
bān zhuàng jié gòu
  • porphyritic texture
斑状结构[bān zhuàng jié gòu]
  1. 硅酸盐相呈斑状结构,辉石和橄榄石矿物颗粒以斑晶形式分布于细粒的基质中。

    Silicate phases exhibit a porphyritic texture in which pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts are embedded in a fine-grained groundmass .

  2. 对测区内玄武岩样品的岩石学特征研究表明,玄武岩具斑状结构,基质以间粒结构为主。

    The study of petrologic characteristics of basalt in the area indicates that the basalt has porphyritic texture and matrix has intergranular texture .

  3. 月球花岗岩碎屑的主要矿物为石英、钾长石和钙质斜长石,具花斑状结构;

    Major minerals of lunar granitic clasts are quartz , K-feldspar and calcic plagioclase with granophyric intergrowths .

  4. 岩石具斑状结构,块状或气孔状构造;岩相分为爆发相和溢流相2种类型;

    , 2 facies ( explosion and overflow facies ) with porphyritic , block and gas pore textures .

  5. 岩体中捕虏体甚多,接触交代作用不明显。花岗质岩石具似斑状结构,钾长石斑晶分布极不均匀。

    There arc many xenolithes in granite body and the contact-metasomatic action is not evident between granite and wall rocks .

  6. 矿石金属矿物主要有黄铜矿、磁铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿等;脉石矿物主要有石榴石、透辉石、绿帘石、方解石等。矿石结构主要有粗晶结构、斑状结构、交代结构,次生结构。

    Ore minerals have chalcopyrite , magnetite , sphalerite , galena ; Gangue minerals are garnet , diopside , epidote , calcite etc. The ore textures have coarse-grained texture , porphyritic texture , metasomatic texture , secondary textures .