- 名recreational activities

Schools should make routine schedules for students in a scientific and reasonable way to ensure tangible opportunity and time for students to participate in recreational activities and physical exercises .
I was an active participant of academic , sports , and recreational activities .
He would be taking part in some kind of communal recreations .
that is , what distinguishes games from productive activity ,
There are numerous hobbies you might enjoy , like photography or painting .
I usually took part in recreational activities .
Yangko is a traditional Chinese folk cultural activities , it has a long history .
The scientific colonies were well supplied not only with food but also with culture .
Certainly , each place has its local activities , like Lion Dance or Dragon Dance .
But what about the cultural and entertainment activities which plunged Chinese delegates into very unfamiliar environments ?
He was so absorbed in the research that he had mot time left for recreational activities .
Participants may adopt varied and different means of expression , including exhibitions , events , symposia and forums .
Background information on some of these was included in pre-trip briefing materials , but this was probably incomplete and somewhat superficial .
If you later discover that you cannot attend a certain cultural even , you should call and explain why you cannot come .
Provide additional funding to the DBs for improving the local environment , commissioning district cultural and recreational activities and promoting more community building programmes ;
The District Festivals Subsidy Scheme continues to help district bodies organise public recreation , sports and cultural activities most suited to their own districts .
Social relief activities that the clerks attended included direct donations , raising funds for the charity through recreational activities , it had a certain obligatory .
The function of community aging service is mainly in supplying anticipating opportunity of entertainments for the aged , and all kinds of caring and guiding aiming at keeping them fit .
If you are invited to attend a cultural event , such as going to the theatre , or the cinema or a concert , you should arrive on time , or a bit earlier .
The Government will also assist the councils in promoting cultural , recreational and sports activities and in monitoring local environmental hygiene .
Up till now , what we can see is a complete recreational event beneficial to the health of the body and the mind .
While serving their sentences , prisoners can read newspapers , magazines and books , watch television , listen to the radio , and take part in recreational and sports activities that are beneficial to the body and mind .
You can search leisure and cultural programmes and activities by date , venue and type .
It is the culture life of abundant old person , disabled person , childrens , of value to physically and mentally healthy entertainment , sports activities once every day .
Article 27 Trade unions shall , in conjunction with administrative authorities , organize employees to undertake after-hours cultural and technical studies and occupational training so as to improve the cultural and occupational quality of the workers , as well as organize them to develop recreational and sports activities .