
  • 网络quality of education;quality
  1. 研究结果表明:(1)高校辅导员教育素质是一个多层次、多维度的结构,可以划分为外生性教育素质和内生性教育素质两个因素。

    The results show that : ( I ) The quality of education college counselors is a multi-level , multi-dimensional structure , the quality of sex education can be divided into exogenous and endogenous quality of education two factors .

  2. 随着人才市场竞争日益激烈,学生的教育素质是衡量各高校的一项重要标志,因此教学质量是关键。

    With the increasingly competition in talent market , students educational quality is a measure of an important symbol of all colleges and universities . Therefore the quality of education is the key .

  3. 从五普资料看山东省女性人口文化教育素质

    Education Quality of Female Population in Shandong from the Fifth Census Data

  4. 高中学科教师的德育素质中,道德素质较高,专业素质和教育素质偏低,急需提高。

    , The discipline teachers have high moral quality , but their professional quality need improving .

  5. 大学英语教师应具备的素质首先是现代大学教师应有的素质,即优秀的人格素质,良好的心理教育素质。

    A qualified university English teacher in modern times should possess such qualities as excellent personality and good mental quality .

  6. 本研究课题选取学前儿童父母教育素质为研究对象,在现有文献资料基础上,提出笔者对父母教育素质的理解。

    The research topics selected the parents ' education quality for preschool children as the object . Based on the existing research literature , it brings out parents understanding of education quality and its constituent elements .

  7. 本研究选取500名被试对正式问卷进行施测,探查了辅导员教育素质的组成因素及辅导员教育素质和人力资本投资的相关关系。

    In this study , 500 subjects were selected on the official questionnaire Surveying , exploration of the quality of the components of counselors education and counselors education and human capital investment in the quality of relationship .

  8. 第二,应用访谈和抽样调查统计的方法,全面了解北京中小学教师可持续发展教育素质现状,对影响教师能力的因素进行了初步的分析。

    Secondly , using interviews and the statistical sampling method , the author understood comprehensively sustainable development education quality present situation of the Elementary and middle schools teacher in Beijing , and preliminarily analyzed the factors that affected the teachers ' ability .

  9. 现实中大量个案都表明:未成年人的发展不仅仅是未成年人的问题,更与家长的教育素质有关,家长教育素质的缺陷是家庭教育问题的本质所在。

    In reality , a large number of cases show that : the development of minors is not only a minor issue , and the educational quality of parents , parents education quality defects of family education is the nature of the problem .

  10. 随着通信技术、网络技术的不断发展,教学改革的不断深入,网络教学在继续教育、素质教育及职业教育方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,基于Web的远程教学系统也蓬勃发展起来。

    With the development of communication technology and network technology , and deepening teaching reform , the network teaching is playing a more and more important role in continual education , quality education and vocational education . RIS ( Remote Instruction System ) based on web is developing energetically .

  11. 思想品德教育在素质教育中处于核心地位。

    Ideology and morality play a key role in quality education .

  12. 关于应试教育向素质教育转变的思考

    On the Transformation from Exam - oriented Education to Quality Education

  13. 化学教学中的审美教育与素质教育

    Aesthetic Education and Quality Education in the Chemical Teaching Training Model

  14. 在新形势下关于教育技术素质的再认识

    Further Understanding about the Education Technology Essence under the New Situation

  15. 逻辑思维教育与素质教育

    Readjusting Logical Thought Education , Quality Education With Might Redoubled

  16. 对高等教育中素质教育与个性化培养的思考

    Thoughts on Quality Education and Personality cultivation in Higher Education

  17. 提高高校师范生教育理论素质的思考

    Improvement of Students ' Ability in Educational Theory in Teacher 's College

  18. 简论家庭教育对素质教育的影响

    Discussion on the Influence of Family Education Over Quality Education

  19. 深化心理素质教育夯实素质教育平台

    Furthering Mental Quality Education and Setting Up the Platform of Quality-oriented Education

  20. 因此,音乐教育在素质教育中处于举足轻重的位置。

    Therefore , Music Education in Quality Education in a pivotal position .

  21. 新时期高等职业教育的素质目标

    Quality Targets of Higher Professional Education of the New Period

  22. 浅析教育与素质教育&对当前教育的反思

    Analysis of Education and Quality Education & the Reflexion on Current Education

  23. 加强“两课”教育推进素质教育

    Strengthening " Two-Class " Education and Promoting Quality Education

  24. 由应试教育转向素质教育是教育改革的方向。

    The trend of educational reform is from test-purposed education to character education .

  25. 信息时代成人高等教育队伍素质问题浅识

    Superficial View on the Quality of Teaching Faculty Working for Adult Higher Education

  26. 高等教育中素质教育的系统思考

    Systematic Thinking on the Quality Education in Higher Education

  27. 美术教育与素质培养

    On the Relationship of Arts Education and Quality Training

  28. 形体美教育与素质教育

    On the relation between figure beautifying and quality education

  29. 烹饪高等教育的素质与能力培养目标辨证

    Differentiating and Analysing the Educational Aim about Capacity and Quality of Cooking Higher Education

  30. 浅谈我国医学教育人文素质教育现状及培养对策

    Discussion on the Actuality of Medical Education in My Country and Its Cultivation Countermeasure