
gù dì
  • old haunt
故地 [gù dì]
  • [old haunt] 旧地,曾经居住过的地方

故地[gù dì]
  1. 是谁在故地迎亲?

    Who greets at the old haunt ?

  2. 故地重游嘛,当然兴奋了。

    Revisiting an old haunt is surely exciting .

  3. 昨天他发了好大一通脾气,平白无故地骂了我。

    Yesterday , he worked himself into a real frenzy and yelled at me for no reason at all .

  4. 地下水基本没有悬浮物,污染指数SDI低,比较适宜做反渗透的水源,但硬度高,容易引起反渗透膜结垢,故地下水反渗透除盐,预处理的重点是防止膜表面结垢。

    The groundwater has a little suspended particles and low SDI . It is suitable for the waterhead of reverse osmosis . The groundwater has high hardness , and it easily brings the membrane scaling .

  5. 诙谐的证人在几分钟之内无故地收回了他说的话。

    The witty witness withdraws his words within minutes without any reason .

  6. 故地壳屈曲是地震前兆的力学基础之一。

    Therefore crustal buckling is one of the mechanics basis of earthquake precursor .

  7. 卜辞中的唐与唐尧故地

    Tang and Tang Yao Native place in Oracle Inscriptions

  8. 夜莺在我的手边,我在故地的日子无多了。

    The nightingale is near at hand , my time at home is brief .

  9. 本周,我重返故地。

    This week , I returned to Elkhart .

  10. 我问自己为何重回故地。我开始酗酒。

    I asked myself why I had come back ; I became an alcoholic .

  11. 为什么又故地重游了?

    Why did we come here again ?

  12. 这次印度之行,故地重来,倍感亲切。

    Returning to India after so many years has brought back to me many fond memories .

  13. 世界帆船联赛故地重开。

    Introducing the world sailing leag .

  14. 好不奇怪,很多人已经到摩洛根寻根并且移居故地。

    Not surprisingly , some people have rediscovered their Morongo roots and moved back to the reservation .

  15. 这个画面是我们去年夏天花了7个礼拜故地重游了那个海岸线。

    This is a picture from last summer when we traveled the coast again for seven weeks .

  16. 他们俩一块儿去观光,冈萨雷斯还被邀请随时再次重游故地。

    The two went sightseeing together , and Mr. Gonzalez has an open invitation for a repeat trip .

  17. 略论韩国百济故地出土的中国陶瓷

    A Concise Discussion of the Chinese Ceramics Unearthed in the Territory of the Ancient Kingdom of Paekche in South Korea

  18. 英国不仅被她胜利的成本所束缚,也似乎不知何故地在时间里被冻结了。

    Britain was not just in thrall to the cost of its victory , but it seemed somehow frozen in time .

  19. 无论是要故地重游,重拾回忆,还是要探索新地带,你都值得一试。

    Whether you 're revisiting places where you have precious memories or exploring new destinations , it 's worth a try .

  20. 此次是我担任中国外长以来首次访加,故地重游,倍感亲切。

    Yet this is my first visit to Canada as the Chinese Foreign Minister and it is nice to be back again .

  21. 年长之后真到了西湖,如游故地,熟门熟路地踏访着一个陈旧的梦境。

    When growing old , I really set foot at the West Lake , which was just like revisiting a familiar place .

  22. 第二,下周四,我将前往棒球名人堂的故地纽约的库珀镇与人们谈论开发旅游事业。

    Second , on Thursday , I 'll be heading to Cooperstown , New York-home of the Baseball Hall of Fame-to talk about tourism .

  23. 去年故地重游时,我发现新加坡更加美轮美奂,少数仅存的殖民时期建筑被完美地修缮一新,年轻人既有趣又勤奋。

    Returning last year , I found Singapore more glittering still , the few remaining colonial buildings beautifully restored and the young people engaging and hardworking .

  24. 故事选取的发生地&白鹿原,又恰巧是宗法制根基深厚的秦朝故地。

    Story of the place selected & the white deer plain , but also happens to be deeply rooted feudal patriarchal clan system Qin old haunt .

  25. 短暂停留的旅行者可以保留那片刻的永恒,但故地重游却能将昔日的浪漫情感暴露在那耀眼的经济进步之光下。

    The fleeting traveler holds moments frozen in time , but a return visit exposes the romance of the past to the harsh light of economic progress .

  26. 广饶是古代齐国的故地,也是古代著名军事家孙武的故里。

    Guangrao is the site of the ancient state of Qi as well as the birthplace of Sun Wu , a famous military strategist in ancient China .

  27. 参加过二战的中国老兵仍然热情欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们曾经在那里作战,帮助中国从占领下获得解放。

    And Chinese veterans of that war still warmly greet those American veterans who return to the sites where they fought to help liberate China from occupation .

  28. 但是请好好地、努力地看看,是什么令你卸下重负,留守故地。

    But do , please , take a good hard look at what is weighing you down and causing you to stay in the same old place .

  29. 这里仍有一些始终没变的元素,而这些元素足以成为你故地重游的理由:海滨沿岸令人惊叹的壮丽景色;

    There are some things that haven 't changed , and by themselves , are reason enough to revisit : the mind-boggling views along that glorious waterfront ;

  30. 中国公民冒着失去一切的危险保护着他们。而参加二战的中国老兵仍然欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们在那里参战。40年前,我们两国间开启了又一种联系,两国关系开始解冻,通过乒乓球的比赛解冻关系。

    A different kind of connection was made nearly 40 years ago when the frost between our countries began to thaw through the simple game of table tennis .