
  1. 课堂是教师职责的主阵地。

    The classroom is the lord battlefield of teacher 's job .

  2. 随班就读资源教师职责及工作绩效评估

    Responsibilities and Evaluation of the Resource Room Teacher at the Schools with Learning in Regular Classroom

  3. 从钢琴演奏技巧、教师职责、个人能力、素质等方面展开论述。

    From the piano playing skills , teacher responsibilities , personal ability , quality and so on to start on .

  4. 教师职责及其劳动的特殊性和重要性,使教师在职业活动中面临着很大的压力。

    The duties of a teacher and particularity and importance that work make teachers face great pressure among their professional activity .

  5. 教师职责的转变,对教师的能力也就有了更高的要求。这其中就包括要求教师具备良好的交往能力。

    With the teachers ' responsibility transformation , the ability of teachers will have higher demands , including requiring teachers to have good interpersonal skills .

  6. 首先研究了此项目的特点,是强调学生对教师职责的亲身体验和各学校间的合作关系。

    Firstly it analyses the characteristics of this project itself which is to emphasize students ' experience on the teachers ' duty and cooperation between colleges .

  7. 学校与学生的法律关系是委托监护关系,这是学生被保护的需要,也是学校和教师职责所决定的。

    The legal relationship between school and student is the entrusted guardianship . This is what the students need and also the responsibilities of school and teachers .

  8. 在个性培养方面,教师职责需要从传授知识向引导学生转变,调整课堂中传授与引导活动的比例;

    On cultivating individual character , the teacher 's duty need to change from teaching knowledge to guiding students , and adjust the portion of teaching and guiding .

  9. 在此过程中,会受到诸如文化心理、教学传统、教育环境和社会环境等因素的干扰,而发挥学生的主体性、更新教育观念、重视交往的教育价值和转变教师职责则能消除这种种干扰。

    At the same time , using students ' subjectively , renewing education opinion , emphasizing the virtue of communication and converting teachers ' responsibilities can remove those factors .

  10. 从教学模式、教师职责、口语实践活动设计等方面进行了研究,力求构建一套完整的英语专业口语实践教学方案。

    It has researched on the teaching mode , teacher 's function and the design of oral practice in order to form an integrated oral practice teaching project for English majors .

  11. 对PFF项目开展的动因,笔者分别从高校教师的职责、高校教师的素质和高校教师的需求三方面进行了分析。

    It analyses the motivation of the PFF program from 3 aspects which refer to the duty , quality and demand of college teachers .

  12. 教师的职责,就是为全面实现教学目标而工作。

    Teachers must undertake the work for realizing all-round teaching goals .

  13. 教师的职责是促使孩子们学习。

    It 's a teacher 's business to make children learn .

  14. 新世纪大学教师的职责与任务

    The Responsibilities and Tasks of College Teachers in New Century

  15. 教师的职责就是培养学生。

    The teacher 's responsibility is to train students .

  16. 她认为教师的职责范围很广。

    She took a broad view of the duties of being a teacher .

  17. 我们为我们作为教师的职责感到自豪。

    We take pride in our responsibilities as teachers .

  18. 在英语课堂中,学生成为被动的知识接受者,而教师的职责则是讲授知识,他们代表了知识的权威。

    Students were passive knowledge - receivers and teachers were instructors and authority .

  19. 新形势下高校专业课教师育人职责的拓展

    The development of education responsibility undertaken by college specialized-course teachers against the new situation

  20. 从学生的假性语言低能看英语教师的职责维度

    On English Teachers ' Role from the Students ' False Deficiency in Language Competence

  21. 这是教师的职责。

    It is the duty of teachers .

  22. 课堂教学贯彻科学发展观精神是每个高校教师的职责

    Research on carrying out the spirit of scientific outlook on development into the classroom teaching

  23. 教师的职责在于引导学生思考并提供必要的方法。

    Your job is to teach them how to think and to give them the necessary tools .

  24. 现代教育中教师的职责使命迫切需要师德教育与教师专业发展有机融合,相互促进。

    Teachers'responsibility and mission in modern education require that teachers'ethics education and professional development should be closely integrated and mutually promoted .

  25. 如上所述,教师的职责不仅仅在于传授知识,而且要育人。教书与育人是并行不悖的。

    As is mentioned , a teacher 's task is not only to impart knowledge , but also to educating people run parallel .

  26. 很显然,英语教师的职责是培养学生用英语进行交际的能力,并将其作为英语教学的目标。

    It is obvious that college English teachers should develop the students ' communicative competence and treats it as the goal of College English Teaching .

  27. 教书育人是教师的职责和神圣的使命。组织机构和职责

    To impart knowledge and educate people is the duty-bound mission of teachers , to fulfill which every teacher should make due efforts . Structure and Responsibility

  28. “巫医也担当了教师的职责,同时也是部族习俗传统的守护者。”我接着说,“这可是个很荣耀的工作哦。”

    The mundumugu is also a teacher , and the custodian of the tribal customs , I said . " it is an honorable profession . "

  29. 随着学校教育中健康第一指导思想的引入,体育教师的职责范围发生了根本性的变化。

    With the introduction of the guiding ideology " Health is the most important ", there is a fundamental change in the responsibility scope of teachers of physical education .

  30. 教师的职责是培养学生的心智,提供指导帮助学生成长,使他们在学术研究和工作中得心应手。

    The job of a teacher is to nurture the minds of students and provide guidance to help them grow and excel in both their scholastic and professional careers .