
  • 网络policy function
  1. 政府采购制度:政策功能缺失与完善

    The Government Purchasing System : Loss of Policy Function and Perfection

  2. 摘要货币市场的主要功能之一是货币政策功能。

    One of basic functions of money market is monetary policy function .

  3. 政策功能,包括政策建议、决策与评估、反馈;

    Policy functions , including advising , decision-making , evaluating and feedback ;

  4. 市场化背景下公共政策功能的发挥

    An Elaboration on the Functions of Public Policies in the Marketed Background

  5. 这些问题的存在制约了我国公共政策功能与作用的发挥。

    , which baffling the exertion of our public policy functions and effects .

  6. 政府采购社会政策功能的正当性及当事人利益保护

    Legitimacy of Social Policy Function in Government Procurement and Protection of Party 's Interest

  7. 基于公共政策功能的城市总体规划编制内容

    On compilation content of general planning of city on base of public policy function

  8. 政府采购合同的特征与政策功能

    Characteristics and Policy Function of Government Purchase Contract

  9. 政府采购区别于一般采购的特质在于它所具有的政策功能。

    The difference between Government procurement and common procurement is the policy function it has .

  10. 政府采购制度具有公共资源优化配置、宏观调控、财政监管等重要政策功能。

    Government purchasing system has the function of optimizing public resources , macro adjustment , financial supervision , etc.

  11. 入世后我国主要贸易税收政策功能调整的定位分析

    Positioning Analysis on the Functional Adjustment of China 's Major Trade Taxation Policy after the Entry to WTO

  12. 应采取多方面配套改革措施,以完善政府采购制度的政策功能。

    We should take countermeasures for corresponding reform so as to perfect the policy function of government purchasing system .

  13. 政府采购制度的政策功能在不同国家不同时期有着不同的表现。

    In different periods of each country , policy functions of the government procurement system show various forms of expression .

  14. 第八章主要对西部经济发展的政策功能、法律及制度做出了具体的评价。

    Chapter 8 mainly gives concrete evaluation of policy functions , laws and systems in respect of the economic development of the west .

  15. 指出政府采购功能主要包括效率功能、规范功能和政策功能。

    Points out the functions of government procurement are mainly including the efficiency functions , the standard functions , and the policy functions .

  16. 犹豫制度就是通过赋予刑事司法机关程序上的裁量权,从而使其发挥追求个别正义、促进司法的人性化与谦抑化等刑事政策功能。

    By providing the discretion to judicial organization the system of suspension has the function of realizing individual justice and promoting humanization and relaxation .

  17. 在我国建立市场经济体制的过程中,政府的功能和行为发生了很大变化,这些变化主要通过政策功能的发挥体现出来。

    In the course of setting up market economic system in china , the governmental functions and actions have changed very much with the transformation of public policy function .

  18. 在过去的20年里,我们重点关注的是政府采购制度的经济有效性功能以及它在廉政建设方面的贡献,而导致其政策功能导向未能充分发挥。

    In the past 20 years , Chinese government only focuses on its effectiveness of the economic and clean government . Therefore , its function of policy leading is not fully played .

  19. 坚持财税体制要进一步发挥调解收入差距,促进社会公平的主体政策功能的理论和思想,笔者从税收和财政两个视角研究了这个课题。

    Insisting on one of the the important policy functions , which is that ' conciliation income gap , promote social justice ', I discussed this problem from the perspective of fiscal and taxation .

  20. 为了更好的促进经济增长,金融功能必须逐渐摒弃其政策功能,充分发挥其经济功能,同时随着金融功能要求的转变,相应的金融制度也必须做出适应性调整。

    To achieve the optimal economic growth rate , financial function should gradually abandon policy function , actively perform its economic function , and in this process , financial institution should take corresponding adjustment too .

  21. 本文是将政府采购政策功能纳入公共支出功能的整体视野下进行讨论,从西方经济学、公共经济学、产业经济学等多视角分析政府采购的经济社会功能的必要性和可行性。

    It will analyze the necessity and feasibility of economic and social functions of government procurement form various points of view including the Western Economics , Public Economics , Institutional Economics , and the Industry Economics .

  22. 科学规范创新的管理不仅使采购程序更加规范,而且使采购效率进一步的提高,同时能保证每一笔采购的有效性。三是有助于政府采购政策功能的实现。

    It will also further improve the efficiency of the procurement process and ensure the effectiveness of each individual purchase . Thirdly , it could help to achieve the policy functions of the government procurement activities .

  23. 从理论意义上来讲,本论文建立的一套分析框架可以为全面认识商业银行的中介功能、货币政策功能提供微观理论基础。

    As far as the theoretical sense is concerned , the whole framework of the paper provides the full understanding of the intermediary function and the currency policy function of the commercial bank with the micro-theory basis .

  24. 土地对我国农民而言,既是生产资料和生活资料的来源,又承载着就业、社会保障、社会安全等社会政策功能。

    For the peasants in China , the land is the source of production and subsistence means , which also functions as a social policy to guarantee employment , social insurance , social security , and so on .

  25. 但由于市场经济条件下政府财政政策功能的有限性,决定了政府不可能通过财政直接拨款的方式来彻底解决教育产业的发展资金问题。

    However , there is a limit to the function of the public finance so that the government should explore the new financing ways to meet the demand from the educational industry expansion under the market economy condition .

  26. 政府采购是政府部门在市场经济中最重要的商业活动之一,也是公共财政支出的一个重要组成部分,在公共管理中扮演着重要的角色,发挥着重要的政策功能。

    Government procurement is one of the most important business activities of government departments in a market economy and also an important component of public expenditure which plays an important role in public administration and plays an important policy functions .

  27. 因此,必须对政府采购法律制度进行完善,保证政府采购活动在阳光下顺利开展且有法可依、有章可循,有力发挥其公共财政的支出作用,有效实现其宏观调控的政策功能。

    Therefore , it is necessary to perfect the legal system of government procurement , in order to ensure government procurement activities smoothly carry out with legal and rule basis " in the sunshine ", and play its public finance expenditure function , effectively achieve its macro-control policy functions .

  28. 证券市场的货币政策传导功能实证研究

    Positive Research on Conduction Function of Stock Market to Monetary Policy

  29. 西方政府采购政策的功能定位及其启示

    Policy Function in Western Government Procurement and Its Relevance to China

  30. 法院的公共政策形成功能:比较与定位

    The Function of Courts Participating the Public Policy : Comparison and Location