
  1. 2011年,苏富比拍卖公司(Sotheby's)就在香港拍卖了作曲家安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯(AndrewLloydWebber)收藏的价值4330万港元的葡萄酒。

    In 2011 , Andrew Lloyd Webber sold HK $ 43.3 million-worth of wine at a Sotheby 's auction .

  2. 这家拍卖行在2013年出售了唐英年(HenryTang)收藏的价值4800万港元的葡萄酒。唐英年是香港政界人士,曾是香港行政长官候选人。

    In 2013 , the auction firm sold HK $ 48 million-worth of wine owned by Henry Tang , a politician and former candidate for Hong Kong 's top post of chief executive .

  3. 佳士得拍卖行(Christie's)将分三次拍卖前曼彻斯特联队(ManchesterUnited,简称:曼联队)教练亚历克斯•弗格森(AlexFerguson)收藏的价值约500万美元的葡萄酒,这些藏品的大部分将于5月份在香港拍卖。

    Former Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson is set to sell an estimated $ 5 million-worth of wine at three sales by auction firm Christie 's , with the bulk being put up for auction in May in Hong Kong .

  4. 此外,珠宝本身的稀有与瑰丽也有着不可低估的投资和收藏的价值。

    In addition , the rare and magnificent characteristic endues jewelry itself investment and collection value which could not be underestimated .

  5. 中国的科学家说假化石在中国的博物馆中是较普遍的,所以要准确的估计整个收藏的价值是较困难的。

    Chinese scientists say fake fossils are so pervasive in Chinese museums that using authenticity as the basis for judging a collection 's worth is unrealistic .

  6. 产品线条之优美、表情之细腻、工艺之精良,令观者爱不释手,极具观赏和收藏的价值。

    The product line is beautiful , the expression of the exquisite , of craft excellent , make the viewer fondle admiringly , highly ornamental and collection value .

  7. 除了颁布政令的基本功能之外,诏书还有作为档案收藏的价值,这使诏书成为日后正史编制中的一个重要史料来源。

    Except the basic usefulness to promulgate the policy , the rescripts can be collect as the archives . This makes the rescripts became the very important historical materials of the history record .

  8. 根据官方收入报告,普京去年收入7万英镑,只是他所收藏的手表价值的六分之一。

    According to his official income declaration Mr Putin earned ? 70,000 last year , making his suggested watch collection alone worth almost six times his annual salary .

  9. 普京的反对派公布的一份档案显示,普京拥有58架飞机和直升机,收藏的手表价值40万英镑,度假用的别墅和乡间豪宅超过20处。

    A dossier drawn up by a political rival of the Russian president suggests that he has 58 planes and helicopters at his use , that he has a collection of watches worth ? 400,000 , and that he relaxes at more than 20 palaces and country retreats .

  10. 我还记得很多,因为他们是很好的画家有的产生了若干非常收藏画很好的价值,然后逐渐消失,也不会看到或听到了。

    Many , I still remember because they were good painters some produced a certain number of very collectable paintings of good value and then faded away , never to be seen or heard of again .