
jì shù jīnɡ jì zhǐ biāo
  • Technical and economic indicators;technico-economical index
  1. BP神经网络在烧结矿技术经济指标的应用

    The Application of BP Neural Network in Technical and Economic Index of Sintering Ore

  2. 矿山技术经济指标的DEA分析

    Analysis of the techno-economic indexes of a mine based on DEA method

  3. NK系列建筑保温系统及其技术经济指标综合评价

    NK construction insulation system and its Economical and Technical Indices

  4. 通过增加浮选能力和改善BF型浮选机的使用性能,使选钼技术经济指标明显提高,为同类矿山浮选设备改造提供了借鉴。

    It also provided experiences for the transform of the flotation equipments in the same kind of mines .

  5. 目前Texaco煤气化工艺的技术经济指标评价多采用手工作业方式,工作量大而且繁琐。

    The technical and economic evaluation of Texaco coal gasification technology is usually performed by hand .

  6. MBR块矿在改善高炉综合技术经济指标的过程中起着重要作用。

    It is shown that Brazilian MBR lump ore plays an important role in improvement of BF technical and economic production indexes .

  7. 文中以某矿山应用SPSS统计软件包为例,对该矿的技术经济指标进行数据分析,并对矿石品位数据进行统计检验。

    In the paper , SPSS was applied to analyzing the techno-economic indexes of some mine and conducting a statistical test of its ore grade value .

  8. 低温甲醇洗与NHD工艺技术经济指标对比

    Briefly Discussing Technical-Economic Indexes Comparison of Low Temperature Methanol Wash Process ( Rectisol Process ) with NHD Process

  9. 标志内浮顶油罐设计水平的技术经济指标主要包括两项内容,一项是在基建阶段每立方米容积的耗钢量A,另一项是在投入运行后的有效系数B。

    There are two main technol-economical indices for the design of inner floating roof tank : value A , the steel consumption ( volume ) per cubic meter in the construction stage ; value B , the effective coefficient after the tank is put into service .

  10. 论述了未来的以煤代焦富氧喷煤高炉和KR法炼铁新工艺及其技术经济指标。

    The new ironmaking processes , blast furnace with large amount of oxygen and pulverized coal and minimum of coke in the future , and KR process are discussed .

  11. 350MW燃煤机组技术经济指标的评价与管理

    Evaluation and Management of a Coal Fired 350 MW Power Set 's Techno-Economic Indices

  12. QH型电动葫芦在型谱、性能、产品结构和技术经济指标上均达到了国际上同类产品的先进水平。

    Type QH electric hoist has reached the international advanced level in characteristics , product structure and technical and economic data .

  13. 结果表明,随着烧结矿碱度及SiO2含量的提高,烧结矿强度变好;而当MgO含量增加时,烧结矿各项技术经济指标均变差。

    The result show that , as increasing the sinter basicity and SiO2 contents , the sinter tumbler strength were improved , but after increasing the MgO contents in sinter , all sinter technic-economic indices was worsened .

  14. 通过试验和现场应用,确定了GNMF在几种废水中的最佳工艺路线、pH值和处理的最佳配方,以及处理后的相关技术经济指标。

    The optimal technological process , pH value , optimal formulation for treatment as well as related economic and technological indexes after treatment were determined through test and application on spot .

  15. 综述甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)的国内外生产和供需状况以及生产工艺技术经济指标对比。

    The Production , supply and demand of methyl tert-butyl ether ( MTBE ) at home and abroad are reviewed and the techno-economic indices of production technologies are also compared in this paper .

  16. 本系统在x86系列机上、FoxBase数据库管理系统支持下,采用与冶金综合统计信息处理系统相兼容并直接接口的方式完成了技术经济指标台帐的管理。

    Supported by FoxBase , being compatible and directly interfacing with " Synthetical Metallurgical Statistics information Processing System ", the computer management system for technical and economic index accounts has been operating successfully .

