- Authorization behavior;act of authorizing

The negative effects between the task performance risk consideration , organizational benefit risk consideration and delegation behavior were also enhanced by the LMX relationship .
Research on the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
In section 3 the author analyses the nature of authorization behavior .
The Research of Empowerment Behavior Effects on the Knowledge-Based Employee
A Legal Analysis of Act of Agency Authorization
Research on the Relationship of Leader Empowering Behavior , Organizational Identification and Turnover Intention
Agency Authorization and Basic Relationship & Transplantation between Causative of Authorization and Legal System
However , they did not take the effect of empowerment behavior into account .
The negative impact centralization on delegation behavior was significantly enhanced by delegation risk consideration .
This paper shows the groping meaning to research on empowerment theory and human resource potential development .
The Legal Validity of the Action to Award Patent : Institutional Choice for the Patent Law Reform
Our country law has made sure the problem that the act of authorization is unilateral act or legal act .
The ratification of an unauthorized act must be in the particular mode or form necessary to confer authority in the first place .
The authorization behavior of blank invoice is a kind of relationship closely related to supplement right and there are five kinds of different theories .
The stakes are gigantic : getting someone else to look after our children is the biggest act of delegation that any of us ever does .
In this part , author wants to give reader a preliminary understanding of patent pool and patent pool licensing and make some groundwork for the following discussion .
This paper , in a duopoly market , investigates the impact of strategic delegation behaviors of on the optimal licensing policy for the licensor under auction mechanism .
In the second and third parts of this chapter the author analyses the nature of authorization behavior and legal questions pertaining to delivery in these formative elements .
On the other hand , the management work is onerous in distributed systems , this will aggravate burdens of system management if every authorization need the participant of system supervisor .
The independence of the act of authorization in the voluntary agency is an objective fact , and it is the premise to probe the non-causative nature within the act of authorization .
As a kind of positive initiative dynamic security measures , ID can detect the external aggression or internal unauthorized event before the network system be damaged by multi-level defence and on three-dimensional depth .
Organizational climate would also weaken the relationship of loyalty behavior and affect-based trust in subordinate . ( 3 ) Cognition-based trust and affect-based trust in subordinate had differentia effects on different dimensions of leader empowering behavior .
Through the paired data from 209 supervisors and 627 subordinates , the results showed us that when the job uncertainty or the organizational formalization was high , or with high centralization , the manager would delegate less .
The authorization behavior of blank invoice belongs to civil law behavior and there are differences between supplement authorization behavior and authorization behavior of agent rights of blank invoice . Based on above statement , the authorization behavior is defined as civil law behavior .
At this point , you may have noticed that there has not been any specific activities associated with Kotter 's " empowering broad-based action " step .
I would argue that the painful history of scandals in retail banking , including the brutal treatment of unauthorised overdrafts and the misselling of " payment protection insurance " , reflects the absence of sound charging for the costs of providing banking services .
Acts Not Requiring the Authorization of the Right Holder
The main administrative activities of colleges are teaching and instructing . Moreover , the management of registration , degrees and educational records are also the core tasks .
The legal effect of the unilateral legal act carried on by the persons with limited capacity should also be recallable and the persons with limited capacity can be authorized to take proxy action .
In a tightly worded statement on Sunday , UBS said it had set up a special committee to " conduct an independent investigation of the unauthorised trading activities and their relation to the control environment " .