
jiào shì
  • classroom;schoolroom;school room
教室 [jiào shì]
  • (1) [classroom]∶在中小学或大学里教师对学生正式讲课的地方

  • (2) [schoolroom]∶对学生进行教学的房间

教室[jiào shì]
  1. 老师走进教室时大家都会起立。

    Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom .

  2. 他们为筹款建新教室而办了个募捐会。

    They held a harambee meeting to raise funds for a new classroom .

  3. 校长巡视了所有教室。

    The head went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms .

  4. 我们分得了这两间大教室。

    We have been assigned the two large classrooms .

  5. 教室漏雨的一角是湿的。

    The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked .

  6. 计算机如今在小学教室里很普遍。

    Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms .

  7. 老师把我的座位改在教室的前面。

    The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom .

  8. 孩子们接受了如何在火警拉响时迅速离开教室的训练。

    The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang .

  9. 帘子作为分隔物将这间教室和另一间分开。

    A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another .

  10. 孩子们在欢笑声和喊叫声中换教室。

    Children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts .

  11. 教室里很闷热。

    It was hot and stuffy in the classroom .

  12. 当铃声响起时,1,000多名孩子从教室里涌了出来。

    When the bell rings , more than 1,000 children spill from classrooms .

  13. 教室中的桌椅如需要挪动,应事先告诉这个盲童。

    Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child

  14. 一阵悄悄的低语声传遍了整个教室。

    A quiet murmur passed through the classroom

  15. 她让他到教室外面去。

    She 'd sent him outside the classroom

  16. 元旦那天我们教室里装点着鲜花。

    Our classroom was decorated with flowers on New Year 's Day .

  17. 教室里只有我一个人。

    There was no one but / except me in the classroom .

  18. 学生们从教室里跑了出来。

    The students came running out of the classroom .

  19. 这间教室主要用于培训。

    This classroom is mainly utilized for training purposes .

  20. 她独自一人在教室里。

    She was alone in the classroom .

  21. 约翰考试作弊,结果被老师赶出了教室。

    John cheated in the exam , and the teacher kicked him out of the class .

  22. 他向她眨巴一下眼睛走出了教室。

    He winked his eyes at her and left the classroom .

  23. 大楼边上又扩建了一些教室。

    Extra classrooms were built out from the main block .

  24. 教室里最多不过20人。

    There were at most twenty people in the classroom .

  25. 学生们一个挨一个地走进教室。

    The students entered the classroom one by one .

  26. 那淘气的男孩借口头疼,离开了教室。

    The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache .

  27. 教室里有30名学生。

    There are thirty students in the classroom .

  28. 他可能在教室里。

    Maybe he is in the classroom .

  29. 孩子们轻快地跑进教室。

    The children tripped into the classroom .

  30. 孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地进了教室。

    The children bounced into the classroom .