
  • 网络literature and culture
  1. 迁谪现象的文学与文化价值评判

    A Preview on the Value of Exile Literature and Culture

  2. 中国古代文学与文化的研究已取得了极其丰硕的成果。

    The studies of ancient Chinese literature and culture have scored great successes .

  3. 文学与文化的互文&论十九世纪英国女性文学

    The Relationship between Female Literature and Culture & About 19th British Female Literature

  4. 中国文人、文学与文化精神

    Chinese literati , literature and Cultural spirit

  5. 无法断开的联系:文学与文化片论

    The Close Relation Between Literature and Culture

  6. 白色在美国文学与文化中有着特别的含义,它不仅指一种生理面貌特征,而且在美国在的发展过程中它被赋予了一种独特的象征性。

    In American culture and literature , whiteness is endowed with a peculiarly symbolic meaning .

  7. 民族文学与文化认同&以哈萨克族文学为例

    On Ethnic Minority Literature and Cultural Identification

  8. 正视岭南&关于岭南文学与文化的思考

    Thoughts of Lingnan Literature and Culture

  9. 追寻现代性:李欧梵文学与文化理论研究

    The Pursuit of Modernity : The Research on Leo Ou-Fan Lee 's Literary and Cultural Theory

  10. 春秋襄昭时代文学与文化的繁荣最主要是体现在辞令上面。

    Xiang Zhao prosperity of the times the most important literature and culture is reflected in the rhetoric above .

  11. 第二节主要梳理了他在不同时期对文学与文化创造关系的认识。

    The second section mainly combed the role of literature according to the demand of cultural creature in different periods .

  12. 大学语文课对于英语专业的学生学好翻译、西方文学与文化等专业课起着重要的促进作用。

    The course is very important in helping English majors to learn well the major courses of translation and western culture .

  13. 本文在审视当前教学方法不足的基础上,探讨了概念为本教学模式的关键问题,并以实例展示了该模式在文学与文化课内一个单元的应用。

    This paper establishes and exemplifies the key issues in the classroom implementation of concept-based teaching on the basis of examining popular teaching methods .

  14. 探寻两人与相关人物的社会交往,对于认识这一时期的政治、文学与文化发展面貌,具有相当重要的意义。

    It has very important significance to explore their social association , for understanding the literary , cultural and political development of this period .

  15. 文化诗学首先是一种实践的诗学,它重建了文学与文化、文学与历史、文学与现实生活的关系,文学不仅是一种载体,更是文化、历史、社会生活本身。

    The Poetics of Culture is a practice poetics , and it reconstructs the tripartite relations of literature with culture , history and actual life .

  16. 再解读的思路主要为重新理解20世纪中国左翼文学与文化(尤其是作为左翼文学的当代形态的50-70年代文学)提供了新的研究视野。

    In a word , the reinterpretation approach has provided a new study vision for re-understanding the Chinese Left-wing literature and culture in the 20th century .

  17. 从文学与文化空间关系的层面看,这是一个具有文化人类学意义和文学生态学意义的多元文化生态区。

    From the perspective of the relations between literature and culture , this is a multi-cultural ecological zone with a cultural anthropology and literary ecological significance .

  18. 既吸收继承了其母体的文学与文化传统,又及时积极地学习借鉴了西方文学的先进经验与艺术手法。

    It possesses special humanism of its own by inheriting the literary tradition of its mother literature and making use of experience and artistry of the western literature .

  19. 前人对整个春秋时代的文学与文化活动的研究数不胜数,但对春秋襄昭时代的文学与文化活动的研究比较薄弱。

    Spring and Autumn Period of the previous literature and research are numerous cultural activities , but the Spring and Autumn era Xiang Zhao literary and cultural activities of relatively weak .

  20. 宋代中秋词,作为宋词的一枝,是文学与文化、民俗相互影响相互渗透的产物,其独特的文学价值不容忽视。

    Mid-Autumn festival poems , as the Song ci , is a folk literature and culture , the product is in effect , its unique literary value and cognition value cannot be ignored .

  21. 20世纪末新的启蒙主义思潮开启了中国文化现代化的自觉时代,女性散文是其中重要的文学与文化现象之一。

    The enlightening trend of thought at the end of 20th century fired the self-conscious age of the Chinese cultural modernization . Women 's prose is among the most important literal and cultural phenomena .

  22. 特别是对春秋时代文学与文化活的研究,更是离不开《左传》。《左传》对春秋襄昭时代的叙述十分详细。

    Especially in Spring and Autumn Period of literary and cultural life , is inseparable from the " Zuo Zhuan . "" Zuo Zhuan " Chao-hsiang of the Spring and Autumn era described in great detail .

  23. 第二部分为春秋襄昭时代文学与文化活动繁荣的表现,对春秋襄昭时代文学与文化活动进行了分类展示。

    The third part is the Spring and Autumn era Xiang Zhao prosperity Literature and the performance of cultural activities , Chao-hsiang of the Spring and Autumn era of literary and cultural activities are classified display .

  24. 在这一背景下,我们应该思考和探索这样三个问题,即文学与文化、外国文学与中国文学、文学翻译与翻译文学之间的关系问题。

    Against such background , we should ponder over and further explore three issues as follow : relationships between literature and culture , between foreign literature and Chinese literature , and between literary translation and translated literature .

  25. 文学与文化的关系问题,是任何一个文学研究者不可回避的,文学从属于文化,因此,单纯在文学范畴中思考,往往会落得只见树木不见森林的结果。

    The relationship between literature and culture is inescapable for any literary researcher . Literature has long been part of the culture . therefore , pure literature category thinking , often result in that see trees but not forest .

  26. 近年来,中国现代女作家张爱玲不但是文学与文化界研究的重点对象,也是大众传媒、影视界热炒的作家。

    In recent years , Ailing Zhang , modern authoress of China , is not only a key target of literature and cultural circle 's study , but the hot writer in mass media , film & TV circles .

  27. 由于文学与文化的密切关系,一直以来,文学翻译都被看作是文化交流与传播的重要途径,而促进文化的交流与传播也一直都是文学翻译的目的之一。

    Due to the close relationship between literature and culture , literary translation has long been regarded as an important means for cultural transmission , and the promotion of cultural transmission has always been one of the purposes of literary translation .

  28. 根据弗罗里达大学儿童文学与文化中心研究表明,复活节庆祝还有复活节兔子能够被追溯到13世纪的德国,当时还没有出现基督教,人们还只是信奉几个神与女神。

    According to University of Florida 's Center for Children 's Literature and Culture , the origin of the celebration and the Easter bunny can be traced back to 13th century , pre-Christian Germany , when people worshiped several gods and goddesses .

  29. 二,为自译作品的内部研究提供了新的切入点,在译介学的视域下,阐述了张爱玲的散文自译在文学与文化层面独有的价值及特色。

    Second , with the theory of medio-translatology , this thesis tries to provide new views for the internal study of self-translated works , making clear the special value and characteristics on the literal and cultural level of her English prose self-translation .

  30. 直译、硬译不仅是一种以强调信为目的的翻译方法的选择,更重要的还是一种文化价值观的认定,其目的是文学与文化的重构。

    Lu Xu 's translation approaches literal translation and word-for-word translation mean not only the emphasis on the principle faithfulness , more importantly , the claim of his cultural values and the purpose of remolding Chinese character , and reconstructing Chinese culture and literature .