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  • 网络RUFIYAA;MVR;Raffia;Raphia;Rufiya
  1. 《伟大的海:地中海的人文史》大卫•阿布拉菲亚著。

    The Great Sea : A Human History of the Mediterranean . By David Abulafia .

  2. 大卫•阿布拉菲亚所著的这本对地中海历史的杰出著述是对那些过分简单化的地缘政治观的绝好纠正。

    DAVID ABULAFIA 'S marvellous history of the Mediterranean is an excellent corrective to oversimplified views of geopolitics .

  3. 这种融合性也体现在布料选择上对带有漆皮质地细节的拉菲亚树叶纤维、马海毛、表面起簇毛织物的偏好上。

    The harmony continues in the fabric choice with preference for boucl é, mohair and raffia with patent leather details .

  4. 马克拉菲亚是一个对系统、活动、制作机、背景和意义有着浓厚兴趣的新媒体艺术家。

    Marc Lafia is a new media artist interested in systems and events , authoring machines , context and meaning .

  5. 1825年,美国独立战争中的法国英雄拉菲亚特候爵在白宫向美国总统约翰昆西亚当斯辞行。

    In1825 , the Marquis de lafayette , the French hero of the American revolution , bade farewell to President John Quincy Adams at the white house .

  6. 现在的犹太教纪念犹太人对那些曾经统治地中海东部的希腊化王朝的反叛,阿布拉菲亚先生却选择将目光转向埃及亚历山大港,那里的希腊人和希伯来人曾经和睦共处并创造出很多文化成果,

    Whereas modern Judaism celebrates the Jewish revolt against the Hellenised dynasty that ruled the Levant , Mr Abulafia prefers to focus on Alexandria , where there was a more productive symbiosis between Hellene and Hebrew .