
zhènɡ fǔ jì chénɡ
  • government succession;succession of government
  1. 而约翰逊政府继承肯尼迪政府的对华政策,并使得越南战争升级。

    Johnson Administration followed Kennedys policy and made Vietnam War escalated .

  2. 梅杰政府继承了撒切尔夫人的政策,在就业方面,加强了就业服务。

    The government succeeded this policy and strengthened employment service .

  3. 1953年上台的艾森豪威尔政府继承了杜鲁门政府的政策。

    The Eisenhower Administration , Truman 's successor , carried on this foreign policy .

  4. 我们从杜鲁门政府继承下来的最刺手的问题之一是乔·麦卡锡。

    One of the most serious problems we inherited from Truman 's government was Joe McCarthy .

  5. 事态的进展就这样使人们对尼克松政府继承下来的担子的复杂性失去了任何同情。

    This process destroyed any compassion for the complexity of the task the Nixon Administration had inherited .

  6. 本届政府继承下来的金融危机,仍在给企业和家庭等带来痛苦的挑战。

    The financial crisis this administration inherited is still creating painful challenges for businesses and families alike .

  7. 从遏制战略的角度出发,艾森豪威尔政府继承并发展了杜鲁门政府的越南政策,实现了美国对越南政策的根本改变,形成了服从并服务于其冷战政策及全球战略需要的越南政策。

    According to containment strategy , the Eisenhower administration has inherited and developed Truman administration 's Vietnamese policy , realized the radical change of this policy , and formed a policy which followed and served its cold war policy and the global strategy .

  8. 此后几届英国政府都继承了丘吉尔的遗产,对方兴未艾的欧洲联合运动采取消极抵抗的态度。

    The successive governments all inherited the policy from Churchill and took a passive attitude to the European unity campaign .

  9. 而另一方面,英国新的联合政府则继承了所有欧盟国家中规模最大的预算赤字。

    In Britain , on the other hand , the new coalition government has inherited the largest budget deficit of any EU country .

  10. 清政府不仅继承了明代的钞关制度,并且进行了许多重要创新,从而形成了一套远比明代钞关制度规范的清代常关制度。

    The government of Qing Dynasty not only inherited system of Frequent tariff Ming Dynasty , but also made many significant innovations , and so formed a more regular system of Frequent tariff in Qing Dynasty than of Frequent tariff in Ming Dynasty .

  11. 国民政府也打着继承孙中山总理遗教的旗帜,在20世纪30年代进行了十年的地方自治。

    The National Government carried out ten years local self-government of 1930s under cover of patriotism which claimed to be inherited the teachings left by the deceased premier .

  12. 后来的国民政府民事诉讼立法继承了该草案有关中间判决制度的规定。

    Later , the National Government civil legislation inherited the interim of the draft decision on the system requirements .

  13. 现在,美国新政府可以声明对继承的政策遗产不负责任;但在不远的将来,它将必须负责。

    Today , the new US administration can disown responsibility for its inheritance ; tomorrow , it will own it .

  14. 如果我的假设是正确的,那么我打赌,他一直计划着如何处理这个问题,以确保埃塞尔比亚政府的某种合理继承。

    And if I am correct in that assumption then I would be willing to bet very good money that he has been planning for some way to deal with this issue in order to ensure some kind of reasonable succession of government in Ethiopia .