
zhènɡ zhì zé rèn
  • political responsibility
  1. 把道德责任和政治责任分隔开来是错误的。

    It is wrong to isolate moral responsibility from political responsibility .

  2. 它是一个包括政治责任、法律责任、道德责任在内的责任体系。

    It is a responsible system including political responsibility , legal responsibility and moral responsibility .

  3. 帕纳姆和瑟森斯翻译过来就是“面包和马戏”,写这个词语的人是说,平民百姓为了获得温饱和娱乐,放弃了他们的政治责任,也就放弃了他们的权力。

    Panem Et Circenses translates into " bread and circuses " . The writer was saying that in return for full bellies8 and entertainment , his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power .

  4. 因此,这些公司的高管们总是会关注自己的政治责任。

    As a result , senior executives always have an eye on their political responsibilities .

  5. 不同于其他学者,笔者从行政学的角度给其作了定义,并明确现时代政府责任应包括四大内涵:政治责任,道德责任,行政职责和法律责任。

    Differ to other researchers , the author defines it from the administrative point of view .

  6. 被问以的责任主要包括政治责任、行政责任、法律责任、道德责任四个方面,对于不同的责任,实施问责的方式及被问责的对象也是不同的。

    The government accountability includes political responsibility , administrative responsibility , legal liability and moral responsibility .

  7. 这种高度的政治责任感增长为玻尔的地位作为一个公众人物上升。

    This sense of political responsibility grew as Bohr 's status as a public figure rose .

  8. 因此,对于适当的司法和政治责任的范围,常常存在争议。

    Thus , there is often conflict over the proper scope of judicial and political accountability .

  9. 责任编辑的政治责任

    Executive Editor 's Political Duty

  10. 编辑的责任意识主要包括政治责任意识、质量责任意识、效益责任意识和创新责任意识四大方面。

    Editorial awareness of responsibility mainly includes four bearings on politics , quality , efficiency and novelty .

  11. 法院参与推进社会管理创新,是时代赋予的政治责任。

    The courts participating in promotion of social management innovation is the political responsibility entrusted by the times .

  12. 这是我第三次试图写关于知识分子的政治责任。

    This is the third time that I have tried to write about the political responsibility of intellectuals .

  13. 我们要以高度的政治责任感和时代紧迫感,去思考、研究、解决这些问题。

    We must have a height politics duty and exigency , for thinking and researching and solving these issues .

  14. 企业伦理的最新研究表明企业的社会责任是包括经济责任、政治责任、法律责任、文化责任和道德责任的综合责任。

    The social responsibilities for firms include economic and politic and legal as well as cultural and moral ones .

  15. 这并非意指它所教导的是,要撤清政治责任,并非如此。

    That is not to say at all that it teaches withdrawal from political responsibilities , it does not .

  16. 这意味着卫生保健远不只是一项繁重的政治责任,和公共资金的一个无底洞。

    That meant viewing health as far more than a burdensome political duty , a bottomless drain on public funds .

  17. 他想超越种族与阶级界限,给美国年轻人灌输一种共同的政治责任感。

    He wanted to instill in young Americans a sense of mutual political commitment that crossed ethnic and class boundaries .

  18. 北京文化的博大精深和北京人强烈的政治责任感早已赢得了人们的尊重。

    The great and intensive Beijing culture , together with strong political sense of responsibility , has won people 's respect .

  19. 哲学家或者知识分子应承担政治责任,将“学”与“政”打通。

    Finally , philosophers and intellectuals should take political responsibility , bridging the gap between " learning " and " politics " .

  20. 尽管多党制体系不完善,但却变得平常了很多;政治责任及政治选择已经被更为广泛的接受。

    Multi-party systems , however fraught , are more usual ; the notion of political accountability and choice is more widely accepted .

  21. 本文主要把法律责任与法律义务、政治责任、道德责任进行了比较性研究。

    The concept of law responsibility are more and more clear in comparative with legal obligation , political responsibility and moral responsibility .

  22. 其次,法律责任的概念可以通过与道德责任、政治责任的比较进行认识。

    Second , the concept of law responsibility would be understood by comparing it with the moral responsibility and the political responsibility .

  23. 其内容主要包括法律责任、经济责任、道德责任、政治责任、公益慈善责任。

    Its content mainly includes the legal liability , economical responsibility , moral responsibility , political liability , public welfare charitable responsibility .

  24. 之后,越来越多的官员因相关责任事故被追究政治责任,他们或引咎辞职或受到相应处分。

    Since then , a number of officials have been punished for their accountability for certain accidents ; some others resigned themselves .

  25. 仅有透过政治责任的运作才能获得,那责任意谓着,看顾某人的同邦公民,及公共利益。

    Through the exercise of political responsibility , which means responsibility for and oversight of one 's fellow citizens and the common good .

  26. 他们突出词的表意性,强调词人精神情操的培养,提倡雅正的词风,体现出鲜明的道德伦理性和政治责任感。

    They gave prominence to Cis expressive quality , with emphasis on the moral cultivation of poets in advocacy for elegant poetic style .

  27. 它的首要优点及目标,就是公民教育,训练公共领袖人员,及高标的政治责任。

    Its principal good , its principal goal , was the education of citizens for positions of public leadership and high political responsibilities .

  28. 很多工作已经完成但我们还有很多工作要做。保护环境是道德和政治责任。

    Much work has already been done but there is still much to da Protecting the environment is a moral and political imperative .

  29. 责任行政原则下的政府责任形式有政治责任和法律责任,惩罚性责任和补救性责任,侵权责任和违约责任等。

    Government responsibility forms under responsibility administration principle contain political and jural responsibilities , punitive and remedial responsibilities , infringement and default responsibilities , etc.

  30. 高度的政治责任感和人格修养的充分结合,是现阶段对科研管理人员的最根本的要求;

    The combination of high political responsibility and personal cultivation is the basic requirement for scientific and research administration personnel at the present time .