
  • 网络Political Novel;political fiction
  1. 这一观点的前提是把《菲利克斯.霍尔特》当作纯粹的政治小说。

    That view presupposes regarding Felix Holt the Radical as a purely political novel .

  2. 其中,由梁启超等率先提倡的政治小说占据了晚清小说热潮的重要位置。

    Among these , Political Novel is concernful , which was advocated by Liang Qichao .

  3. 整个事件就像一部绝顶刺激的地缘政治小说。

    It reads like a geopolitical thriller of the first order .

  4. 晚清政治小说的现代性

    An analysis of the modernity of the political novels in the late Qing Dynasty

  5. 读者期待视野关照下的清末政治小说翻译

    Translation of Political Novels in Late Qing Dynasty from Reader 's Horizon of Expectation

  6. 就《动物农庄》和《一九八四》看奥威尔政治小说的艺术性

    On the Art of Orwell Political Novels from Animal Farm , Nineteen Eighty Four

  7. 新政治小说的新意识与新叙事&索尔仁尼琴九十年代短篇小说创作论

    New Consciousness and Narration in " New Political Fiction ": On Solzhenitsyn 's 1990s Short Stories

  8. 格林的《文静的美国人》是他政治小说的代表作。

    British writer Graham Greenes The Quiet American is the magnum opus of his political novels .

  9. 他的作品主要可以分为航海小说,丛林小说和社会政治小说三大类。

    Conrad 's works mainly fall into three categories : sea fictions , jungle fictions and social political novels .

  10. 在小说类型上,由传统小说类型之外增加了政治小说、科学小说、侦探小说和教育小说;

    About fiction type , political fictions , scientific fictions , detective fictions and educational fictions came up besides traditional fictions .

  11. 学者们通常把康拉德的小说划分为海洋小说、丛林小说、政治小说三种题材。

    His fiction is usually classified into three major categories by scholars : sea fiction , jungle fiction and political fiction .

  12. 本文侧重探讨康拉德的一部重要的政治小说&《在西方的注视下》中的多种双重性。

    This thesis attempts to explore the manifold doubleness in one of Conrad 's important political novel & Under Western Eyes .

  13. 其中政治小说、社会小说、历史小说、短篇小说以及翻译小说显得特别突出。

    Among them , political fiction , social fiction , historical fiction , short stories and translated fiction turned out to be distinct .

  14. 晚清政治小说中的西方形象,反映的是作者们建构新秩序的功利心理以及难以舍弃的民族情感。

    The western images in the political novel in the late Qing Dynasty reflected writers ' eagerness to construct new order and reluctance to depart national feelings .

  15. 首先对涵秋时代的社会小说分野进行概述,主要从近代谴责小说和政治小说方面。

    Firstly , the paper carries on the outline into the social novel in the time of Hanqiu , mainly from latter-day condemnation and political novel aspects .

  16. 虽然《但以理书》经常被看作政治小说进行分析,但是还没有通过分析文本以及叙事手法对但以理人物形象进行系统分析的研究。

    Although The Book of Daniel is often analyzed as a political fiction there lacks a systematic study about the narration for the exploration of the figuration of Daniel .

  17. 梁启超选择它来翻译,不是因为政治小说有多高的文学性、艺术性,而是看中了政治小说的教化作用。

    Liang Qichao chose to translate it , not because the political fiction had high literary and artistic quality , but rather with a fancy to educate the people .

  18. 《动物农庄》和《一九八四》寓真实于寓言与虚构中,体现政治小说的艺术性,使读者产生惊讶。

    Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four combine historical truth with the fable and fiction novels , which show the art of political novels , to make readers feel surprised .

  19. 《红与黑》不仅是一部反映复辟时期法国社会生活的政治小说,更是一部洞察爱情、展示人物心灵的艺术杰作。

    Red And Black is not only a political novel reflecting French social life in restored period , but also a masterpiece of art with an insight into love and soul .

  20. 作者认为,政治小说是晚清精英知识分子乌托邦精神的表征,体现了特定历史时期知识分子的价值立场和审美追求。

    The writer believes that political novel is the token of new intellectuals ′ Utopia spirit , and expression of the value position and aesthetic persuasion of intellectuals in the special history .

  21. 此外,文章还注重分析晚清政治小说前后发展的变化,以及它与当时其他小说类型的比较,从而较为客观地阐释政治小说在晚清的独特生存状态。

    In addition , the paper also focuses on the later development of the late Qing Dynasty political fictions , as well as its comparison with other types of novels at that time .

  22. 他转型后的系列政治小说用写实的手段,描摹中国当代改革进程,关注时代的发展和进步;

    The series of his novels after he changed his style uses the means of realism to depict the reform progress of china today ; to concern the development and progress of the times ;

  23. 其次选取了清末政治小说翻译作为典型事理,在当时的历史文化背景下,具体分析了读者期待视野对这一类型小说翻译的影响。

    Taking the typical translation of political novels in the late Qing Dynasty under its social historical background as examples , the " readers ' horizon of expectations " is analyzed in this article .

  24. 《日瓦戈医生》在中国的诠释经历了官方话语、专家话语和大众话语的转换;《日瓦戈医生》在中国先后被判断为政治小说、艺术劣作、艺术经典;

    The interpretation of Doctor Zhivago in China has changed from official discourse , specialist discourse and popular discourse Doctor Zhivago has been regarded as political novel , a bad work and a classics .

  25. 依笔者之见,该作品的意义并不在于它是一部政治小说,而在于它体现了一种对人类社会进程以及文明建设速度的深切关怀。

    The present paper seeks to prove that the significance of this particular work lies more in its deep concern for the speed at which human civilization progresses than in its being a political novel .

  26. 近代小说文体的变革主要表现在:小说类型扩大,出现了政治小说、侦探小说、科学小说等;

    The literary styles of modern novels changed greatly from the following aspects : The types of novels were extended , and there were political novels , detective stories , scientific novels and so on ;

  27. 但是,勿庸讳言,周梅森的政治小说也存在着明显的瑕疵,主要表现在:艺术审美价值在流失,叙述艺术略显粗糙等等。

    But , naturally on the other hand , his novels also have their own obvious blemishes , which mainly include the fading value of artistic appreciation , the rough way of the narrating art , etc.

  28. 从1902年到1911年,晚清政治小说在由兴起到式微的过程中,推动了近代小说的繁荣,使小说由边缘走向了中心。

    The political novel in late Qing Dynasty , which went from its rising to subtle development from 1902 to 1911 , has promoted the prosperity of modern novel which made novels go from the edge of literature to the center .

  29. 在中国的文化文学尤其是小说史上,梁启超以自己倡导的小说界革命和政治小说奠定了他在中国近代小说理论和创作史上的无人可及的地位。

    In the history of Chinese culture ? literature ? especially novel , Liang Qichao established his highest position in the modern history of Chinese novel theory and creation by his initiating " novel field revolution " and " political novel " .

  30. 在文化传承方面,政治小说将儒家文化文以载道精神通过新小说这一文类延续下来,并给予后来的五四新文学,乃至20世纪革命文学以深远的影响。

    In the cultural inheritance aspect , the political novel continues down the spirit the literary for the sake of Tao of the Confucian culture through new novel , and shows profound influence to the May-Four New Literature afterwards and even 20th century revolution literature .