- 网络holding gain;holding earnings

The long-term buy-and-hold return and gross proceeds are negatively related .
None of developed countries recognize gain of pure holding due to the difficulty in its calculation .
Against the weakening fundamentals , we recommend a defensive strategy , reducing beta of the portfolio and stay with the quality blue chips with assured earnings streams .
It sounds like the German [ manufacturers ] are holding low-yielding German Bunds and are keeping cash at German and international banks that they trust , concludes Mr Warburton .
At the same time , this article studies the overreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange using the CARs model , Buy-and-Hold model , CAPM , three factors model and Characteristic model .
Using the Buy-and-hold abnormal return , Cumulative abnormal returns and Fama-French three-factor model as three indicators constant , by comparing the approval system and approval system under the IPO pricing efficiency , to illustrate the affection of the Stock Offering System reform on the efficiency of IPO pricing .
Banks ' capital underpins either lending to the real economy or low-yielding assets to support liquidity .
In asia , there have been signs that some countries that hold a lot of low yield debt want greater returns on their investments .
Measuring the price-earnings ratio of share is important for determining the expected holding-period return which can be used as a basis for valuing any portfolio .
Analysts say investors should stick with highly rated bonds with juicy yields , but make sure to focus on stable companies in businesses that aren 't dependent on consumer spending .
He said it 's okay for investors to own high-yield bonds for now & but warns a disaster could be in the cards between a year and two years from now .
The majority of Chinese mutual funds have a similar composition to that of harvest , which makes it harder for them to beat the index because of the drag from lower-yielding bonds and cash deposits .
Simple average , equal to the sum of all values divided by the number of values .
Under such circumstances , how to reasonably predict the benefits of assets and the loss risk has already become the focus of investors .
Cheap or expensive , with bond yields held close to record lows by central banks , many investors feel they have to buy them anyway .
How to forecast reasonably the risks for yield and loss of assets is therefore what the investors and national financial supervision and management institutions focus on .
Carry trades , which involve selling holdings in a lower-yielding currency such as the yen and investing it in higher-yielding ones such as the New Zealand dollar , are also attractive .
This part first makes hypothesis , then take stock held to maturity yields as explained variable , social responsibility index as explain the variables , and make a regression with Return Model and some control variables .
Nevertheless , institutions have great impacts on economic variables such as coupons , listing decisions , maturities , earning fluctuation , earning disperse , number of market participants , lost of prices etc * The market liquidity will hence be influenced .
Once , clients were happy to have safe but low-yielding fixed-interest bonds in their portfolios .
This matches a move by foreign holders of Treasuries to own longer dated and higher yielding bonds .
The portfolio average revenue is far higher than the investment revenue of only holding US dollar asset .
In chapter 5 , the listed companies having the voluntary accounting policy changes in the period from 1998 to 2000 were collected as research sample . By methods of mean value test and buy-and-hold , the long term market reaction of income smoothing was testified .
Rules governing the fixed income securities that banks and institutional investors can hold , and in what amounts , rely on credit ratings .
At the same time , however , there are two main disadvantages of cash holdings . Including : the lower rate of ruturn of cash holdings and agency cost of managerial or majority shareholders ' self-interest .