
  • 网络Expand consumer demand;expand the consumer demand;expanding demands of consumption
  1. 扩大消费需求的企业对策

    The Way of the Enterprises to Expand the Consumers ' Needs

  2. 扩大消费需求推进经济增长方式转变

    Improving the Transformation of Economy Growth Mode by Expanding Consumption Demand

  3. 扩大消费需求的障碍因素及有效途径分析

    Analysis on Obstacle Factors and Effective Measures of Enlarging Consumption Demand

  4. 当前,扩大消费需求已成为学术界迫切需要解决的一个课题。

    It is an urgent task to expand consumption demand .

  5. 首先要努力扩大消费需求。

    First of all , we should strive to expand consumption demand .

  6. 试论中国消费现状与扩大消费需求

    The Discussion of Consumption Circumstance and Demand Expansion in China

  7. 扩大消费需求促进全面的小康社会建设

    Expanding Consumer Demand and Promoting the All-around Construction of the Well-off Society

  8. 扩大消费需求的供给因素分析

    An Analysis of Supply Factors in Enlarging Consumptive Needs

  9. 着力扩大消费需求。

    We will work hard to expand consumer demand .

  10. 扩大消费需求:理论与现实

    Expansion of Consumers ' Demand : Theory and Reality

  11. 更成为转变经济发展方式和扩大消费需求的客观要求。

    Changes in economic development become expansion of consumer demand and the objective requirements .

  12. 扩大消费需求成为国家加强宏观调控的主要内容之一。

    Countries to strengthen consumer demand to expand into one of the main macro-control .

  13. 扩大消费需求,刺激消费是经济增长的根本动力。

    The expansion consumer demand , the stimulation expense is the economic growth basic power .

  14. 扩大消费需求的关键是提高中等收入阶层的比重

    The Key to Enlarging the Consumed Demand : Increase the Proportion of the Middle-incomer Class

  15. 同时,应将扩大消费需求作为宏观政策的主要着力点。

    Meanwhile , it is essential to focus on extending consuming demands for macro policy making .

  16. 关于扩大消费需求的若干思考

    Some thinking on enlarging consume demand

  17. 扩大消费需求,必须缩小城乡居民的收入差距。

    To expand consumption demand the income gap between urban and rural residents must be narrowed .

  18. 论扩大消费需求的新途径

    New Approaches to Expanding Consumption Demand

  19. 扩大消费需求对经济的拉动作用,重点在农村地区。

    The emphasis of pulling function to economy by enlarging the consumption demand is in rural area .

  20. 因此,扩大消费需求主要是扩大居民消费需求。

    Therefore , the expansion of consumption demands chiefly means the expansion of the citizens ' consumption demands .

  21. 股市促进经济增长的机理:扩大消费需求与优化资料配置

    On the Mechanism of Stock Market to Promote Economic Growth : Expand Consumption Demands & Optimize Resources Allocation

  22. 对扩大消费需求的几点思考

    On Expanding Consumption Demands

  23. 因此,扩大消费需求的目标应通过扩大各收入群体的消费需求来实现。

    Therefore , to expand every group 's consumption demand will lead to the expansion of the aggregate consumption demand .

  24. 因此,要扩大消费需求,必须切实提高农民的收入水平。

    That is to say : to increase farmers ' income level is an essential prerequisite of increasing consumer demand .

  25. 我国政府将提高劳动报酬作为改善收入分配和扩大消费需求的一个重要举措,提高劳动收入份额,加快形成合理有序的收入分配格局,对我国经济发展具有重要意义。

    Our government will make improving labor remuneration and improving the income distribution as an important measure for expanding consumer demand .

  26. 因此,有效地刺激和扩大消费需求是山东省经济发展战略的必然选择。

    Therefore , To stimulate and expand the consumption demand effectively is the inescapable option for Shandong 's economic development strategy .

  27. 通过对现行税制的局部调整,可体现税收鼓励消费的政策取向,扩大消费需求。

    By regulating the present tax system , we can see that tax can stimulate consumption and can expand the consumption demand .

  28. 但是我国目前市场消费需求不足,已成为经济增长的主要制约因素.在分析影响消费需求的原因之后,提出了扩大消费需求的综合对策。

    After the main critical causes of restricting the consumption demand are discussed , the comprehensive policy of increasing consumption demand is presented .

  29. 因此,解决目前市场问题的重要措施之一,就是重视增强社会信心、引导人们的经济预期,从而扩大消费需求。

    So the key to solve the problem is to strengthen public confidence , guild people 's economic expectations and expand consumption demand .

  30. 通过消费政策的调整和正确的需求管理,积极扩大消费需求,必能促进经济的进一步增长。

    To expand consumer demand actively will be able to promote further economic growth by the adjustments of consumer policy and the right demand management .