
  • 网络rescue boat
  1. 这只救助艇有加油、维修和拖曳设备。

    The rescue boat was equipped for refueling , repairing and towing .

  2. 救助艇架(救生筏吊架)静(动)负荷试验。

    Rescue boat davit ( life raft davit ) to be done static ( dynamic ) loading test .

  3. DZY~Z14电动救助艇绞车的设计

    The design of dz_y ~ z electric winch for salvage boat

  4. 本文介绍了我院设计的DZY~Z14电动救助艇绞车,包括工作原理、结构特点、安装、润滑系统等。

    The paper describes the design of DZ_Y ~ Z electric winch for salvage boat , including operation principal , structure , installation and lubricating system .

  5. 培训内容:熟悉基本安全B01,救生艇筏和救助艇筏B02,专业英语,远洋船员水手。

    Training : familiar with the basic safety of B01 , survival craft and rescue boats and rafts B02 , English , ocean sailor crew .

  6. 高性能快速救助艇船型综述

    Analysis of high speed & high performance rescue crafts

  7. 救助艇内某一位置操纵降落机械装置的布置丢失。

    Aunch mechanism of the rescue boat 's davit possible to be operated by one person from within the rescue boat missing .

  8. 对救助艇收放控制直接关系到救助人员的人身安全问题,特别是在高海况时,安全收放显得尤为重要。

    Launch and recovery control of the rescue boat is directly related to the safe of workers who are on the boat , especially at abominable sea condition , the security of people is particularly important .