
  • 网络sars;fight SARS
  1. 抗击非典中的动员机制非典对GDP的影响到底有多大

    The Mechanism of the Mobilization in Fighting against SARS How SARS Affects China 's Economy

  2. 在抗击非典中发扬伟大的民族精神

    Carry Forward Great National Spirits in the Resistence of the SARS

  3. 他积极参加抗击非典的战斗。

    He took an active part in the battle against SARS .

  4. 抗击非典取得重大胜利。

    We won a great victory in the fight against sars .

  5. 从抗击非典论民族精神

    A Probe into the National Spirit from the Anti-SARS Battle

  6. 在抗击非典的过程中,中国人民付出了巨大的努力。

    The Chinese people spared no efforts in their fight against SARS .

  7. 社区健康教育在抗击非典中的作用

    Role of Community Health Education in Prevention of Atypical Pneumonia

  8. 从成功抗击非典看健康教育的重要作用

    Importance of Health Education Viewed from the Success against Infectious Atypical Pneumonia

  9. 从抗击非典的斗争看应变意识和能力

    Contingency awareness and ability and the fight against SARS

  10. 弘扬抗击非典精神加强军队医学伦理学教育

    Promote the ducation of Military Medical Ethics by Developing the Spirit of Anti-SARS

  11. 军医大学学员对抗击非典斗争认识的调查研究

    Investigation of the Understanding of Resisting " SARS " of Military Medical University Students

  12. 中国人高度赞扬抗击非典的医生和护士。

    The Chinese sing high praise for the doctors and nurses fighting against SARS .

  13. 抗击非典斗争将推进医院改革

    Fighting SARS will promote the hospital reform

  14. 抗击非典对中国改革的启示

    Inspirations of Overcoming SARS to Chinese Reform

  15. 抗击非典精神与大学生思想教育

    On the Spirit of the Fight against SARS and the Moral Education of the College Students

  16. 抗击非典精神的反思

    Rethinking of resistant spirit to SARS

  17. 其参照17年前抗击非典时北京(小汤山医院)的经验。

    It will copy the experience of Beijing in the fight against SARS 17 years ago .

  18. 那位澳大利亚教授谈起中国抗击非典的战斗给予了高度的评价。

    E.g.The Australian professor spoke of the fighting against SARS in china in terms of praise .

  19. 抗击非典的斗争,使我们更深切感受到医学人道主义的重要和珍贵。

    The struggle against SARS has made us keenly feel how important and precious medical humanitarianism is .

  20. 从抗击非典中的北京120系统看社会医疗紧急救助体系的改进与完善

    From the practice of fighting SARS to the improving of the system on social medical emergent assistance

  21. 以抗击非典为典型加强护生护理道德教育的探讨

    Taking the anti-SARS as a model discuss on how to strengthen the moral education of nurse students

  22. 业务持续抗击非典危机

    Continue business while combating SARS

  23. 方法对深圳市社区卫生服务在抗击非典中的作用和成绩进行绩效评价分析。

    METHOD This paper analyzes the function and achievement of community health service in Shenzhen in fighting SARS .

  24. 我们非常敬重在抗击非典斗争中牺牲的医生护士们。

    We are very respectful towards those doctors and nurses who sacrificed themselves in the fight against SARS .

  25. 民族精神的与时俱进&论抗击非典斗争中新的伟大的民族精神

    National Spirits also Develops with Times & on the New Great National Spirits in the Struggle of Against SARS

  26. 这么多天,我们全市都在抗击非典,一直处在忙碌的状态当中,就今天这个时间,是一个轻松值得高兴的好时间。

    Xiamen has been busy fighting against SARS for so many days , but today we feel relaxed and glad .

  27. 防范医疗纠纷呼唤新型医患关系抗击非典为改善医患关系提供了新契机

    MEDICAL DISPUTE PREVENTION CALLS FOR NEW TYPE DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATION Fighting Against SARS Provides a Good Opportunity to Improve the Doctor-patient Relation

  28. 探讨了公共物品短缺带来的新矛盾和抗击非典对公共物品提供方式的启示。

    The new contradiction brought by the shortage of public goods and the inspiration on public goods supply are discussed as well .

  29. 外:你的解释很有道理,但你怎么将它与最近的抗击非典联系起来呢?

    Foreigner : That seems to be a reasonable explanation , but how do you apply that to the recent SARS situation ?

  30. 在抗击非典疫情的关键时期,如何对医疗废物的安全处置,防止疫情扩大,非常重要。

    In the important period of anti-SARS , it is important to dispose the hazardous medical wastes safely to prevent the spread of germs .