
zhènɡ jiào
  • Politics and religion;politics and education;state and church
政教 [zhèng jiào]
  • [penalty and civilized intercourse] 指刑赏与教化

  1. 俄国政教关系的历史嬗变

    Evolution of the Relationship Between State and Church in Russia

  2. 甘地说过,那些主张政教分离者对两者的本质都不了解。

    Gandhi said that those who isolate religion from politics don 't understand the nature of either .

  3. 十四世德比勋爵面临执政3届弱势政府的艰巨任务,而当时的辉格党和自由党正在就反政教分离主义或石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因问题(schleswig-holstein)这类神秘问题争吵不休。

    It was the hard task of the 14th Earl of Derby to preside over three fragile governments that came into existence only when the Whigs and liberals quarrelled over such mysteries as anti-disestablishmentarianism or the Schleswig-Holstein question .

  4. 蒙古统治对罗斯政教关系的影响,等等。

    Mongolia-ruling have influenced the relation between church and state , etc.

  5. 他提醒我政教是分离的。

    He reminded me of the separation of church and state .

  6. 英国盎格鲁&撒克逊时期的基督教及政教关系

    Christianity , Church and State of Anglo - Saxon England

  7. 因为这么做违反了政教分离原则。

    Because it violates the separation of church and state .

  8. 印度实行政教分离的基本社会条件

    The Basic Social Condition for India 's Separation of Religion from Politics

  9. 现代土耳其建国于1923年,是一个严格的政教分离国家。

    Modern Turkey was founded in 1923 as a strictly secular state .

  10. 他们主张政教完全分离。

    They advocated a complete divorce of government and religion .

  11. 美国宪法中的政教关系原则及实践

    The Church and State Relationship in American Constitution : The Principle and Practice

  12. 辽代诗学思想更重视的是诗的政教功能。

    The poetic ideas of Liao Dynasty stressed the political and educational functions .

  13. 君士坦丁基督教政策与政教关系初探我国特殊教育行政决策

    Constantine 's Christian Policy and Church-State Relation Administration and Policies in special Education

  14. 惕隐是辽代北面官中唯一职掌皇族政教的官员。

    Dangyin is the official post charging education and politics for royal family .

  15. 政教分离是不可能的。你们的天堂就要失去了

    Their is NO separation of church and state and you heathens will lose

  16. 论18世纪美国政教分离制度的确立

    Establishment of United States ' Separation of Church and State System during 18th Century

  17. 政教专业课程设置与改革初探

    On the Curriculum and Its Reform in the Specialty of Ideological and Political Education

  18. 它的抒情言志说、六义论及其以政教观为核心的诗学功能论对后世的诗论家们长期产生深刻的影响。

    Its lyric and poetics function bring a great influence to the aftertime commenter .

  19. 宋以降诗学批评视野中的政教之论

    The Political Education Criticism in View of the Poetry Theory since the Song Dynasty

  20. 英属北美弗吉尼亚殖民地政教关系探析

    An Analysis of Relation between Politics and Religion in British North America Virginia Colony

  21. 土耳其自从1923年建国以来,一直是一个严格的政教分离国家。

    Turkey , since its creation in1923 , has been a strictly secular state .

  22. 美国宗教惯常做法的第三个特征是政教分离。

    A third characteristic of American religious practice is the separation of church and state .

  23. 我们倾向于认为政教分离的原则已经确立

    We like to think that the principle of separation of church and state is settled

  24. 印度古代政教关系的特征

    Characteristics of Politics-Religion Relationship in Ancient India

  25. 对改进高师政教专业教育教学工作的思考

    Thinking about the Improvement of Teaching in the Specialty of Political Education in Teachers Colleges

  26. 在政府内实行严格的政教分离政策

    A policy of strict secularism in government

  27. 政教分离直到近代还适用于教会学校。

    The separation of church and state applied to church schools up to the recent times .

  28. 从庙产管理看南京国民政府时期的政教关系以19271937年为中心的考察

    A Study of the Relationship Between Religion and Politics in the Period of the Nanjing National Government

  29. 论通识教育理论对政教专业课程改革的启示

    On the Enlightenment of General Education on the Curriculum Reform in the Specialty of Ideological and Political Education

  30. 试析蒙古政教关系的历史、现状及存在的问题

    An Analysis of the Past and Present Relationship Between Politics & Religion in Mongolia and Its Existing Problems