
tuò huānɡ zhě
  • pioneer;trailblazer;pathfinder;pathbreaker
  1. 小屋周围的厚厚的栅栏保护拓荒者免受攻击。

    A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack .

  2. n.困苦;苦难;艰难险阻饥饿,寒冷和疾病都是拓荒者艰难生活的一部分。……

    hardship Hunger , cold and sickness were among the hardships of pioneer life .......

  3. 这个电视剧形象地表现了拓荒者们坚韧不拔的精神。

    The teleplay vividly depicts the dauntless spirit of the trailblazers .

  4. 1875年,来自东部的拓荒者在这个地区定居下来。

    Pioneers from the East settled in this region in1875 .

  5. 印第安人袭击了拓荒者的运货马车队。

    Indians attacked the pioneers'wagon train .

  6. 年,来自东部的拓荒者在这个地区定居下来

    Pioneers from the East settled in this region in 1875 . 1875

  7. n.先锋;拓荒者约翰·葛伦是宇宙航行的先驱。

    pioneer John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel .

  8. 在19世纪,常住B&B旅馆的旅客大多是拓荒者、矿工或需要在各个地区间奔波的专业人员。

    The majority of travelers that frequented B & B 's in the 1800 's were pioneers , miners , or professionals traveling from one area to another .

  9. 我从小在英国长大,当时我最喜欢的书籍之一是《草原小屋》(LittleHouseonthePrairie)。该书讲述了一个关于19世纪美国拓荒者家庭的故事,很有代表性。

    When I was a child growing up in England , one of my favourite books was Little House on the Prairie , the iconic tale of a 19th-century American settler family .

  10. 通常,从事Zope项目的开发人员就像是早期的拓荒者。

    As usual , the developers working on the Zope project seem to have been early innovators .

  11. 将来,他也许依然能够在硅谷或类似的数码胜地的“总统山”(MountRushmore,此处喻指某个领域拓荒者的纪念碑&译注)上占据一席之地。

    He may still earn a spot in the Mount Rushmore of Silicon Valley some day ( or its digital equivalent ) .

  12. 她的新书《膨胀》(Swell)将她自己的故事与女性拓荒者的历史交织在一起,这些女性拓荒者取得了非凡的成就,为后代铺平了道路。

    Her new book , Swell , interweaves her own story with a history of female pioneers who accomplished remarkable feats and paved the way for future generations .

  13. 小屋周围的厚厚的栅栏保护拓荒者免受攻击

    A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack

  14. 浅析《啊!拓荒者》的宗教意识与圣经方式

    The Religious Consciousness and the Biblical Pattern of O ! Pioneers

  15. 草原上的农田是拓荒者们的一种自我表达的方式。

    Pioneers have their self-expression on the farmland of the prairie .

  16. 客舱;船舱拓荒者住在树林中的小屋里。

    cabin The pioneers lived in a cabin in the woods .

  17. 《啊,拓荒者!》中人物形象的生态女性主义分析。

    An Eco-feminist Analysis of the Character in O , Pioneers ;

  18. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。

    He was a pioneer of china 's aerospace industry .

  19. 他接受一个可怜的拓荒者以地契做为支付手段。

    He accepts a land deed as payment from one poor sourdough .

  20. 探索现代陶瓷艺术民族风格的拓荒者&陶艺家姚永康

    The pioneer of exploring modern china arts of national style

  21. 20世纪中国古代戏曲研究的拓荒者&黄摩西戏曲理论批评简论

    The reclaimer of Chinese traditional opera research in 20th century

  22. 敢于走前人没有走过的路的拓荒者,永远是不朽的。

    The trailblazer dare take an unbeaten is immortal forever .

  23. 《啊,拓荒者!》和《我的安东尼亚》就是其中比较重要的两部作品。

    And My Antonia are two prominent works among them .

  24. 当时大家都知道他是一位来自田纳西州的拓荒者。

    He was known as a frontiersman from the state of Tennessee .

  25. 李靖宇教授:区域经济学的拓荒者

    Professor LI Jing-yu : A Pioneer in the Field of Regional Economics

  26. 拓荒者将带走收获的预言。

    The exploiter would carry away his prophesy of harvest .

  27. 拓荒者对花园的爱反映了他们对自然真正的爱。

    Their love for the garden reflects their genuine love for nature .

  28. 也是我国民族声乐教学艺术的拓荒者。

    She is also a pioneer in our ethnic vocal music teaching .

  29. 那些拓荒者在开发西部时历经了千辛万苦。

    The pioneers endured many hardships in setting the west .

  30. 拓荒者们砍伐树木种上庄稼。

    The pioneers cut down forests and planted crops .