
chōu xiànɡ láo dònɡ
  • abstract labour
  1. 生产商品的抽象劳动创造价值,即活劳动创造价值。

    The abstract labour , living labour , which manufacture goods , create value .

  2. 具体劳动与抽象劳动

    Concrete labour and abstract labour

  3. 具体劳动转化为抽象劳动的隐含假设探微

    On the Implicative Hypothetical Premises of the Transformation from Specific Labor to Abstract Labor

  4. 创造价值的抽象劳动是简单的社会平均劳动。

    The work that can create value is the society 's simple average work .

  5. 马恩的价值理论是由抽象劳动价值论上升为具体的宏观效用/劳动价值论的理论体系。

    It 's a system of " Utility / Labor Theory of Value " .

  6. 抽象劳动在一定路径上的人类劳动力耗费量与这种耗费的净效果在水平方向上的分量是两个不同的量,此二量可依次规定为价值Ⅰ与价值Ⅱ。

    Abstract labor represents two different quantities in the horizontal direction along a certain path .

  7. 资本与科技成果作为价值,虽是抽象劳动,却是凝结形态的劳动。

    Capital and science and technological achievements , as value , are abstract labor , yet in coagulated form .

  8. 能够促发抽象劳动节省、商品价值量大幅降低的科学技术,才是名副其实的高新科技。

    The science and technology that can help to save abstract labor and decrease value of commodities greatly , is , indeed , hi-tech.

  9. 马克思把抽象劳动看成了标量,但抽象劳动本身是矢量。

    Contrary to Karl Marx , the author of the paper does not think of abstract labor in itself as scalar but as vector .

  10. 抽象劳动的社会性、补偿性和交换性在生产过程和交换过程中形成商品价值性质。

    The sociality , exchangeability and compen - sation of the abstract work form the properties of commodity value in the courses of production and exchange .

  11. 软劳动作为直接的抽象劳动的体现,使衡量价值的尺度劳动时间也失去直接的意义。

    The soft labor is the direct form of abstract labor so that the measure of value working time has lost its importance as it used to .

  12. 而配第的一般劳动同后来马克思的抽象劳动概念又有本质区别。

    There is , as a matter of fact , an essential distinction between the concept of Petty 's general labour and that of Marx 's abstract labour .

  13. 抽象劳动不同于具体劳动那样可视可量。将来,脑力劳动和体力劳动更分不开来。

    Unlike specific labor , abstract labor is intangible and cannot be measured . As time goes by , it will become increasingly hard to differentiate between mental and manual labour .

  14. 资产分为有形资产和无形资产两类,有形资产的价值来源于人的活劳动,无形资产的价值也来源于人的活劳动,它们的价值都是人类抽象劳动的凝结。

    The assets is classified as tangible and intangible assets . The value of the two comes from the direct labor of human , being the coagulation of abstract labor of human .

  15. 在坚持劳动(抽象劳动)是形成商品价值的唯一源泉和实体的基础上,要不断丰富和发展劳动价值理论。

    We should always enrich and develop the theory of labor creating value , on the base of abstract labor is the sole source and substance to form the value of commodity .

  16. 我国私营企业的生产过程也是劳动过程和价值增殖过程的统一,这也是由生产商品的劳动的二重性即具体劳动和抽象劳动决定的。

    The production process of the private enterprises in China is also a unification of the labor-process and the value - breeding process , which is determined by the duality of commodity , i.e. the abstract labor and concrete labor .

  17. 马克思的劳动概念的内涵非常丰富,且有一个变化发展的过程,既包含了人类学意义上的抽象的劳动,也包括了基于具体历史条件下展开的劳动。

    The concept of labor has rich connotations . It contains not only abstract labor from the perspective of anthropology , but also concrete labor in the aspect of history .

  18. 作为艺术生产的原理和构成要素或曰审美的抽象形式是在劳动中历史地形成的。

    As the principle and element of the art production , the abstract form of aesthetics gradually formed during the process of labor .

  19. 因而,所谓“使用价值和抽象价值”、“具体劳动和抽象劳动”在其经济意义上就成为了“假问题”,而围绕“假问题”的所有争论将毫无意义。

    Thus , the so-called " usage value and abstract value ", the " concrete work and abstract labor " became " fake question " in its economical significance . therefore , all arguments around the " fake question " will be meaningless .

  20. 大机器生产把人们的劳动变为最简单的劳动,从而使整个社会劳动普遍化和抽象化;普遍化和抽象化的劳动为价值形式在全社会的确立提供了实践基础。

    The industrial machine production shapes the labor into simplest form thus the whole social labor has been generalized and abstracted . By so doing , generalized and abstracted labor provides the establishment of value form a practical basis in the whole society .

  21. 但是,这种价值理论在《资本论》各卷中的展述却是按照从抽象上升到具体的方法,从抽象的劳动价值论出发,一步一步上升为具体的。

    But the theory of Value appears in " Capital " is from " Abstraction " to Concretion , or from the Labor theory of Value to Concretion . Reading carefully .

  22. 在表达方法上它遵循从抽象上升为具体和逻辑与历史统一的原则,从抽象的劳动价值论出发,逐渐上升到对市场价格的具体把握。

    In way of expression it follows the principle of " rising from abstract to concrete " and " logic and history unification " . Beginning from the abstract value theory of work , it gradually rises to a concrete understanding of market price .