  17. 生产运行情况表明,主要技术经济指标达到设计要求,干燥塔出口空气水分含量低于0.05g/m3,排空SO2含量仅为270mg/m3左右。

    The operation showed that main technical and ec nomic indexes reached the design values with lower than 0 . 05 g / m of moisture content in air at drying tower e and only about 270 mg / m3 of SO2 emission .

  18. 考察了所能达到的MgO脱除率、P2O5回收率、脱镁酸耗等技术经济指标。

    The technical process and control conditions are optimized , some indexes of technical economy , such as MgO removing ratio , P 2O 5 recovering ratio and acid consumption of MgO removing , are checked .

  19. 介绍了气化炉的技术经济指标,分析了喷流床和流化床2类气化炉的特点,讨论了在电站IGCC改造中应如何选择气化炉系统。

    Introduces the economics and technology index of gasified boiler , analyses the characteristics of fluid injected bed and fluidized bed , discusses that how to choose gasified boiler system in the IGCC reform of power plent .

  20. 介绍了石钢30t电炉近些年来为提高技术经济指标采取的主要工艺技术措施并提出了电炉炼钢今后的发展方向。

    The main technology and technique measures adopted in the recent years to improve the technical and economic indexes of 30t electric furnace in Shi Steel are introduced and the developing direction proposed .

  21. 通过对目前世界上典型的4种煤气化工艺建设的大型IGCC工业示范装置的技术经济指标比较,对建设IGCC工程煤气化工艺的选择提出了建议。

    Through comparison of technical economic indexes with present four typical kinds of coal gasification processes in the world in large sized IGCC industrial demonstrative devices , suggestion was made for selection of constructing the IGCC engineering coal gasification technology .

  22. 但是,很多方案中实验所采用的主电路,在电路参数及工作条件上存在着一些差异,因此,对PSS特性、成本等技术经济指标的比较也不充分。

    Whereas , some circuit parameters and operating conditions adopted in the main circuits of the PSS experiment schemes mentioned in the literatures are different . Therefore , the comparison of technologic and economic indexes such as performances , cost among these PSS circuits is insufficiently .

  23. 文中介绍了QFTC型全沸腾式脱硫除尘器的基本工作原理、装置结构形式及主要特点、主要技术经济指标、实际应用效果。

    It is introduced that the work principle , structure trait , technological and economic quota , application for Model QFTC total boiling type pyretic duster .

  24. 在实验室烧结杯试验取得初步效果的基础上,组织了工业性试验,验证了SYP增效剂改善烧结生产技术经济指标的作用。

    , the technical idea of using SYP sintering promoting agent was proposed . On the base of sintering pot test , the industrial test was conducted , and the effect of SYP on sintering technical-economical indexes improvement was confirmed .

  25. 对引进CYM系列竹香芯加工设备进行改进设计,研制了FLZ系列片竹丝材加工设备,其主要技术经济指标已经达到或超过参照设备水平。

    Based on the improvement of the introduced CYM bamboo processing equipment , a series of FLZ bamboo processing equipment was developed , whose main technical indexes reach or go beyond that of CYM one .

  26. 初步推推断出维持正常生产技术经济指标的连铸小方坯临界断面尺寸为110×110mm。

    According to the preliminary calculation the critical section size of the concasting billet for well maintenance of normal operation and fulfilment of the necessary technical and economical indicators of production is presumably to be 110 × 110mm .

  27. 滑动平均法在编制建筑技术经济指标中的应用

    Application of smoothness method in weave of architectural technical economy exponent

  28. 城市管道饮用水供水系统技术经济指标分析

    Analysis of technical economic indicators for city drinking water supply system

  29. 安全投资项目技术经济指标的研究

    Study on the technical and economic index of safety invests project

  30. 讨论了主要监测内容和预期达到的技术经济指标。

    Main monitoring object , technical and economic target are discussed .