
  1. 轴突再支配过程中大鼠脊髓Ⅲ板层内突触变化的电镜定量观察

    Changes of SynaPse in Lamina III of Rat Spinal Cord during Axonal Reinnervation : A Quantitative Ultrastructural Study

  2. 另一方面,公共税收的取得、管理及支配过程本身也是一种公共管理活动,同样需要支付成本,我们称之为税收成本。

    On the other hand , the administration and control process of taxation , is itself a kind of public administrative activity , which also needs to be funded . We shall call this taxation cost .

  3. 而支配这个过程的核心就是足球的进攻战术意识。

    However , the controlling core is the football attacking awareness .

  4. 在部长理事会完全支配决策过程的情况下,委员会的许多立法建议不能被及时采纳。

    Constructive initiatives can not be adopted when the Council dominates decision-making procedures under unanimity rule .

  5. 然而,尽管许多人接受了科学决定论支配物理过程的观念,但却认为人类行为是一个例外,因为他们认为我们有自由意志。

    Many , however , while accepting that scientific determinism governs physical processes , would make an exception for human behavior because they believe we have free will .

  6. 第二章介绍了Pareto最优解集和Pareto最优边界的概念以及庄家法则的基本思想等,并通过举例详细地说明了用庄家法则构造非支配集的过程。

    The second chapter introduces Pareto optimal solution sets , Pareto optimality boundary , the basic thought of banker law , and it detail described a example about finding non-dominated sets by banker law . 3 .

  7. 教育目标指导和支配整个教育过程。

    Education objectives guide and dominate the whole education process .

  8. 受某种平静的自然法则的支配,这个过程不会引起混乱,无须付出努力,没有任何反作用。

    The thing is accomplished without trouble , without effort , without reaction , & following a natural and tranquil law .

  9. 通过破坏脑活动,这些毒素反过来改变被这些神经元支配的心理过程,特别是认知。

    By disrupting brain activity , the toxin in turn alters psychological processes supported by these neurons , notably cognitive control .

  10. 作为企业的一项重要的无形资产,知识产权在企业形成市场支配地位的过程中具有举足轻重的作用。

    As an important enterprise of intangible assets , intellectual property position in the enterprise market , the process of the formation of an important role .

  11. 对弛豫时间的计算结果发现,该弛豫是由多种极化机制参与、界面极化为支配的动力学过程。

    From the theoretical values of relaxation time based on the models , it was found that the multifarious polarization mechanisms contributed mainly to the present dielectric relaxations .

  12. 它实质上是以发达资本主义国家为主导的,是资本主义经济体系对世界的支配与控制过程,但它同时也是一个生产社会化的过程,是人类生产力发展的一个必然阶段。

    It is capitalist - oriented in essence and is a process dominating the whole world by capitalist , meantime , It is a process of produce socialization and development of social productive .

  13. 目的研究封闭负压引流技术(Vacuumassistedclosure,VAC)对失感觉神经支配的创面愈合过程中Bcl2与NGF表达的影响。

    Objective To explore the influence of vacuum-assisted closure technique ( VAC ) on expression of Bcl-2 and NGF during wound healing .

  14. 阿派称,这些发现说明支配着恒星形成过程的是磁力而不是动荡。

    The findings show that magnetism , not turbulence , is dominating the process , he says .

  15. 地理认知策略是地理学习中,优化地理材料加工效果,提高加工效率的一种认知技能,又是用以支配自己的心智过程的内部组织起来的技能。

    Cognitive strategy in geography is a kind of cognitive skill to refine the effects about geography materials and improve the effects of process in learning geography , and also a skill to control the learners ' psychological process .

  16. 辐射不透明度是用来描述高温等离子体辐射输运过程的重要参数,是支配辐射输运过程的基本物理量,同时也是核武器设计和研发的重要参数。

    Radiative opacity of plasmas is an important parameter , which couples into the equation of radiative transportation and affect strikingly the radiative transportation process of hot plasmas , as well as a crucial factor for the design of nuclear weapons .