
  • 网络Literary Consciousness;literature consciousness
  1. 导论部分主要探讨文学自觉问题。

    The introduction part probes into the problem of literature consciousness .

  2. 20世纪文学自觉说评议

    Evaluation of the Chinese Literature Consciousness Theory in 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  3. 文学自觉是学术界一直关注的问题。

    The consciousness of literature has always been a concern in the academic .

  4. 第四节研究了先秦两汉文学自觉意识的积淀。

    Section ⅳ discuss the accumulation of Literary self-awakening consciousness in the Qin-Han Dynasty .

  5. 文学自觉新辩

    New Opinions on the Consciousness of Literature

  6. 鲁迅文学自觉说的现代性语境及其局限

    The context of modernity and limitations of Lu Xun ′ s theory of literary self-consciousness

  7. 魏晋时期文学自觉的显著标志:审美化追求

    Pursuing dependent aesthetic : an outstanding sign of the independence of literature in Wei Jin Period

  8. 文学自觉的前奏&谈西汉时期文学情感意识的彰显

    The Self-aware Prelude in Literature & On the Reveals of Emotional Consciousness in Western Han Dynasty Literature

  9. 魏晋文学自觉的前提是人的觉醒。

    The prerequisite for conscientious of Literature of the Wei-Jin Dynasty is " human 's awakening " .

  10. 思想观念的解放与转变,预示了文学自觉时代的到来。

    Ideas of liberation and transformation came forth , indicating an era of conscious literature was coming .

  11. 文体分类和文笔辨析是六朝文学自觉的两个主要内涵。

    Stylistic classification and Style discrimination are two main connotations of the awakening of literature in six dynasties .

  12. 文学自觉问题作为二十世纪文学史研究的一个重大问题,自铃木虎雄、鲁迅提出以后,就一直是文学史研究的一个热点。

    The problem of " literary self-consciousness " is important in the research of literary history in 20th century .

  13. 中国古代的文学自觉意识启蒙于屈原、宋玉,开端于汉大赋的创作。

    Chinese ancient literary consciousness enlightened QU yuan and SoNg Yu , and started from Han fu 's Creation .

  14. 魏晋六朝是文学自觉的时期,由此也带来了文学批评的自觉。

    Wei Jin the Six Dynasties is " aware period of literature ", which has brought the conscious literary criticism .

  15. 考察文学自觉应更多地诉诸于对文学发展历程的考察,而不能以是否持有用或无用说为标准。

    We should inspect the literature consciousness by the course of Literature development , neither by the standard useful or not .

  16. 在对文学自觉相关理论反思的基础上,对文学自觉魏晋说进行新的审视。

    On the basis of the theory of literary self-awakening , to have a new look on the literary self-awakening Wei-Jin said .

  17. 生存焦虑与情志离合&魏晋文学自觉的动力探源

    Anxiety for existence and concern of sentiment and aspiration & On the motive of literary consciousness in the Wei and the Jin Dynasties

  18. 文章的第一章旨在回顾文学自觉问题研究的历史。

    The purpose of the first chapter is to review the history of the study on the problem of " literary self-consciousness " .

  19. 三曹诗歌中的诗乐离合关系,从另一侧面说明了文学自觉的过程。

    The separation and union of poetry and music unfolded in the three Caos ' poetry creation illustrates the process of the consciousness of literature .

  20. 在对五四启蒙文学自觉反省中,他站在农民的立场创作了大量为农民实利的文艺作品。

    During the self-introspection of the May-Four enlightenment culture , he wrote a number of works for pursuing the benefit of the peasants on their feet .

  21. 第三章建立了明确的判定标准,并从本体论和主体论角度对文学自觉的时间界定作了分析。

    The third chapter sets up specific criteria , and analyzes the temporal borderline of " literary self-consciousness " from ontology and the theory of main body .

  22. 因而将是否与经学分家与是否具有功利性作为文学自觉的标准是不合适的。

    Thus , it is inappropriate to take the fact that disjoin economy or not and has benthamism or not as the standard of " literature conscious " .

  23. 从文学自觉魏晋说的提出及沿袭入手,通过梳理分析文学自觉魏晋说所遇挑战,对文学自觉的学说分歧简要分类。

    Starting from the proposal and follow of the literary self-awakening Wei-Jin said , analysising literary self-awakening Wei-Jin said the challenges and classifying literary self-awakening doctrine differences briefly .

  24. 笔者认为,鲁迅说曹丕的时代是一个文学自觉的时代纯属一种幽默。

    In my opinion , " Cao Pi is a literature of the times conscious of the times ", said by Lu Xun , was a humorous purely .

  25. 这是一个人的觉醒的时代,一个文学自觉的时代,同时也是一个人的精神扭曲的时代。

    This is an era of awakening of people , an era of consciousness of literature , at the same time an era of distortion of people 's spirit .

  26. 用文学自觉的四个标准即观念的自觉、作家的自觉、创作的自觉、理论的自觉来衡量汉代文学,本文认为汉代是前文学自觉时代,而汉赋是中国文学自觉的先声。

    The paper proposes Han dynasty is the conscious times of pre-literature , and Han Fu is the beginning of Chinese literal consciousness . Firstly , the consciousness of ideas .

  27. 促成这次理论突破的,除“文学自觉”的经验基础之外,“言意之辩”发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    In addition to empirical basis , what helped promote this theoretical breakthrough was " the differentiation between word and meaning ", which played a decisive role in the work .

  28. 据此可知,含有自我意识觉醒成分的昭君自请远嫁匈奴的传说,是东晋文学自觉风气的产物。

    Therefore , the story of " Wang Zhaojun ," which contains some ego elements , is a product of the rising self-conscious of the literature in the Eastern Jin .

  29. 具体表现在如下几个方面:首先,文学自觉是文学发展史上的转折点,诗文风格及文学理念自此大变。

    Specifically in the following areas : First , the literary consciousness is a turning point in the history of literature . Great changes accured in poetry ideas and literary style .

  30. 其实,文学自觉是指创作群体为文学而文学的意识和对文学技术和创作个性化的有意识追求行为。

    In fact ," Literary Self-consciousness " refers to the consciousness of " literature for literature 's sake " and the behavior to pursue the literary technique in the artistic community .