
zhàn shù dònɡ zuò
  • Tactical action;move
  1. 另一家以美国为基地的公司洛克希德.马丁公司将随后出场,让该公司的F-16飞机完成战术动作。

    Another U.S. based company , Lockheed Martin will be next in line to put its F 16 aircraft through tactical maneuvers .

  2. 围绕此问题,论文主要做了以下工作:(1)以规划问题概念模型为理论基础建立了UCAV对地攻击战术动作序列规划问题模型。

    The main works are as follows : ( 1 ) Presenting the UCAV ground attack tactical operation planning model based on the planning conceptual model .

  3. 这些因素间接影响运动员场上高水平发挥技战术动作。

    Indirect effects of these factors play a high level of technical and tactical player market movements .

  4. 攻击性断传球是当今足球比赛中最能体现抢占时空因素的攻击性防守技术手段,同时也是一种高难度的战术动作。

    The steal-pass is an aggressive defense skill which can best manifest the contest on space time in soccer games today and also a difficulty tactical action .

  5. 你可能就没有答对,但是请记住Kriegsspeil(或《对于解读野战游戏战术动作的说明》)。

    You 'd be wrong , though : enter Kriegsspeil ( or " Instructions for the Representation of Tactical Maneuvers under the Guise of a Wargame " ) .

  6. 运用动作技能形成规律组织单兵战术基础动作教学的探索

    The Organization of the Teaching of Basic Movements for Individual Tactics Following the Formation Principles of Action Skills

  7. 乒乓球战术体系:技术动作的战术形成及其运用模式

    Table Tennis Tactic System : Tactic Formation of Techniques and Its Application Model

  8. 针对如何处理空对地攻击中受到的约束,战术模板在机动动作模型的基础上如何生成和应用等问题,本文就基于约束模型的战术模板生成和应用方法进行研究。

    Aim at how to deal with constraint in the air-to-ground attacks and how to generate and use the tactical template based on the model of maneuver , this paper researchs on generation and application of combat aircraft tactical template based on constraint model .