
Mó sī
  • mousse
  1. 《魅力》(Glamour)杂志全球最佳穿着女星榜于本周出炉,英国流行歌手、电视明星谢丽尔•科尔跻身榜首,去年的冠军得主凯特•摩丝今年屈居第二位。

    British pop singer and television star Cheryl Cole was crowned the world 's best dressed woman by Glamour magazine this week , beating last year 's winner Kate Moss into second place .

  2. 他提到自己和威廉王子(PrinceWilliam)一起上学的事情(他也是在同一个时期在苏格兰上的圣安德鲁斯大学(St.Andrew's),但并不认识威廉王子),还说自己见到过超模凯特•摩丝

    He mentions how he went to school with Prince William . ( He attended St. Andrew 's in Scotland at the same time but never knew the prince . ) Or he tells of the time he saw supermodel Kate Moss .

  3. 不可复制的凯特?摩丝是不折不扣的英国时尚偶像,这些年是她一手将紧身牛仔裤、UGG雪地靴和豹纹外套捧成了热门单品。

    The inimitable Kate Moss is a true British fashion icon , single-handedly spearheading the sales of skinny jeans , Ugg boots and leopard-print coats in recent years .

  4. 达科塔·摩丝:为什么他想杀死我?

    Dakota Moss : Why does he want to kill me ?

  5. 嗯,我们这有摩丝蘑菇和马里蘑菇。

    Arhh , here we have Mousse mushrooms , Mali mushrooms .

  6. 涤锦摩丝桃皮绒染整工艺

    Dyeing and Finishing of Polyester / Polyamide Mousse-like Peach-Skin Fabric

  7. 新型染发剂染发摩丝的制备

    Preparation of a New Kind of Lasting Hair Dye Colorant-Hair Dye Mousse

  8. 美发摩丝对小鼠免疫功能的抑制

    Suppressive effects of mousse ( hair fixative ) on immunological function of mice

  9. 结论美发摩丝对小鼠的免疫功能有抑制作用

    Conclusion Mousse has a notable suppressive effects on the immunological function of mice

  10. 冷烫精和摩丝的胚胎毒性的实验研究

    Embryotoxicity study of perm lotion and mousse in mice

  11. 你怎么常常在用摩丝?

    Why are you using mousse all the time ?

  12. 擦些摩丝能帮助头发定型。

    Some mousse will help to set the hair .

  13. 去看看凯特?摩丝的鞋柜吧。

    Oh , to take a glance in Kate Moss 's boot cupboard .

  14. 我尝试叻许多定型摩丝,这个是我的最爱。

    I have tried a lot of mousses and this one is my favorite !

  15. 水性摩丝成膜物的制备及改性

    Preparation and modification of water-soluble mousse film-formed polymer

  16. 那摩丝可以帮助塑造我的发型。

    The mousse helps shape my hair .

  17. 德普和超模凯特•摩丝交往了四年,然后又和另外一位名模谈起了恋爱。

    He dated supermodel Kate Moss for four years before moving onto another famous catwalker .

  18. 本实用新型的美发摩丝梳,自带摩丝瓶,使用方便。

    The hair mousse comb of the utility model with mousse bottle is convenient to use .

  19. 只需要简单地换双鞋,整个人的气场就发生了神奇的变化。摩丝显然深谙此道。

    Moss is evidently savvy to the vibe-changing magic which a simple shoe swap can achieve .

  20. 目的探讨烫发液和摩丝对孕鼠受孕及胚胎发育的毒性影响。

    Objective To explore the fetation adverse effects of hair curling solution and mousse in mice .

  21. 阿波罗、维纳斯和有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神。是我的手指尖的朋友。

    Apollos and Venuses and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are friends of my finger tips .

  22. 轻盈定型柔发摩丝;

    Hair Softening Mousse ;

  23. 如果你的头发比较少,比较细,用摩丝和其他头发定型产品使头发看上去更多。

    Add volume to your hair with mousse and other hair styling products if you have fine hair .

  24. 这里有些一些洗发香波和护发素,但上发胶,摩丝和发胶在哪里呢?

    Here 's some shampoo and conditioner , but where are the gel , mousse , and hairspray ?

  25. 本文提出发用摩丝中总固体含量测定的新方法。

    A new method to determine the total solid content in hair mousse products is introduced in this article .

  26. 第七步:用面霜调色用浅色膏状面霜或摩丝来做脸部基础。

    Step 7 Make up with creamUse a light-colored cream , gel , or mousse blush for sheer coverage .

  27. 将定型摩丝由发根至发梢涂抹在洗干净的湿头发上,然后用手指将头发整理好造型,风干即可。

    Apply styling mousse from roots to ends of clean wet hair , then finger-comb everything into place and let air-dry .

  28. 也许你难以置信,但是凯特?摩丝今年已经43岁了。这么多年凯特?摩丝给我们留下了哪些时尚戒律呢?

    It 's hard to believe , but Kate Moss is turning 43 , and we would like to offer the following style commandments .

  29. 因为我的发质不好,所以我想明星摩丝也许适合我。

    May be , I think the mousse of Mingxing brand is suitable for me , because my hair quality is not good enough .

  30. 高剂量烫发液和摩丝组外部畸形率均明显高于阴性对照组(P<001);

    At the high dose of hair curling solution and mousse , the exterior malformation rate of fetus was higher than that of control group .