
  • 网络Kicked off;Curtain
  1. 今年的国家网络安全宣传周9月14日拉开帷幕,将重点关注个人信息保护。

    This year 's Cybersecurity Week , a nationwide event , kicked off on Sept 14 with emphasis on personal information protection .

  2. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。

    Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs , Raymond James Stadium in Tampa , Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans .

  3. 而今年的贺岁片大战随着《龙门飞甲》和《金陵十三钗》的上映而硝烟四起,一场票房PK战也随之拉开帷幕!十二月是电影的黄金月。今年岁末有20多部影片激战贺岁档。

    This year , the holiday season has attracted more than 20 rival movies .

  4. 我最信赖的PPE排行榜评选拉开帷幕

    The Ranking of the PPE I Trust Most started

  5. 希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)上月底在河内发表的精彩讲话,突显出这出正拉开帷幕的地缘政治大戏。

    This emerging geopolitical drama was underlined by a fascinating statement in Hanoi at the end of last month by Hillary Clinton .

  6. ATP年终总决赛于星期二在汉诺威拉开帷幕,它将决定谁是本赛季世界1号种子。

    The ATP season ending world championship begins in Hanover on Tuesday . It will decide who will finish the season as world number one .

  7. 《绯闻女孩》第四季将随着容光焕发的S和B在巴黎的华丽浪漫暑假拉开帷幕,紧接着Chuck带着个新的身份和新的女友神秘驾到。

    Season four will open with a radiant Serena and Blair enjoying their grand and romantic summer in Paris * until Chuck mysteriously arrives in town with a new girlfriend and a new identity .

  8. 第三届阿曼沙漠马拉松赛(ThethirdOmanDesertMarathon)于11月初拉开帷幕,Bidiyah村村民身穿白色长袍、腰里别着剑与iPhones,为我们表演了象征开赛的舞蹈。

    The third Oman Desert Marathon began earlier this month after a ceremonial dance by the villagers of Bidiyah , wearing white robes with swords and iPhones tucked inside their belts .

  9. NBA全明星将在几周后拉开帷幕,是时候了解一下在拉斯维加斯的庄家眼中哪只球队能够脱颖而出,成为最有资格觊觎奥布莱恩杯的球队。

    With the NBA All-Star Break coming up in a few weeks , it is time to check back in on what Las Vegas oddsmakers expect as pretenders continue to be separated from contenders .

  10. 再过不到10天,一级方程式(formulaone)赛车季就将拉开帷幕,第一站是在墨尔本举行的澳大利亚大奖赛(australiangrandprix)。

    There are only 10 days to go before the formula one motor racing season begins , with the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne . But pre-race nerves this year are afflicting the sport as a whole as much as the drivers themselves .

  11. 第26届西班牙机床展(BIEMH)宣传销售工作已经拉开帷幕。

    Commercial promotion work for the26th Spanish Machine-tool Biennial ( BIEMH ) has begun .

  12. 虽然政党对新的蒙克博物馆(MunchMuseum)的选址议论不休,但其动工也指日可待,作为国家博物馆(NationalMuseum)的一栋新建筑,它将会在2017年拉开帷幕,届时,会成为挪威古典及当代藏品的聚集地。

    New space for the Munch Museum-currently mired in political debate over its location-is forthcoming , as is a new building for the National Museum , slated to open in 2017 and constructed to hold the institution 's classical and contemporary collections .

  13. 随着TD-LTE大规模网络试运行的开展,TD-LTE全球商用化已拉开帷幕,TD-LTE终端的时代已经到来。

    Along with the start of extensive tirals for TD-LTE network , the global commercialization of TD-LTE has raised the curtain , and the era of TD-LTE terminals has arrived .

  14. 记者和博客争相抢快,抢在演示舞厅洞察力。在这里,CNET的丹尼尔特迪曼甚至已经开始写在展前已经正式拉开帷幕。

    Reporters and bloggers jostle for scoops and insight from the Demo ballroom . Here , CNET 's Daniel Terdiman has begun writing even before the show has officially kicked off .

  15. 1968年10月31日,星期日泰晤士报金球赛拉开帷幕,商人唐纳德·克劳赫斯特(DonaldCrowhurst)满怀着必胜的雄心壮志,乘坐着融入了自主安全创新设计的三体船从伦敦启航。该赛事要求每位参赛者必须独自驾船航行。

    Businessman Donald Crowhurst set sail from London on October 31 , 1968 in a triple-hulled boat design featuring his own safety innovations and grand intentions to win the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race , an event that requires each contestant to sail solo around the world .

  16. 据悉,为了迎接即将于6月10日在巴黎拉开帷幕的2016年欧洲杯,房屋租赁公司HomeAway将在埃菲尔铁塔首层的部分区域隔出300平米,改造为奥斯曼风格的客房。

    Rental company HomeAway said it was taking over part of the first floor of the 300-meter latticework for the duration of the UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament slated for June 10 in Paris , and transforming it into Hausmannian-style living quarters .

  17. 2010年世博会即将在8天后拉开帷幕。

    The 2010 World Expo is coming in just eight days .

  18. 今年春季的新学期是在阳光中拉开帷幕的。

    The new term this spring began in the sunlight .

  19. 自此以后,缅甸争夺战拉开帷幕。

    Since then , the scramble for Myanmar has begun .

  20. 在这一年里,西部大开发拉开帷幕。

    In this year , exploitation of west region begins .

  21. 世界上最隆重的电影节在戛纳拉开帷幕。

    Let Cannes , the world 's greatest film festival , begin .

  22. 五小长假已经开始,大大小小的音乐节也将拉开帷幕。

    The season of music festivals kicks off with May Day holiday .

  23. 今年的广州国际汽车展览会已拉开帷幕。

    This year 's edition of the Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition has started .

  24. 2014年冬奥会2月7日于俄罗斯索契拉开帷幕。

    The 2014 Winter Olympics start February 7 , in Sochi , Russia .

  25. 一场谁行使托曼的主导权的较量在瑟曦和玛格丽之间拉开帷幕。

    A cold war begins between Cersei and Margaery for influence over Tommen .

  26. 第70届威尼斯电影节已正式拉开帷幕。

    The 70th Venice Film Festival has officially started .

  27. 2001中国杭州西湖博览会拉开帷幕

    Opening of West Lake Expo 2001 Hangzhou China

  28. 据报道,星期天第十四届北京大学生电影节在海淀剧场拉开帷幕。

    REPORTER : The14th Beijing Student Film Festival opened at Haidian Theater on Sunday .

  29. 它将于明天在俄罗斯的索契拉开帷幕。

    They start tomorrow in Sochi , Russia .

  30. 上海世博会即将拉开帷幕。

    The Shanghai World Expo will open soon .