
  • 网络Combat equipment;Battle Gear;Battle Equipment;Wargear;CEFO;Tancred's Battlegear
  1. 该系统包括战斗装备、检测设备和模拟训练装置。

    It contains weapon system , test equipment and training simulator .

  2. 本项目是将军用火箭远程战斗装备向林火扑救领域应用的一次尝试。

    This project , at first time , aims to apply military remote rocket equipment into forest fire control realm .

  3. 但是以色列还担心,它越推迟入侵行动,哈马斯的战斗装备就会变得越精良。

    But Israel is also concerned that the longer it puts off an invasion , the better-equipped for battle Hamas will become .

  4. 现在,他们的一个领导者可以随时跳到一艘有战斗装备的战舰上,宣称“使命完成”。

    Any moment now , one of their leaders will leap on to a warship in combat gear and proclaim " mission accomplished " .

  5. 五角大楼官员星期四说,据称这几名海豹突击队员泄露机密,在没有得到上级授权的情况下向电脑游戏设计者展示了专门设计的战斗装备。

    Officials said Thursday that the SEALs are alleged to have divulged the information and shown the designers specially-designed combat equipment without authorization from their superiors .

  6. 作为陆军地面主要战斗装备&履带装甲车辆,迫切地需要改善乘员乘坐环境和提高车辆越野机动能力。

    The tracked armored vehicle , as the main ground fighting equipment for the army , is urgently required to improve the ride environment , and increase the cross-country power and maneuver .

  7. 破片杀伤型战斗部对装备损伤的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of the Equipment Damaged by Fragmentations Kill Warhead

  8. 分析比较了反航母战斗群主战装备的两种方案,对巡航/飞航导弹和精确制导弹道导弹的反航母作战能力进行了分析。

    Two viewpoints of attacking battle group of aircraft carrier are analyzed and compared .

  9. 长矛军士是无法成为骑士的职业士兵,拥有着比征召部队更好的战斗技巧和装备。

    Sergeant spearmen are common professional warriors , unable to become knights , who have shown skill in combat and have been better trained and equipped than levied troops .

  10. 基于装备战斗力的集群装备战损等级评定方法

    The Method of Group Equipment Battlefield Damage Level Assessment based on Combat Power Index Model

  11. 仅在你进入英雄副本,或进入英雄副本战斗时候检查是否装备对应的公会徽章。

    Once entering heroic , and every time u get out of combat in heroic , addon will check and equip proper tabard .

  12. 城市基本作战性能分析是研究城市对部队基本战斗动作和武器装备运用的影响特性,是城市作战理论的重要组成部分。

    The analysis of urban basic operation capability is the research of influence characteristic of basic combat-action and the use of weapon and equip in urban area . It is also important part of urban operation theory .