
  • 网络loss frequency;frequency of loss
  1. 两种实用的洪灾损失频率分析方法

    Two Practical Methods on the Analyses of Inundation Loss Frequency

  2. 风险的大小不能单靠损失频率的高低或损失幅度的大小,而必须把这两个因素结合起来进行考察,然后用某一尺度去衡量,以便决定其大小。

    The risk can 't be only decided by two factors-the degree of the loss frequency or the degree of the loss extent , the degree of risk must be took into consideration in order to confirm the degree of the risk .

  3. 计算了多种噪声源传声损失频率特性,并讨论了主要参数对反声的影响。

    Then the influences of main parameters on anti-sound are discussed .

  4. 然后应用卡尔曼滤波来估计状态空间的转换参数,并分别预测损失频率和损失程度从而估计未决赔款准备金。

    By using state-space to describe the process of no-life claims and Kalman filter to estimate the conversion parameters of state-space , this article forecasts the severities and frequencies of claims respectively and then gets the reserves of the outstanding claims .

  5. 膨胀室消声器传声损失的频率响应

    Frequency response of sound transmission loss for noise silencers of expansion chamber

  6. 计算发现,无论是否附加阻振质量双转角结构的结构声传递损失随频率都有较大的波动,且其极大与极小值对应于有限长中间板的共振及反向共振频率。

    It is found that transmission losses in double-corner structure fluctuate greatly with frequency , which depends mostly on whether the intermediate plate acts at resonance and anti-resonance .

  7. 以小的频带损失在Nyquist频率附近引入滚降,可使ISI进一步减小。

    It is shown that ISI can be reduced by introducing roll-off around the Nyquist frequency at the expense of small spectral inefficiency .

  8. 研究了时间步长和网格尺寸等计算参数的选择对仿真精度的影响。然后,计算了不同结构参数下简单扩张式消声器传递损失随噪声频率的变化规律。

    It is also study the problem that the selection of time step and the mesh size has influence on the simulation precision . Then , the paper studies the transmission loss of the simple expansion chamber muffler changes with frequency under different structural parameters .

  9. 目的探讨传导性低频听力损失与中耳共振频率的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the resonant frequency and low frequency conductive hearing loss .

  10. 通过损失分布的建立、损失频率和损失期望值的预测值为风险管理者进行风险决策、为选择最佳管理技术提供了可靠的科学依据。

    Through the establishment of loss distribution , loss frequency and loss expectation of the predictive value of risk managers for risk decision-making , management techniques for the selection of the best to provide a reliable scientific basis .