
zhàn lüè zhuǎn yí
  • strategic shift
  1. IBM通过OpenPower与华胜天成和中晟宏芯展开的合作,是它从传统硬件、软件和服务业务战略转移到新兴的云、数据和移动服务的一部分。

    IBM 's cooperation with Teamsun and Suzhou PowerCore through Open Power is part of the company 's strategic shift away from its traditional hardware , software and services businesses to new cloud , data and mobile offerings .

  2. 试论有色金属矿山关闭企业的战略转移

    Discussion on a strategic shift of shutdown of nonferrous mine enterprises

  3. 军队作了战略转移。

    The army moved for strategic reasons .

  4. 在云计算时代提供免费的office软件是一个重要的战略转移。

    Offering free Office software from the cloud is a major strategy shift .

  5. 及时进行了战略转移,各研究组全面展开了有关IP的标准化研究工作,并指定SG13(网络总体组)作为IP相关标准问题的主导研究组。

    ITU-T made the strategy transition timely , study groups totally starting the standardization research on IP and SG13 is appointed the leading IP research group .

  6. 富士康此举标志着这家高科技企业的一次战略转移。富士康是中国内地最大的民营雇主,其最为人所知的是作为苹果(Apple)的iPhone和iPad设备在全球最大的代工制造商。

    The move signals a shift in strategy for the technology company , which is mainland China 's biggest private-sector employer and is best known as the largest global contract manufacturer of Apple 's iPhone and iPad devices .

  7. 当前我国农业剩余劳动力的战略转移

    Study on the Strategic Shift of Rural Surplus Labour Force in China

  8. 福建烧碱/聚氯乙烯战略转移方案探讨之二

    Discussion on the strategic transfer scheme of PVC project in Fujian province

  9. 我国木材资源战略转移的技术支撑

    Technical Support for the Strategic Transfer of Chinese Wood Resources

  10. 购买保健软件,标志着微软公司的战略转移。

    To buy clinical health-care software marks a strategy shift for Microsoft .

  11. 农业院校图书馆情报工作模式与战略转移

    Information Patterns And Strategical Shifts of Library in Higher Learning Institutions of Agriculture

  12. 全球环境保护战略转移若干新趋势

    Several new trends in the shift of the global strategy for environmental protection

  13. 适应战略转移加快实验室建设

    Speed Up Laboratory Construction to Fit the New Situation

  14. 北京城市发展的两个战略转移

    The two strategic shifts of the development of Beijing

  15. 沉没成本与战略转移模式的选择

    Sunk Cost and the Choice of Strategic Transfer Model

  16. 中国茶业战略转移的思考

    A strategical transfer of Chines tea enterprise under consideration

  17. 《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移论阎锡山的中的哲学思想在抗战时期的体现

    YAN Xi-shan 's Philosophical Thought of Neutrality During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  18. 从资本经营到智力经营&当代企业面临的战略转移

    From Capital Management to Intelligence Management & The strategic Transfer Confronted by Contemporary Enterprises

  19. 过程控制系统技术的战略转移和自动化体系架构的发展

    The Migration Strategy of Process Control System Technologies and the Development of Automation Architecture

  20. 加快产业结构调整实现晋城地区变输煤为输肥的战略转移

    Speed up industrial structure regulation , realize strategic shift from electricity transmission to chemical fertilizer export

  21. 这是抗战时期湖北中等教育的一次重大战略转移和战略调整。

    This was an important strategic transformation and adjustment during the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  22. 中国木材工业原料战略转移与人工速生林资源利用

    The strategic shift of China wood industrial raw material and resource utilization of the planted fast-growing forest

  23. 广东化学工业的战略转移&大力加快精细化工的发展

    A Strategic Shift of Chemical industry in Guangdong Province ── Accelerate the Development of Fine Chemical Industry

  24. 日俄战争中清政府局外中立的历史考察《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移

    Historical Research on the Qing Government 's Policy of Neutrality in the War Between Japan and Russia

  25. 从中国制造到中国创造:面向未来的重大战略转移

    From " Made in China " to " Invented in China " . A Significant Strategic Transformation

  26. 随着全球产业战略转移,化工成为我国的支柱产业之一。

    With the global industry strategy transfer , chemicals is becoming one of the pillar industries in China .

  27. 福建聚氯乙烯工程战略转移方案探讨之一(烧碱部分)

    Discussion on the strategic transfor scheme of PVC project in Fujian province ( Part 1 : caustic soda );

  28. 较系统的分析了企业并购的效应:首先是协同效应,它包括管理协同效应、经营协同效应和财务协同效应,其次是市场份额效应,最后是战略转移效应。

    They are management synergy , operating synergy , financial synergy , market share effect and strategy transfer effect .

  29. 为实现化工发展的两个战略转移,要重点抓好五项工作。

    Five key measures are proposed so as to realize the two strategic shifts in the development of chemical industry .

  30. 调整原料结构提高整体效果&论水泥原料的战略转移

    Readjusting the structure of raw mix proportioning , and improving the overall benefits-On the strategic diversion of cement raw materials