
  • 网络text form;textual form
  1. 注意若在预计为String值的地方使用,布尔值会自动转换成适当的文本形式。

    Note that a boolean value is automatically converted to an appropriate text form if it 's used where a String is expected .

  2. 对于从SAP导出到文件系统的文本形式的IDoc,现在已提供了支持。

    Support is now provided for IDocs exported from SAP in text form to the file system .

  3. H-网:一个基于Petri网的超文本形式模型

    H-net : an advanced Petri net-based formal model of hypertext

  4. 以文本形式直接编辑html源。

    Edit the HTML source directly as text .

  5. 同时,XML是以文本形式来描述的一种文件格式,所以适合于异构环境的数据交换。

    At the same time , XML is a text file , so it is suitable for data exchage in heterogeneous environment .

  6. Internet成为信息传递的重要手段,WWW则以超文本形式将分布在全球的信息组织起来。

    Internet becomes the main method of transforming information . WWW deals with all the information of world by hypertext system .

  7. 由于其中大部分的信息资源都以异构、动态的Web文本形式存在,因此如何在这巨大的数据海洋中快捷方便地找到人们所需的信息已成为大家关注的焦点。

    Because most of information resources exist with the form of dynamic and heterogeneous Web text , how to find the information that people need conveniently in the huge data sea has become the focus of attention .

  8. 就文本形式的文件而言,可扫描有关文件使成为tiff格式;

    For textual document , scan the document into tiff format ;

  9. 当从CLOB(在CLOB中XML本来就是以文本形式存储的)读取完整的XML文档时,不存在此开销。

    This overhead does not exist when reading full XML documents from a CLOB where the XML is already stored in text form .

  10. LEL使用Wiki风格的格式化语言,以文本形式定义布局。

    LEL uses a Wiki-style formatting language to define the layout as text .

  11. 同时野外数据还能够以任何格的文本形式及标准SPS格式输出,可直接用于处理解释,最大限度的为处理解释服务。

    Meanwhile field data can be output in any text format and standard SPS format for processing interpretation as possible as it can .

  12. 所传输的数据采用普通文本形式,因此,可以具有许多不同的格式,比如XML、HTML、JSON,或仅仅是文本。

    This transmitted data is plain text and , therefore , can be in a number of different formats , such as XML , HTML , JSON , or just plain text .

  13. SVG图像,以纯文本形式表示,可以使用一些常用的文本压缩算法,比如gzip,对之进行压缩。

    The SVG images , being represented as pure text , can be compressed using some of the well-known text compression algorithms like gzip .

  14. 其基本思想在于,与在操作阶段中发布事件不同,Portlet可以使用特殊HTML构造将事件信息嵌入到标记中,以支持实时文本形式的事件源。

    The idea is that instead of publishing an event during the action phase , a portlet can embed event information into its markup using special HTML constructs for enabling an event source as live text .

  15. 说明一下,Reader基本上是个Clojure解析器;它会将文本形式的Clojure程序转换为Clojure数据结构,然后再对该数据结构求值。

    As a reminder : the Reader is basically Clojure 's parser ; it turns a textual representation of a Clojure program into Clojure data structures , which can then be evaluated .

  16. 这些网络数据很多都是以文本形式出现的。

    Most of the data is in the form of text .

  17. 该文本形式称为业务规则语句。

    This textual form is called a business rule statement .

  18. 汉语文本形式结构分析及其标引算法

    Formal Analyses of Chinese Text Structure and Its Indexing Algorithm

  19. 以引用文本形式粘贴原始文档的文本

    Paste the text of the original document in quoted form

  20. 你能提供可机读的文本形式吗?

    Can you provide us with text in machine-readable form ?

  21. 它以文本形式显示字段中的每个项。

    It displays each item in the field as text .

  22. 本文试从创作主体意识、作品中人物的情绪体验及作者对文本形式的自觉驾驭等方面对庐隐的自我意识进行分析。

    The paper analyzes the above aspects from her experiences and consciousness .

  23. 以纯文本形式将信息保持在配置文件中。

    Persists information to configuration files as plain text .

  24. 参数,则密码在命令提示符下以纯文本形式出现。

    Argument , your password appears in plain text at your command prompt .

  25. 书目序言这一文本形式却还未受到广大学者的注意。

    Prefaces to books have not been paid great attention to by scholars .

  26. 对科技信息本身的分析则有助于写作者选择适当的文本形式。

    Meanwhile , information analysis is helpful to the choosing of document type .

  27. 超文本形式化模型研究

    A Survey of the Formal Models of Hypertext

  28. 本文使用它进行以文本形式存在的语言自动识别研究。

    It is used to auto recognize language of textuary style in this paper .

  29. 分别将数字和以文本形式存储的数字排序

    Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately

  30. 文字谱的出现使词成为一种只供阅读的单纯的文本形式。

    The appearance of the text spectrum only read cis into a simple text .