
shòu quán fǎ
  • enabling act;law of authorization;Ermachtigungsgesetz
  1. 应用授权法加强急诊夜班护理管理的探讨

    Strengthening the management of emergency night nursing by means of authorization

  2. 美国交通立法和最新的交通授权法

    The U.S. Transportation Legislation and Up-to-Date Transportation Authorization Act

  3. 流水线法与授权法&试论图书馆服务方法设计

    The Product-the line Approach and Empowerment Approach Discussion on the Design of Library Service Model

  4. 民主党领导的众议院一项议案,废除了2002年伊拉克军事力量授权法。

    The Democratic-led House passes a measure to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force for the war in Iraq .

  5. 掌握科学管理时间的方法,分为统筹法、授权法、多任务工作法。

    Third , to master the scientific method of management time , divided into co-ordinate law , authorized by law , multi-task Work Act .

  6. 采用授权法、绩效反馈法、合理归因法、重视个体差异、发挥替代性经验等策略有助于增强护生的自我效能感,提高护生的操作能力。

    It is helpful to adopt various strategies to enhance students ' self-efficacy and improve their nursing skills , such as authorizing , performance feedback , rational attribution , paying close attention to individual difference , making full use of substitute experience .

  7. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .

  8. 本授权承认版权法赋予您的公平使用或其他相等原则中之权利。

    This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent , as provided by copyright law .

  9. 再次,探讨了搜查的法理基础,即从宪法上的授权、刑事法上的授权以及警察法上的授权三个角度论述了搜查权的渊源;

    Namely analyzing the source of the power of search from the authorization of constitution , criminal law and police law ;

  10. 从宪法学上来讲,禁止性规则符合宪法乃授权于国之法、权利先于宪法、宪法控制权力的观念;

    On constitutional jurisprudence , prohibitive regulation consists with such ideas that constitution is the law that authorizes power to nation , right is before the law and constitution controls power .

  11. 委任立法这一概念,最先出现在英美国家,是指根据授权立法制定的立法,授权法来自议会,根据这一授权进行的立法即被称为授权立法。

    The concept - " delegated legislation " begins in UK and USA , that is institute legislation under the authorized law , " Authorized law " comes from parliament , legislation on the basis of this authority is called delegated legislation .