
  • 网络culture;cultural attribute;cultural identity;cultural property
  1. 菜品的时尚特性是饮食固有的文化属性。

    The popularity of dishes is a characteristic of food culture .

  2. 本文主要阐述了玄关的历史起源、文化属性及其传统隐喻。

    The article mainly analyses the origin , culture and tradition of front door .

  3. 然而,因为我们已经开始理解CompetingValuesFramework,我们可以对和迭代软件开发和它的使用相关的文化属性进行一些逻辑假设。

    However , as we begin to understand the Competing Values Framework , we can make some logical assumptions about cultural attributes in relation to iterative software development and its adoption .

  4. 网络媒体的文化属性及对广告传播的影响

    Cultural Attribute of Network Media and Its Influence upon Advertisement Dissemination

  5. 试论水书的书写系统及其文化属性

    On the writing systems and cultural feature of the Sui script

  6. 环境艺术与雕塑文化属性的思考

    Thinking on environmental art and the cultural nature of sculpture

  7. 代是自然属性和社会文化属性的有机统一;

    Generation is a unity of natural property and social cultural property ;

  8. 民间水陆画之非物质文化属性及其保护

    Non-Material Attribute of Sacred Pictures in China and Their Protection

  9. 论有传统文化属性的农村养老保障模式的建立

    Establishment of Rural Elder Security Mode with Traditional Cultural Attribute

  10. 广告语的文化属性与相应的翻译策略

    Advertisement 's Cultural Properties and its Corresponding Strategies in Translation

  11. 广告的文化属性与文化传播意义

    The Cultural Attribute and the Significance of Dissemination of Advertisement

  12. 中国当代城市雕塑文化属性的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Cultural Nature of Modern Urban Sculpture

  13. 摘要地方性知识是一个具有文化属性的广泛概念。

    Local knowledge is a general concept with cultural attribute .

  14. 研究结果表明,树木具有文化属性。

    The research results show that trees have cultural property .

  15. 没有品牌实体,品牌的其它文化属性就没有附属物。

    With brand equity , other cultural attributes will lose its substantial adhesion .

  16. 通俗音乐的美学范畴及文化属性

    The Aesthetic Category and Cultural Attribute of Popular music

  17. 作为一种新的传播形态,物联网承载的文化属性不言而喻。

    Internet of Things shows distinct cultural attribute as a new communication form .

  18. 关于材质语言社会文化属性的思考

    Consideration of the Social and Cultural Attributes of " Material Quality Language "

  19. 三峡库区少数民族传统体育文化属性的研究

    Research on the Characteristics of Traditional Ethnic Sports

  20. 电视游戏节目的文化属性

    The Cultural Attributes of the TV Playing Programs

  21. 河南濒灭剧种的民俗文化属性

    The Folklore Attributes of Henan Dying out Operas

  22. 当英语俱乐部成员具有多代和多文化属性时,它会有更多乐趣。

    English clubs tend to be more fun when they are multigenerational and multicultural .

  23. 同时,交互建筑的上述转化形成了其独特的文化属性。

    Meanwhile , the transformation of interactive architecture above formed its unique cultural attributes .

  24. 论球类运动的文化属性

    Discussion on Culture Characters of Ball Games

  25. 服装的文化属性与文化功能

    Cultural property and cultural funtion of dress

  26. 科学是没有国界、没有民族文化属性的,医学科学也理当如此。

    Science knows no borders , no national cultural property , medical science has rightly so .

  27. 流行音乐的社会文化属性

    The Socio-cultural Attribute of Pop Music

  28. 从泥土到艺术&泥塑的文化属性及其审美特征探析

    From Clay to Art & A Research on Culture Trait and Aesthetic Feature of Clay Sculpture

  29. 鲁迅小说在文化属性上既具有“现代性”的一面,又具有“非现代性”的一面。

    Lu Xun 's fiction has both modernity and non-modernity in terms of its cultural attributes .

  30. 学术期刊的属性包括政治属性、文化属性、信息属性和商品属性。

    The properties of academic periodicals include those of politics , culture , information and merchandise .