
  • 网络Research in Political Economy
  1. 2004年政治经济学研究与发展综述

    Review of the Development and Study of Political Economy in 2004

  2. 技术创新与政治经济学研究对象的拓展

    Technical Innovation and the Object of Investigation for Marxist Economics

  3. 中国国际政治经济学研究状况分析

    The analysis of the studying of IPE in China

  4. 恩格斯晚年对政治经济学研究对象的拓展

    Engles ' Extension in the Study Object of Political Economics in His Late Years

  5. 马克思主义政治经济学研究视角的转换

    Transition in Research Angles of Marxist Political Economics

  6. 政治经济学研究对象的思考

    Reflections on the Study Object in Political Economics

  7. 人本意识的缺失:中国政治经济学研究的弊端

    Lack of Sense of Humanism : Malpractice in the Study of Political Economics in China

  8. 从政治经济学研究对象到中国政治经济学的创新

    From the Study Objects of Political Economics to the Innovation of China 's Political Economics

  9. 重新理解政治经济学研究对象

    Reconsideration on Study Object of Political Economics

  10. 关于国际政治经济学研究的几点思考

    On Studies of International Political Economy

  11. 对政治经济学研究对象的再认识&兼评西方经济学的研究对象

    Know Again of Research Object of Political Economics & some time comment research object of western economics

  12. 马克思政治经济学研究的两个层面&兼谈马克思主义对西方经济学教学的指导

    Two Layers Of The Research On Marxian Plutonomy & And Talking About Marxism Guidance Of Western Plutonomy

  13. 本文在建立当代贸易保护政策博弈模型的基础上,对贸易保护政策的演变及其现状的进行博弈特征分析和国际政治经济学研究。

    The dissertation studies the game characteristics and politics and economy of foreign trade policy and its evolvement and actuality .

  14. 如何构建低成本、高效率、协调、有效的银行监管体制,不仅是金融理论研究的重大实践课题,也是现代经济学理论分析和实证研究的重点领域,也应该是政治经济学研究的重大理论和实践课题。

    How to up build a low cost but high efficient cooperating financial supervisory system is a serious issue today .

  15. 关于政治经济学研究对象的争论,迄今没有取得令人满意的结论。

    Of what the object of study of the political economics is , any satisfactory conclusion has not been reachd to this day .

  16. 同时,马克思在政治经济学研究中运用了实证科学的研究立场,并使自己的政治经济学理论成为实证科学。

    , At the same time , Marx used positive science standpoint in the political economics study , so his political economics theory became the positive science .

  17. 因此收入分配和收入差距不仅是政治经济学研究的重要问题,而且也是西方经济学中的一个重要问题。

    Therefore , the distribution of income and the income gap is not only important issues of political economy , but also an important issue in the Western Economics .

  18. 社会主义市场经济中的劳动具有价值,这是从现实出发得出的结论,是政治经济学研究方面的根本性创新。

    This paper explains that labor has value in socialist market economy , which is a conclusion drawn from facts and a radical innovation in the study of political economics .

  19. 能源外交是国家在国际关系中对外施加影响,谋求国家自身利益的一种重要方式,是国际政治经济学研究的重要内容,同时也是国际关系中研究国别关系的重要手段。

    Energy diplomacy is a way of influencing other countries and secure interests in international relationships , which is AN important content that international political economics and a way of studying the relationship between different countries .

  20. 转型是中国政治经济学研究面临的现实背景,而社会转型的进一步深化需要我们对它进行政治经济学的分析;

    Summary of the essay : Transition is the realistic background that China 's political economy research faces , and the further promotion for the social transition needs us to carry on the analysis of political economy ;

  21. 收入分配问题一直是马克思主义政治经济学研究的重点,它与国家利益和人民群众的切身利益密切相关,因此针对收入分配方面的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Income distribution is one of the research foci of Political Economics , which is closely related with national interest and welfare of citizens , and therefore , researches of income distribution is of significant practical importance .

  22. 利益集团是现代政治经济学研究社会结构的一个基本单位和概念工具,它突破了传统的阶级、阶层的概念和研究方法,提出了研究社会主义初级阶段我国社会结构的新视角。

    Interest group is a basic unit and concept for the study of the structure of modern political science , which breaks through the traditional methods of class and stratum , offering a new angle for the study of our social structure in the primary stage of socialism .

  23. 西方新政治经济学的研究特色

    On the Research Characteristic of New Political Economics of the West

  24. 论当代政治经济学的研究对象

    The Object of the Study of the Contemporary Political Economics

  25. 共同富裕:社会主义政治经济学的研究对象

    The Object of Study in the Socialist Political Economics-to Achieve Prosperity in Common

  26. 政治经济学理论研究综述

    Research and Summary on the Theory of Political Economics

  27. 政治经济学原理研究

    An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy

  28. 全面正确地认识政治经济学的研究对象

    The All-sided and Correct Understanding of the Object of Study of the political Economics

  29. 试论政治经济学的研究对象

    On the Object of Study for Political Economics

  30. 实证政治经济学的研究领域几乎涉及宏观经济的每一个重要领域,也取得了丰硕的成果。

    Empirical political economics involves every field of macroeconomics , and has made great achievements .