
  • rebook;ticket changing;reissue
  1. 大多数乘客都下了飞机,打算改签航班,或是寻找食物。

    Most folks got off the plane to try to rebook flights and find food .

  2. 团队的26名成员与呼叫中心的同事接受过同样的培训,也可以改签机票。

    Its 26 members have the same training and ability to rebook flights as their call-center counterparts .

  3. 根据美国运输部(TransportationDepartment)的最新统计数据,在截至去年9月30日的12个月中,航空公司总计收取行李托运费和机票改签费61亿美元。

    Airlines charged $ 6.1 billion in baggage and reservation-change fees in the 12 months ended Sept. 30 , the most recent counted by the Transportation Department .

  4. 我们可以为您改签海口至广州的航班,再改乘CZ3881由广州至北京。

    We can endorse the flight from Haikou to Guangzhou for you , then you may take the flight CZ3881 from Guangzhou to Beijing .

  5. 男:有,但你得改签一下。

    Man : Yes , but you 'd have to change .

  6. 大部分航空公司同意为改签的乘客减免费用。

    Most airlines have agreed to waive fees for changing reservations .

  7. 我能改签到一个提供晚餐的航班上吗?

    Could I change a later flight on which dinner is served ?

  8. 请问车票改签在几号窗口办理?

    Excuse me , which window can I have my ticket changed ?

  9. 男:苏,你能帮我改签一下我的班机吗?

    Man : Sue , could you change my flight reservation for me ?

  10. 我们将为您改签最近的航班。

    We will endorse the latest flight for you .

  11. 这车票只能改签一次。

    The ticket can be signed only once .

  12. 与其它航线不同,穿梭航班的机票改签是不收费的。

    Unlike with most flights , changing your shuttle flight is free of charge .

  13. 我想改签我的班机。

    I want to change my flight reservation .

  14. 请问我的车票可以办理改签吗?

    Excuse me , can you tell me if my ticket can be changed ?

  15. 对不起,您的车票不能办理改签,只能退票。

    I 'm sorry , your ticket can 't be changed , only to be refunded .

  16. 如果这段时期内,你有机会使用机票,那么客户就只需负担改签费。

    If you can use the ticket again in that time , just charge them the fee .

  17. 你正在返回航站楼,所以你很可能要改签其它航班。

    You are heading for the terminal , so probably will be rebooked on to another flight .

  18. 其他航空公司允许在12月7日选择受风暴影响地区机场的乘客改签。

    Other airlines are also letting customers change plans through December 7th when using airports in the affected regions .

  19. 菲德丽卡:不好意思,我所知道的一点是不能退款或改签。

    Federica : Sorry , one thing I do know is that there are no refunds or changes allowed .

  20. 某些受限制机票的确允许你重新预订航班,你只需支付改签费。

    Some restricted fares do indeed allow you to re-book on a later flight on payment of an alteration fee .

  21. 这一点当你在不同时区旅行而需要改签航班时尤为重要。

    This is especially important when you 're traveling to a different time zone and need to change your flight schedule .

  22. 他得知,改签机票比重新买两张单程机票还贵。

    Changing them , he learned , was going to cost more than buying a new pair of one-way tickets out .

  23. 但他最后决定改签周日更为便宜的中转联程航班,在德国法兰克福转机。

    But the athlete ultimately decided to take another , cheaper flight with a layover in Frankfurt , Germany , on Sunday .

  24. 航空公司实施了风暴政策,允许选择得克萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州以及阿肯色州机场的乘客改签。

    The carrier has implemented its storm policy that lets customers change plans when using selected airports in Texas , Oklahoma and Arkansas .

  25. 就像2009年世锦赛,她给自己订的居然是第三轮结束后的飞机票,结果她一路打入了决赛,代价就是三次改签了机票。

    As a result , she had to change flight schedule three times as she had won consecutive games to reach the final round .

  26. 如果乘客没赶上飞机,航空公司可以决定自动为他改签下一个航班。

    If a passenger is late for a flight , for instance , an airline might decide to rebook the passenger on the next flight automatically .

  27. 《十月围城》就不错,虽然我一直很纳闷,为什么孙中山就不能改签,非要那天到。

    For example , Bodyguards and Assassins is not bad though I was wondering why can 't Sun Yat-sen change another day but must be that day .

  28. 之后,我丈夫在纽约得到一个很棒的现场演出的机会,时间就在我们计划出发的那天,所以他打电话去改签他和儿子的机票。

    Then my husband was offered a great gig in New York for the same day we were set to leave , so he called to change his and our son 's tickets .

  29. 格雷奇说,里兹克夫妇在结束欧洲假期要回国时,曾试图改签为朋友们预定的时间更早的航班,以免在吉隆坡停留更长时间。

    Mr. Grech said that when it was time for the Rizks to return home from their European vacation , they tried to change their flight to take an earlier one their friends were booked on to avoid a long layover in Kuala Lumpur .