- 网络persistent excitation;persistently exciting;persistency of excitation

Recursive least-squares and minimum-norm algorithm for system identification without persistent excitation condition
A type of adaptive control system without persistent excitation and strictly positive real conditions
Based on the subspace matrix obtained from fast-sampling subspace identification without excitation , LQG performance benchmark was calculated and extended to the measurable disturbance processes . 3 .
An Identification Algorithm and Its Global Convergence without Persistent Excitation Requirement
Vehicle Model System Identification with Non-persistent Exciting Input Partly
Robust pole-placement adaptive control without persistent excitation
Convergence of both parameter estimated values and output error are studied and preliminary persistent exdting conditions are given .
The persistent excitation conditions are established , under which the parameters of the fuzzy system model converge to their true values .
In addition , the parameter estimates will also converge to the true values if the so called persistent excitation condition is met .
The validity of the persistent excitation conditions is identified by the second-order nonlinear moving average system . Then the mean square error is given .
According to the results we gave suggestion about institutional innovation and self-positioning of professional development , design of incentive compensation and bonus system in university .
In this paper , an adaptive control system without " persistent excitation " and " strictly positive real " conditions is developed for non-minimum phase plant disturbed by unmeasurable disturbance .
It is shown that , without relying on introduction of persistent excitation and a-priori information on parameter space , a globally asymptotical stability is established for whole closed loop system .
Simulation results verify that the controller is capable of tracking the target trajectory asymptotically and the parameter estimator converges to its true value when the system is under persistent excitation .
However , studies on bladed disk containing cracked blade does not fully take into account the breathing behavior of fatigue crack in continuous vibration exciting until now , which cause nonlinear problems are less involved .
Meanwhile the state estimation error is proved to be converged to zero asymptotically , and parameters of the identifier are converged to the ideal identifier parameters if persistency of excitation condition of the activation function is fulfilled .
In the class , teachers should obey the principles of object-oriented analysis , center around aim , with the aid of " task "; and apply the strategy of appropriate process control , keep a stimulus and summarization after game .
Assume that the system is persistently exciting , and the noise term is uncorrelated with zero mean , by applying the stochastic process theory and the martingale convergence theorem , we can prove the convergence properties of stochastic gradient algorithm .
Enterprises need to understand the social nature of their employees ' needs and update their knowledge in time . Meanwhile the mangers of the software company should inspire their employees on the spirit level in order to make the motivation effectively and constantly .
The market is the root institutions which can durative encourage technology innovation .
However , due to lack of promotion mechanism , the collective to some extent , contributes inefficiency .
Only long-term marketing personnel to the continued incentive , all of these can work orderly benign operation .
The slug structure does not get the persistent disturbance that comes from upstream and cannot hold its position by itself , so it travels to downstream .
Keeping employees motivated ( and satisfied ) is an eternal challenge , as HR professionals from the biggest global conglomerates to the newest Silicon Valley startups will attest .
Levels , a game mechanic from the earliest of video games , are the perfect solution for creating a constant sense of forward motion and the opportunity for reflection .
Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success .
Though positive reinforcement can play a tremendous role as a motivator for the continuance of positive actions , negative actions cannot be simply ignored and expected to go away .
Forth , it analysis the foundation of talent-motivation in modern IT enterprises , the manner of material motivation of security and the spiritual motivated manner in depth and constantly , it emphasizes the inter relationship between matter & mind and some other combinational ways .
My insisting on creating more masterpieces here could also give me an impetus to study harder in school .
If one creates unique corporate culture , establishes a scientific system , realizes the people management , proceeds continuous communication and effective incentives and carries out the people-oriented performance management , the business and individuals can both grow and progress .