
ɡù chénɡ
  • Old City;former (or old) city;deserted city
故城 [gù chéng]
  • [old city] 过去的城市

  • 吾逢楚,观 春申君故城,宫室盛矣哉!--《史记.春申君列传.赞》

  1. 故城周回九里余。

    The ancient city has a circumference of9 li .

  2. 结果表明,PS材料可以较好的提高交河故城土体的力学性能及抗风蚀、雨蚀能力,原状土样加固后的抗风蚀能力提高7-16倍。

    The results indicated that the PS material can improve the capacities of anti-wind erosion and anti-rain erosion abilities of the Ruins of Jiaohe .

  3. 为了研究交河故城保护灌浆加固材料,在不同水灰比PS-C浆液实际灌浆过程中,对不同裂隙的渗透能力及灌注效果做了初步探讨。

    In order to study the influence of PS-C grout with different C / W ratios on its groutability to different fractures of Jiaohe ruins , the grouting pressure and effects are discussed .

  4. 这座故城已经没有了原来的模样。

    This old city has lost all its original appearance .

  5. 交河故城了望台保护加固技术

    Technology of protection and reinforcement for observation platform in Ruins of Jiaohe

  6. 交河故城的裂隙特征研究

    Study on cranny characteristics of the ruins of Jiaohe

  7. 洛阳故城古墓考

    The Study of Ancient Tombs in Ancient Luoyang Proper

  8. 锚固灌浆过程中及工后交河故城崖体的变形特征研究

    Research on cliff deformation feature of Jiaohe ruins during and after anchoring and grouting

  9. 交河故城土体裂隙灌浆材料性能试验

    Performance test of compatible slurry grouting into soil fracture at ancient city of Jiaohe

  10. 研究郑韩故城的防御体系,有着较重要的学术意义及现实意义。

    Researches on defense system of it are of great academic and practical significance .

  11. 河北故城地热井施工技术和成井工艺

    Construction Technology and Well Completion Technique of Geothermal Well in Gucheng of Hebei Province

  12. 交河故城台地危险土体研究

    Research on Dangerous Earth Mass in Jiaohe Ruins

  13. 交河故城崖体破坏机理物理模拟研究

    Physical Simulation Experiment Research into the Destroyed Mechanism on the Cliff Mass of Jiaohe Ruins

  14. 吴哥窟:微笑故城

    Angkor Wat , smiling ancient city

  15. 在郑韩故城发现的陶作坊遗址,主要遗迹有窑址群。

    The pottery workshop site was discovered in the city site of Zheng and Han states .

  16. 交河故城崖壁裂隙灌浆效果的电法探测与评价

    Electrical surveying and evaluation of the grout filling effect for the cliff fractures in Jiaohe ancient city

  17. 上有步阐故城,方圆称洲,周回略满。

    Illustrates step on the Old City , an area said Chau , Some weeks back to full .

  18. 山东临淄齐国故城遗址出土西汉铜镜的铅同位素比值分析

    An Analysis of the Lead Isotope Ratioes of the Western Han Bronze Mirrors from the Linzi City-site of the Qi State in Shandong

  19. 混凝土材料破坏过程的细观数值模拟交河故城崖体破坏机理物理模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Concrete Fracture on Mesolevel ; Physical Simulation Experiment Research into the Destroyed Mechanism on the Cliff Mass of Jiaohe Ruins

  20. 用地质工程和建筑学的理论与方法研究交河故城文物本体和载体裂隙(缝)的分布规律和特性。

    The cranny of noumenon and carrier of the ruins of Jiaohe was studied using the theory and method of geological engineering and architecture .

  21. 因此,本文也为鲁故城与边地的未来考察提出了许多问题。

    Therefore , this thesis also raises many questions for future investigations of the Lu City , the hinterland and the relationships between the two .

  22. 结合新疆高昌故城土建筑遗址保护工程,将土工长丝这种新型锚杆应用于墙体加固。

    The experimental study reveals that the geo-filament bolt can satisfy the consolidation requires of the earthen architecture site and the change of the bolt sur .

  23. 然而,经历了2000多年来自然和人为因素破坏,交河故城现已处于濒危状态。

    However , suffered from the nature and human activities during the past 2000 years , Jiaohe ruins has been destroyed seriously and in imminent danger .

  24. 本文概述了近年来形成的理论框架,并以鲁故城为实例探讨如何将这些理论应用于实际的考古材料。

    This thesis outlines this recently developed theoretical framework and uses the Lu City as an example of how to apply these theories to actual archaeological data .

  25. 本文的前两个部分以史料为主,介绍孤竹国建立与衰亡的过程及其疆域变迁、孤竹故城地理考证。

    Based on the historical data , documents and local chronicles of related places , the paper introduces and makes some textual research on the kingdom 's history .

  26. 由于城市居民的税率不变,故城市居民的社会福利基本不变,所以总的来看社会福利也得到了提高。

    Due to the urban tax rates remaining unchanged , the social welfare of urban residents is essentially the same , so the whole social welfare has also been improved .

  27. 许多国家现正经历这种转变,故城市化也在加速,但历史也证明,城市化不会永远以这种速度扩张。

    Many countries are undergoing that sort of transition now , and therefore urbanisation is accelerating . But history suggests it will not go on rising at this rate for ever .

  28. 该遗址的发现对于研究周代用鼎制度、郑韩故城的城市布局、青铜器的分期断代等,都具有重要价值。

    This discovery is of great value to the research on bronze ding s using system of Zhou Dynasty , distribution of Zheng and Han s onetime city , dates and stages of the bronzes .

  29. 文献中对东周时期东安故城的记载很少,我们只能依据有限的文献记载和考古调查所获取的实物资料,结合历史地理学最大限度的恢复故城东周时期的历史面貌。

    Few as records on the Eastern Zhou period , we can restore the landscape of Dongan Ancient City , by analyzing the limited literature articles and physical data , combined with historical geography information .

  30. 并进一步指出,尽管郑韩故城防御体系的效果是明显的,但随着郑、韩军事力量的衰弱,郑城的军事防御体系逐渐瓦解。

    The author points out that although the defense system of the Original Town was very effective , it collapsed gradually as the military power of Zheng and Han states was becoming weaker and weaker .