic plaque .

  8. 这表明,在研究范围内人工景观总面积较大,分布却较分散,而相对自然的林地斑块分布较集中。整个研究区景观类型分布不均匀,多样性明显,形成以林地为主景观绿色屏障。

    This shows that man-made landscape elements covered large area but with the scattered distribution in the research scope , in contrast , natural forest patches are concentrated . The whole landscape type are uneven distribution , diversity obviously .

  9. 以常绿阔叶林为景观基质,包容、镶嵌着针叶林、混交林等多种森林景观,各级景观斑块分布均匀、规模适中、形态自然、破碎程度低。

    Evergreen broad-leaved forest landscape accommodates conifer forest , mixed forest and other varied forest landscapes as a landscape matrix . Various landscape patches tend to separate equality with moderate size , spontaneous shape and low degree of fragmentation .

  10. 因此研究空间上斑块分布区的生境适宜性和四合木的生态适应性具有十分重要的意义,将有助于探索四合木种群的濒危机制,也将为濒危植物保护措施的制定提供科学依据。

    And analysis on habitat fitness of different population patches in distribution region and ecological adaptability of endemic species T. mongolica are of great significance . It will help to seek after the danger mechanism and offer science base for establishing the safeguard .

  11. 青城公园以水体为骨架,以园路为脉络,构成合理的景观格局,其不同类型绿地斑块分布格局与各自功能相适应,形成丰富的园内景观。

    Water bodies for the skeleton , garden paving for the context , the landscape Pattern of Qingcheng Park is rational . Its different types of green patches are distributed to adapt to the respective functions to form the abundant landscape . 3 .

  12. 林地、草地和水域受到人类活动的严重干扰,斑块空间分布不断分散和破碎化,分离度和破碎度指标增加。

    Human seriously disturbs forests , grasslands and water areas .

  13. 火山构造作用引起的山地灾害斑块状分布较为明显。

    By contrast , the porphyritic distribution of mountain hazards caused by volcano-tectonic activity is quite obvious .

  14. 在不同狭窄程度中软斑块51.7%分布在轻度狭窄的病变中,混合性斑块68.6%分布在重度狭窄病变中。

    51.7 % soft plaque occurs in mild stenosis , 68.6 % mixing plaque occurs in severe stenosis .

  15. 克隆植物构型的可塑性有可能促进其对斑块性分布土壤水分资源的利用,因而具有一定的生态学意义。

    The architectural plasticity of clonal plants may enhance the exploitation of soil moisture resources , which have some ecological significance .

  16. 对不同的景观类型而言,斑块大小分布规律依类型的不同而存在差异,而且就整个景区所有斑块大小分布来说,尚未有一种概率分布能理想地加以刻画;

    None of the six probability distributions could characterize the patch size distribution of all the types of landscape or the whole scenery district .

  17. 方法:对180例患者,572个动脉粥样硬化斑块的分布情况进行统计分析,观测血流剪切率与剪切应力。

    Methods : The distribution of 572 arterial plaques in 180 patients were analysed statistically , and arterial shear rate was calculated as well .

  18. 目前斑块的分布和景观结构不均衡,非常不利于城市森林生态功能的发挥。

    At present , the distribution of patches and landscape structure was unreasonable , it was not conducive to urban forest ecosystem function . 2 .

  19. 资源斑块性分布是生境异质性的特征之一,适应于异质性生境,匍匐茎植物对环境资源表现了一系列可塑性反应。

    The patchy distribution of essential resources is one of the characteristics of heterogeneous environments . Adapting to heterogeneous habitats , stoloniferous plant demonstrated a series of plastic responses to resources .

  20. 园林因在城市中呈斑块状分布而具有许多岛屿栖息地的特性,其内部结构和景观水平的结构同时也受到城市化的影响。

    Urban woodlots are isolated as patches in urban matrix and possess the features of " habitat island " . Moreover , their interior structures and landscape level structures are greatly modified by urbanization .

  21. 研究区内城市森林斑块的分布格局,从斑块的数目、总面积、平均面积、密度四个方面,分析比较不同方位、不同用地类型的分布特点;

    The research also included the comparison of urban forest in the different directions and different land types . And we mainly analyzed the distribution , main factor characteristic of urban forest landscape patches ( from four factors : the number , total area , average area , density ) .

  22. 肥大细胞在颈动脉粥样硬化斑块中的分布

    Distribution of mast cells in atherosclerotic lesions of human carotid arteries

  23. 羊草适应性强,具有广泛的生态可塑性,能适应复杂的生境条件,在羊草分布区内,经常可以见到灰绿色和黄绿色两种叶片颜色明显不同的羊草呈小斑块状镶嵌分布。

    Leymus chinensis with strongly adaptability and widely ecological plasticity can is adaptive to complicated habitat conditions .

  24. 不同林种组合立地的这种不连续的斑块状镶嵌分布,便形成了石灰岩山地林种配置的基本模式。

    This uncontinuous , patch , and mosaic distribution forms the basical patterns of forest category allocation in limestone mountains .

  25. 影响绿化覆盖率和斑块面积频率分布的主要因素是公园性质大型斑块的分布状况。

    The main factor which affects the green cover percentage and the distribution of patch area is the distribution of the large patches in parks .

  26. 将动物的理想自由分布理论与克隆植物相结合,在理论上研究其个体在斑块间的分布模式。

    In this paper we combined the ideal free distribution ( IFD ) theory of animals with the clonal plant to study the distribution of ramets in patches .

  27. 只有少数类型斑块大小的分布服从负指数分布,而绝大多数斑块大小的分布服从对数正态分布,这对斑块内的群落和生态系统的稳定性和保护提供了参考。

    Only a few distributions of type patch size was complied with negative exponent distribution , while the major was complied with log normal distribution . The results provided an idea for the stability and protection of community and ecology system in patches .

  28. 旱地形状最复杂,分布最集中,天然草地和其他园地斑块数少且分布最分散;

    Dry land had the most complex shape and the most centralized distribution pattern .

  29. 炎症因子及基质金属蛋白酶在人动脉粥样硬化斑块中表达及分布研究

    The Expression and Distribution of Inflammation Factors and Matrix Metalloproteinases in the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque

  30. 冠状动脉粥样硬化不稳定斑块中肥大细胞分布与血管新生相关性研究

    Study of the correlation between distribution of mast cells and angiogenesis in atherosclerotic lesions of human coronary arteries