
  • 网络motorola;Motorola Inc;Motorola, Inc
  1. 自从摩托罗拉公司创立六西格玛以来,加之摩托罗拉和GE的成功实施,六西格玛管理在全球掀起了一场管理的风暴。

    Since the establishment of six sigma in Motorola and the successful implement of it in Motorola and GE , the six sigma management launched a storm of management .

  2. 摩托罗拉公司(motorola)市场份额大幅下降,从14.5%降至10%,手机销量为3.040万部。

    Motorola Inc. , on the other hand , saw a sharp drop in its market share , to 10 % from 14.5 % after selling 30.4 million handsets .

  3. Gartner还指出,与此相比,诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)的市场份额为38.1%,居世界第一,韩国三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.Ltd.)为14.5%,美国摩托罗拉公司(MotorolaInc.)为13.1%。

    That compares to market leader Nokia Corp. 's market share of38.1 % , South Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co.'s14.5 % and U.S. - based Motorola Corp.'s13.1 % , Gartner says .

  4. 摩托罗拉公司的CEOSanjayJha本周四表示,摩托罗拉将来上市的手机产品将大部分配备多点触摸屏。

    The " majority " of Motorola 's future phones will use multi-touch input in the near future , the company 's CEO Sanjay Jha remarked late Thursday .

  5. 手机制造商摩托罗拉公司(MotorolaInc.)的软体部副总裁克利斯蒂•怀亚特(ChristyWyatt)表示,智慧文本输入法是促进手机开发的主要技术之一。

    Says Christy Wyatt , vice president of software at cellphone maker Motorola Corp. : 'Predictive text is one of the technologies that has opened up the handset . '

  6. 本课题是在摩托罗拉公司BAT3厂完成。

    My thesis was performed in BAT3 of Motorola ( China ) Electronics Limited .

  7. 摩托罗拉公司是刚刚消失在巴基斯坦时,他们的灾难的F-3产品型号开始了恶性幻灯片他们从没有恢复的未来似乎更加暗淡。

    Motorola is just vanishing in Pakistan , the disaster of their F-3 model started a vicious slide from which they never recovered with the future seems more bleak .

  8. 针对摩托罗拉公司生产的32位微处理器MCF5272的结构性能作了简要介绍,并用此芯片开发小型网络系统。

    This paper simply introduces the structure of 32 bits microcontroller & MCF5272 produced by MOTOROLA corporation , and does research on development of miniature network system .

  9. 利用摩托罗拉公司新推出的霍尔效应式专用点火集成电路MC33093,通过调整一些参数,设计出适合我国汽车用霍尔效应式电子点火电路。

    Hall effect electronic is now designed , using Hall effect special purpose ignition integrated circuit MC33093 newly developed by MOTOROLA Company with some of the parameters adjusted .

  10. 压阻式传感器是近年来发展应用很广的一种压力传感器,本文介绍了美国摩托罗拉公司(MotorolaCo.)生产的MPX横向扩散型硅压力传感器的主要特性。

    Piezo-resistance type of sensor is the pressure transducer which has been developed and used in recent years . In this paper it is introduced that the main specifications of the Model MPX transversal diffusion silicon pressure transducer are presented , which is manufactured by American Motorola Co.

  11. 思科和摩托罗拉公司正在筹建这样的无线网。

    Cisco and Motorola have one such network in the works .

  12. 摩托罗拉公司估计到2005年无线设备将超过有线设备。

    Motorola estimates that wireless devices will surpass wired ones by2005 .

  13. 摩托罗拉公司的商业、政府和行业解决方案事业部(制造类)

    Motorola Inc. Commercial , Government and Industrial Solutions Sector ( CGISS )

  14. 摩托罗拉公司手机生产线持续质量改进应用研究

    Application Study for Continuous Quality Improvement of Motorola Mobile Phone Production Line

  15. 我是摩托罗拉公司的计算机工程师。

    I 'm working for a computer company . Computer engineer at Motorola .

  16. 摩托罗拉公司在华通信网络服务战略变革

    The Reforms of Motorola Telecommunication Network Service Strategic

  17. 摩托罗拉公司的老板爱德华?詹德素以其风趣而“闻名”。

    But ed zander , the boss of motorola , is notorious for wisecracking .

  18. 不过涉及到专利时,摩托罗拉公司可不是笨蛋,它已经提起过反诉了。

    Motorola , is no slouch when it comes to patents and has sued back .

  19. 当时,库伯任职于摩托罗拉公司的通信系统部总经理之位。

    At the time Mr Cooper was general manager of Motorola 's Communications Systems Division .

  20. 第一次来拜访,我是摩托罗拉公司的张强。

    This is my first time here . I am Zhang Qiang from the Motorola Company .

  21. 摩托罗拉公司1928年成立于美国芝加哥,1973年首次推出其商务机。

    The company , started in 1928 in Chicago , unveiled the first commercial cellphone in 1973 .

  22. 这个组织的成员包括杜邦、福特汽车公司、国际纸业以及摩托罗拉公司。

    Members of the group include DuPont , Ford Motor Company , International Paper , and Motorola .

  23. 作为世界最大的电子制造商之一,摩托罗拉公司一直致力于环境友好型电子产品的研发。

    As a leading global company in electronic manufacturing , Motorola Inc obligate for providing environmental preferred products .

  24. 着重介绍美国摩托罗拉公司生产的无触点点火装置(配磁电传感器)性能测试和数据分析的一些情况;

    Stressed on introducing the fully-transistorized ignition system ( with magnetic-electric sensor ) specification test-ing and data analysis ;

  25. 摩托罗拉公司比任何手机制造商都清楚为顾客量身定制手机的重要性。

    More than any other smartphone maker , Motorola gets how important it is to tailor its smartphones to its customers .

  26. 六西格玛管理自从被摩托罗拉公司创立以来,一度在全球许多公司掀起六西格玛管理的浪潮。

    Since Motorola created the Six Sigma management method , so many companies over the world set off a global wave of it .

  27. 摩托罗拉公司的官员称,他们在为苹果公司研究铜芯片,将在今年(1998年)底投入生产。

    Officials at Motorola Inc. have said they are working on copper chips for Apple and will go into production at the end of this year .

  28. 摩托罗拉公司已经宣布他们将放弃对美国队的赞助,该队经理正在寻找新的商业伙伴。

    Motorola have already announced they were giving up their sponsorship to the American team , and the team manager was looking for new Business connection .

  29. 尊敬的先生:从摩托罗拉公司处得知贵公司的名称及地址。现致函给您,期望与贵公司建立业务关系。

    Dear sirs , having obtained your name and address from Motorola company , we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you .

  30. 实证分析选择了目前国内市场比较有代表性的两个品牌&摩托罗拉公司和波导公司,比较分析了他们在渠道模式、渠道成员选择、渠道设计等方面的特点所在。

    Motorola and Bird , two representative products in domestic market , were used as examples to compare their channel pattern , member selection and design as well .