
shū qínɡ ɡē qǔ
  • sentimental song
  1. 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless

  2. 他会在自己的独唱专辑中尝试什么样的歌曲呢:《SweetCreature》(《可爱的人儿》)和《EverSinceNewYork》(《自从来到纽约》)是温馨的原声抒情歌曲;

    What would he try for his solo move : " Sweet Creature " and " Ever Since New York " are intimate acoustic ballads ;

  3. 无词歌(songswithoutwords)是按照歌曲体裁和形式特点写作的小型器乐曲,常有一个歌唱性的旋律,配以抒情歌曲常用的伴奏音型。

    A song without words is a kind of minor instrumental music composed with characteristic of the type and form of songs . It has a singing melody with an accompaniment figure , which is always used in lyric songs .

  4. 她能像芭芭拉·史翠珊(BarbraStreisand)那样高歌成人当代抒情歌曲,也能演唱热烈的福音歌曲;

    She can belt an adult contemporary ballad like Barbra Streisand ; she can deliver a fiery gospel testimonial ;

  5. 车里总放着浪漫的抒情歌曲磁带。

    Always have tapes of romatic , acoustic music in the car .

  6. 你喜欢听抒情歌曲还是抒情摇滚乐?

    Do you like ballads or soft rock music ?

  7. 她以她唱的抒情歌曲来帮助人们得以减重和让身体获得滋养。

    She sings her ballads and helps people with weight loss and nutrition .

  8. 杰西:听抒情歌曲的时候你有时候会哭吗?

    Jessie : When you listen to romantic songs do you sometimes cry ?

  9. 简论施光南的抒情歌曲

    Comments on the Lyric Melodies by Shi Guangnan

  10. 使突出;强调;使注意去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless .

  11. 鲍比:你喜欢舞曲还是抒情歌曲?

    Bobby : do you prefer music for your feet or music for your head ?

  12. 当代语境中时代曲、抒情歌曲、轻音乐概念的使用与分析

    The Use and analysis of epoch music , lyric songs , light music in the contemporary context

  13. 抒情歌曲部分,可能会穿西装,还会有花衬衫。

    In the lyrical parts I might wear a suit and there 'll be flowery shirts as well .

  14. 郑秋枫在抒情歌曲的创作上成就突出,有特色、有深度,达到了较高的艺术成就。

    Zheng Qiu-feng reached high and deep artistic achievements in the ballad of the creative achievements of outstanding characteristics .

  15. 施光南的抒情歌曲在题材内容上,注重政治与艺术的统一;

    In the material contents of song lyrics , Shi Guangnan lays stress on the unification of politics and art ;

  16. 其实,只要你懂得欣赏国语抒情歌曲,你就真的不该错过这天使般的声音。

    In fact , if you appreciate mandarin Chinese balladry at all , you owe it to yourself to give this angelic voice a try .

  17. 建国以后流行歌曲在大陆完全绝迹,而一些抒情歌曲却在夹缝中得到了发展。

    With the founding of New China , popular songs died out on the mainland , apart from a few lyrical ballads which managed survive .

  18. 本文通过对法国印象派作曲家德彪西声乐套曲《被遗忘的抒情歌曲》六首的研究,进一步论证了艺术歌曲的独特魅力。

    It further demonstrated the unique charm of art songs by analyzing the six songs from 《 Ariettes Oubliees 》 composed by Claude Debussy , the French impressionist composer .

  19. 广场舞的形式也多种多样,有人拿着丝质的扇子、敲着鼓跳传统民族舞,也有人自创套路,配合红歌、抒情歌曲和洁版说唱乐跳舞。

    They take a variety of forms , from traditional folk dances involving silk fans and drumming to improvised routines set to patriotic songs , saccharine pop and sanitized rap .

  20. 以一首我之前已经哼唱多年的抒情歌曲为例,在我向队友们解释这首歌曲的意思时,我对歌词又有了新的领悟。

    I have gained a new understanding of the lyrics of songs I 've sung for years by explaining their meaning to my band mates , two of whom speak no English .

  21. 艺术歌曲是一种结构短小,歌词精美,旋律丰富且具有高度艺术性的抒情歌曲,其中最具特色的就是其曲调旋律与钢琴伴奏之间的高度融合。

    The art song is one kind of structure is short , the lyrics are fine , the melody is rich , and has the highly artistic lyric song . And most characterful is between its melody melody and the piano accompaniment high fusion .

  22. 其它抒情歌歌曲从我是热忱的为谁非常曾经做了对我,好我松劲这里和享用我的咖啡和写一首小的抒情歌歌曲。

    This song was dedicated who the love songs who ever did extremely bad to me , I would like to enjoy my little cup of coffee here and slightly writes to express the love song .