
  • 网络Real Estate Insurance;Property Insurance;MORTGAGE INSURANCE
  1. 设立房地产保险公司。

    Fifthly , Set up the real estate insurance company .

  2. 房地产保险是房地产市场的重要环节,同时保险基金对房地产的投资也是房地产业的重要融资渠道。

    Real estate insurance plays an important role in the real estate market system . Meanwhile insurance fund investing in real estate also serves as an important channel of the real estate financing .

  3. 浅谈抵押房地产保险问题

    A Brief Discussion on Insurance of the Mortgage on Houses

  4. 在抵押房地产保险方面法律、法规尚未建立、健全的情况下,抵押当事人应当审慎对待抵押房地产的保险问题。

    The prudent mortgagees should take much care about it when the adequate law and regulation on the insurance are yet to be established .

  5. 如建立个人信用体系,完善房地产保险、房地产抵押贷款担保体系,修改相关法律法规,完善相关产权制度等。

    For example , we should establish the system of personal credit , perfect the insurance of real estate and mortgage guarantee system , revise relevant laws and regulations , perfect relevant property relations and so on .

  6. 加入WTO后,这种落后现象不仅会使我国的房地产金融保险业付出沉重代价,也会很大的阻碍房地产业的健康发展。

    After joining the WTO , this kind of fall behind the phenomenon to not only will make our country of real estate financial insurance industry pay a heavy price , but also baffle the healthy development of the real estate industry .

  7. 我国的房地产金融保险业的发展水平严重滞后于房地产业的发展水平。

    The development level of the real estate industry is serious lower than the development level of the financial insurance industry .

  8. 之后提出了房地产产权保险的相关配套措施,主要从登记性质的转换、产权信息库的构建作出说明。

    Real estate title insurance made after the relevant supporting measures , the main character of the conversion from the registration of property rights to build the information base explanation .

  9. 针对这些风险,反抵押贷款可以从限制贷款价值比例、反抵押贷款证券化、资产组合、房地产价值保险几种途径来规避或分散风险。

    To control such risk , Futurereverse mortgage institutions can avoid or scatter risk through limiting loan-to-value ratio , securitisation of reverse mortgage , housing asset portfolio , home equity insurance .

  10. 通过与普通人寿险和财产险的比较,凸出房地产产权保险在保险标的、范围、期间、保险费、保险责任等方面的特殊性。

    By working with ordinary life and property insurance comparison , protruding real estate title insurance in the insurance subject matter , scope , period , insurance premiums , insurance , etc. particularity .

  11. 房地产产权保险是美国等国家广泛适用的用于保障交易安全的一个重要保险品种,产权报告是该制度的关键。

    Real estate title insurance is widely used in the United States and other countries and ensure the security for a major insurance types , property rights report is the key to the system .

  12. 金融超级市场:提供一系列金融服务的大型零售公司,所提供产品有股票、债券、房地产、保险等。

    Financial Supermarket : A large retail company or organization that offers a wide range of financial services , such as stocks , bonds , real estate , and insurance . ( Wall Street Dictionary P286 )

  13. 房地产开发商、保险公司和国内外投资者准备拿出上百亿元人民币资金,投入护理行业中的一小块市场:让老年人住进有“银色之城(silvertown)”之称的私营老年公寓。

    Property developers , insurance companies , foreign and domestic investors are poised to invest tens of billions of Renminbi in only one slice of the caring business : Housing people in private retirement complexes known as " silvertowns " .

  14. 房地产风险与保险研究

    Realty Risk & Insurance Research

  15. 有38年历史的Verisk是与美国房地产和意外保险风险相关的保险精算和保险业数据规模最大的集成商;

    The 38-year-old Verisk is the largest aggregator of actuarial and underwriting data related to U.S. property and casualty insurance risks ;

  16. 在我国,保健品市场、房地产市场、保险市场是目前虚假宣传行为泛滥的3个典型市场。

    In China , the tonics market , the real estate market and the insurance market are typically plagued with a flood of false publicity .

  17. 这些都使得房屋反向抵押贷款作为一种新兴的金融产品,有可能促成房地产市场、保险市场和资本市场联合运营的新模式。

    These have made housing reverse mortgages as a new financial products , may result in the real estate market , insurance market and the capital market a new model of joint operations .

  18. 房地产抵押贷款保证保险首先兴起于美国,后被其它国家所效仿。

    The guarantee insurance of real estate mortgage first sprung up in U. S. , later spread to other countries .

  19. 在房地产、交通、保险、零售、银行、工厂、政府等等中,大约有80%左右的信息需求是与地理信息相关的。

    In the fields of real estate , traffic , insurance , retail , bank , factory and government , eighty percent of information is related to geographic information .

  20. 通过研究经济发达国家房地产业和房地产金融保险业的现状以及经验模式,寻找符合国情的应用模式。

    Through the present condition and the experience modes of studying the economic flourishing and national real estate industry and real estate financial insurance industries , look for applied mode of match the states of the nation .

  21. 该部分对产权、房地产产权做出了明确界定,阐明了房地产产权保险的对象。

    It make a clear definition of property rights to clarify property , Real Estate Property , the object of real estate title insurance .

  22. 可能扩大外商对江苏房地产业的投资,并促进江苏房地产金融、保险业的发展;扩大对城市写字楼、商用楼和高中低档住宅的需求。

    As a result , the foreign investment will be increased and the real estate finance and insurance will be boosted , and the demand of merchant building and housing will be enlarged .