
  • 网络diffuser;Diffusion tube;denuder
  1. 用KCl涂层的扩散管(KClcoatdenuder)测定了大气中的二价汞(Hg2+)。

    A KCl coat denuder was employed for the measurement of divalent mercury ( Hg2 + ) in air .

  2. 扩散管在大气汞分析中的应用

    The application of denuder to mercury analysis in atmosphere

  3. 经检查发现,主要原因是注油器扩散管汽蚀,以致注油器工作不正常,润滑油压偏低

    The main reason is that cavitation erosion occurred in pervasion pipe of lubricator .

  4. 基于NURBS的离心泵弯曲形扩散管的cad研究

    Study on CAD of Bend-Shaped Diffuser of Centrifugal Pump Based on NURBS

  5. 论述了采用非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)方法,在离心泵弯曲形扩散管设计过程中构造曲线和曲面;

    The curve and surface of the bend-shaped diffuser of centrifugal pump are structured by NURBS ( Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline ) method in the design process .

  6. 结果表明,用普通玻璃扩散管盛气、NaCl饱和溶液封闭,倒立放置,在一个月内各气体组分含量变化在±5%范围以内,是一种简便、适用的气体封存、放置方法。

    The result shows that the variation of various gas samples stored upside down in ordinary glass diffusion tubes and sealed with saturated NaCl solution for one month is less than 5 % . It is a convenient and appropriate method for sealing and storing gas samples .

  7. 建立了一种新型的用于检测大气中气态硒的分析系统,即蜂窝状扩散管(HD)采集微分脉冲阴极溶出伏安法(DPCSV)系统。

    A new analytical system has been developed for the determination of total gaseous selenium content in the atmosphere by honeycomb denuder collection followed by measurement with differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry ( DPCSV ) .

  8. 在介绍臭氧接触池类型的基础上,采用模拟系统进行了臭氧接触池的设计,列举了设计实例,并定量比较了扩散管式接触池及U型管(DUT)接触池的性能。

    On the basis of introducing the types of ozone contactor , the simulation system was adopted to design the ozone contact tank . Some design cases were enumerated , and quantitative comparison was made on the performance of fine bubble diffuser contactor and deep U tube contactor .

  9. 扩散管差分法测定大气中氨和颗粒物铵盐

    Determination of atmospheric ammonia and particulate ammonium by denuder difference method

  10. 生物芯片无阀压电扩散管微流体泵流场数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Periodical Flows of Piezoelectric Valveless Micropump for Biochips

  11. 扩散管动态配气法制备气体标准物质量值的不确定度评价

    The Evaluation of Uncertainty of Dynamic Volumetric Method Preparing Calibration Gas

  12. 生物芯片压电微流体泵扩散管液体流量效率分析

    Flow Rate Analysis of Diffuser of Micro - Pumps in Biochips

  13. 离心泵扩散管计算机辅助交互设计方法研究

    Study on computer aided interaction design for diffuser of centrifugal pump

  14. 生物芯片微扩散管流量及微通道液体混合特性

    Flow Rate of Micro-diffuser and Mixing Behavior of Micro-channel in Biochips

  15. 扩散管标准气体及其动态配气方法的研究

    Study of Diffusion Tube Calibration Gases Preparation and Dynamic Volumetric Method

  16. 扩散管发生标准乙醇蒸气浓度的研究

    Study on known concentration of ethanol vapour by diffusion tube

  17. 扩散管配制甲醛标准气体的研究

    Generation system of formaldehyde standard gas by diffusion tube

  18. 甲醛扩散管的准确性分析

    Analysis of Accuracy of the Formaldehyde Diffusion Tube

  19. 对扩散管配制甲醛标准气体的准确性进行分析。

    The accuracy of standard gases generated by the formaldehyde diffusion tube was analyzed .

  20. 无阀微泵扩散管及收缩管流动特性分析

    Analysis of the Flow Performance of the Diffuser and Nozzle of the Valve-less Micro-pump

  21. 扩散管技术在大气采样中的应用

    Application of Denuder Technique in the Atmospheric Sampling

  22. 动态配气法制备氮气中乙醇扩散管气体标准物质

    Preparation of diffusion tube calibration gases of alcohol in nitrogen by dynamic volumetric method

  23. 应用被动扩散管采样监测室内环境空气中的SO2和NO2

    Application of Passive Diffusion Tube to Monitor Indoor Air Pollutants of SO_2 and NO_2

  24. 扩散管胀口模具设计

    Design of mouth bulging die for diffusion tube

  25. 污水深排工程中扩散管的防淤

    Deposition prevention of diffuser tubes in deep discharge

  26. 大气中痕量气态硒系列的蜂窝状、环形扩散管采集与分析

    Collection and Analysis of Trace Gaseous Selenium Species in Atmosphere with Honeycomb and Annular Denuders

  27. 微扩散管通道内的流动电位势分布与规则直微通道不同。

    The streaming potential in micro-diffuse channel is quite different from that in regular channel .

  28. 检测二氧化氮的静态扩散管

    Passive diffusion tube for detecting nitrogen dioxide

  29. 用甲醛扩散管评价甲醛分析仪的性能

    Evaluation on the performance of formaldehyde analyzer with standard formaldehyde gas generated by diffusion tube

  30. 微型扩散管是生物芯片压电微流体泵最重要的部件。

    Diffuser is one of the most important elements of valveless micro pump in biochips .